
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

025   Visit by the Gusts

"We were fooled." The speaker was still the Gust woman. Sebella and Corden just sat aside silently, frowning.

Ryan looked at Sebella. He was very sure that 'we' mentioned by the other party did not include him, but the Gust couple.

But the truth? Ryan can say the same thing.

"Where is Revenge?" Ryan asked. He already had the answer.

Sebella finally looked at Ryan with a complex hatred in her eyes, but the object was not the vampire, "officially, tomorrow's cremation, but..."

Ryan sighed, and then Sebella said, "you saw the body. It's not him. He's gone."

A lot can happen in the afternoon.

Revenge died on the spot. For a criminal who had been sentenced to death and still wanted to hurt others, no one was willing to spend more time on him. But in terms of procedure, Mr. and Mrs. Gust would still see him for the last time. Before this glance, something happened. The person lying on the waiting list for cremation was no longer Revenge. Ordinary people will be confused by witchcraft, but Sebella won't.

"From the beginning, all he wanted was my blood," Sebella said gloomily, with hatred.

Ryan smiled helplessly, "and mine."

Wells had always been a bait, but he was not Ryan's, but Papa Midnite's, in order to catch the descendants of 'Toreador'! Investigators of funeral records? How convenient, except for the dead old Anderson and Hank, only the old record has someone's burial place!

When the investigation was about to end, the normal approach failed. A 'mummy' bound by chains will always be a 'mummy', so force Ryan to revive him!

Sebella's face showed surprise, but it immediately disappeared. The coldness on her face was more serious: "you awakened Ian Anthony."

Ryan nodded. He was not surprised that Sebella would know Ian's existence. The Gusts had lived in Porto for far longer than Ryan and his brother. He also did not remember that when he was living on the battlefield with Anthony brothers, he had given Ian the way to make vampires sleep forever. After all, the most important 'quality' of vampires is eternal life, not eternal sleep.

Hank, Gust, and Ