
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

028  Two brothers in conflict

The big Dane opened the door of Ryan's office, looked at the two, and realized something. He turned to the stairwell and walked to the second floor. When he came down again, the big Dane had disappeared. James lance, barefoot, casually put on an old coat and walked into the office.

Kim, the shapeshifter, seems to like James' appearance very much. No, that's not true. It seems that he only appears in these two appearances. After living in Anderson for more than two months, no one has seen him except the big Dane and 'James'.

Ryan raised his mouth. "Kim, what's your real name?"

Real name? The shapeshifter has countless forms, and there are countless names. There is no real name!


The shapeshifter answered the question that should not have been answered.

Ryan raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the expressionless Kim. "It's a beautiful name."

The werewolf couldn't understand the name Kim said. He couldn't even pronounce it, let alone understand the meaning of 'beauty'. Benjamin frowned. "Focus, Ryan, focus."

Ryan smiled, brought a chair to the workbench, and asked Kim to sit down. Then he said, "Kim, we want to ask you something."

Kim looked at them and didn't answer. The shapeshifter was almost like this. They didn't care.

"We, Anderson, have lived in Porto for too long. As you can see, we have no contact with the outside world. We want to know what has happened outside in the past ten years."

"Do you want to know the real purpose of Papa Midnite?" Kim said a question in a declarative tone.


Kim's eyes were looking somewhere, motionless, and that was the way he thought.

After a while, he seemed to have organized his words.

"I don't know much." Kim's eyes look in two directions, Ryan and Benjamin. Only the shapeshifter can achieve this strange focus.

"For the past few decades, I used to live in the central part of the union. Then, suddenly, cremation appeared, and people (aliens) began to disperse in the East and West."

Kim looked into Ryan's eyes and his pupils contracted slightly: "the middle part is controlled by the vampire's Camarilla. They tried to stop the popularity of cremation, but failed."

Ryan had no expression and continued to listen to Kim.

"The west is controlled by the vampire's Sabbat, so I chose to go east. However, many things changed. Cremation had become popular throughout the Federation, and some high-level people began to abandon their territory."

Ryan and Benjamin both frowned. It's one thing to reject cremation, but it's strange to abandon their territory for the treatment of human corpses. After all, there are not many aliens like Papa Midnite who like to play with corpses. There is no need for vampires to wait for the funeral to be completed before they create offspring. It is not a bad thing to let the dead rest and not be called by the living. It's not a good thing to be a ghoul.

Their previous "if" emotion seemed to have become a reality.


Kim paused for a moment and looked at Ryan without expression. This was what he was saying, 'are you asking me? Me? "

Kim skipped the question and continued.

"The alien is divided into two parts, those who want to stay and those who want to leave. Both sides start recruiting."

Ryan and Benjamin had a look at each other. Recruitment means competition. Just as the Federation is covered up in the shadow of history, the original truth is the same. The thirteen vampire clans captured enough people from the original Empire before they came to this new continent to open up colonies.

"So when the rumor 'Porto is a paradise without owner' appeared, I came here for the first time," Kim concluded in his narrative.

Ryan did not consider where aliens who wanted to leave the Federation would go. He had got what he wanted to know.

Papa Midnite was here to recruit, Sebellla's blood and Toreador's last descendant.

Heavy footsteps came from the next stairwell.

Anthony knocked open the side door of the office and seemed surprised to see 'James', 'James' bones wriggled and turned into a big Dane, leaving only his clothes and trousers on the ground. He shook his body, glanced at Anthony, and lifted his limbs out of the office.

Anthony's face was overcast, his shoulders shrugged awkwardly, and the back combed bangs scattered on his forehead, revealing his awkward hairline. There were bruises on half of his face, torn scratches on his coat, and blood stains on the skin inside.

The Mayor of Porto stood in his office, dressed badly, raised his finger to Ryan, and seemed to want to say something. But the arm waved in the air for a long time without saying a word.

"Ann! (Anthony's name)" Ian also rushed into the office and was pushed away just as he wanted to get close to Anthony.

"Stay away from me!" Anthony said to his younger brother, "stay away from me!"

Ryan looked at the two brothers and was confused. Who should he help?

Benjamin stood up and left the office pretending nothing had happened. This is something other than 'Anderson' and really has nothing to do with the werewolf.

Ian, who was pushed away by Anthony, had red eyes. In his clenched fists, his nails had pierced his palm. In his extreme anger, he ignored the werewolf.

The vampire's signature fangs open and close, with a sharp roar: "you want me to stay away from you?! you want me to go?! again?! you!" Ian almost growled: "you made me like this! You!"

"I am saving you!" Anthony growled, too! "You are my brother! What do you want me to do?! let you rot?! that's what you want?! I should let you rot on the battlefield! Better than now! Look at yourself! What are you?! you are a monster!"

Ryan stood up from the back of the office, and the scene in front of him was a repetition of the scene 13 years ago, but Anthony was no longer young and the place was no longer a battlefield.


Ryan's voice was very abrupt in the quiet office, because now in the air, only the two people's suppressed breathing sound collides.

The power of time cannot be ignored. Time represents growth, which means that when history reappears, people will not let events go on the same track.

Ryan doesn't want to lose Ian again. Does Anthony want to lose his brother again? Looking at his torn and crumpled suit, the label of "Kozier" looms and flickers between his undulating chest. Ryan doesn't think Anthony wants to.

"Am I a monster?" Ian's voice was no longer a roar, but a chilling cold. He pointed to himself, "you created this monster."

Anthony's eyes had softened. A middle-aged man's softened eyes will only make people sad. When he saw his younger brother, who was as young as before, he seemed to have forgotten his' growth '. It seemed too late to think of it now.

"Now, it's your turn to destroy this monster." Ian looked at Anthony and raised his hand.

In the open palm, a golden medal lay in the palm. When the two were in the basement, the conversation was not so intense, and they were still in the polite stage of 'what are you doing recently', the two brothers were joking about the Purple Heart Medal.

'This is yours. '

'no, this is for you.'

Now Ian picked up the medal and held it in front of him with his hands around the edge.

"Ian!" Ryan walked out from behind his desk. "What are you doing?" But Ryan was late.

The sharp nails pierced the medal of honor, and Ian separated his hands from the middle. In the sound of metal division, the medal was torn apart!

One thing was overlooked. Ryan and Anthony were the only people who grew up. Ian slept for 13 years. People who live in sleep will not grow up.

Ryan's fingers retracted at the moment he touched Ian, and there was no warning that sparks burst from Ian's skin! In the crackling sound, the flame swept Ian's whole body in an instant!

How to define a person's legal identity in a certain region? Let me tell you: birth certificate, death certificate, funeral record.

Now, let's cross out the funeral records. Because when these records no longer belong to the public data of the municipal government and become the private records of the funeral home, their effectiveness will be erased. When old Hank and old Anderson wrote Ian Anthony in their notes, they could not foresee what would happen thirteen years later.

Birth certificate and death certificate. Neither of these two places is in Porto. For Ian Anthony, it has no meaning. In these records, he is already a dead person who does not exist. He cannot be recognized by Anthony, the Mayor, as a legal federal citizen in Porto.

The only reason that this vampire can walk safely on the land of Porto is that the Federation grants the Purple Heart Medal to Ann Anthony, his brother, because Ian Anthony cannot accept the medal.

As long as the medal remains, the definition of "brother" will remain, and the connection between Ian and An will remain. This is Anthony's land. His brother is qualified to set foot on it.

But when the medal was gone. This is what happens after the connection is cut off: vampires who are not qualified to set foot on the land controlled by people of Indian descent will turn to ashes in the burning!

Indian witches who inherit the Papa Midnite lineage, in order to protect their own territory, planted the power against the abominable invaders in all Indian lineages!

Laws and definitions are always changing. The only constant is blood!

"Anthony!" Ryan's body retreated from the flames and bumped into the solid wood desk! He shouted at Anthony, "invite him!"

Anthony had two standing flames in his eyes. He opened his mouth and looked at the flames in front of him.

"Anthony!" Ryan rushed to the friend and pressed his shoulder. "What are you waiting for! Invite him!"

In the fire, Ian, whose skin had completely peeled off and turned into fly ash, and his muscles were melting, moved his lips. He seemed to say something. His face buried in the fire seemed to make a certain expression, but no one could see what it was.

"Invite him!"

Ryan, with his back to the fire, gave Anthony the last order!

"You can stay in Porto!"

Anthony's vision was occupied by red and said this sentence.

When Ryan turned his head, his eyes had recovered to light green. He held the soft and scorched body and turned his back to Anthony. A pair of eyes became cold, and there were red thin awns beating in the depths of the pupils.

"He needs a rest." Ryan looked at Anthony who was still in the same place. After saying these words, he left the office holding Ian who started to wriggle and heal himself.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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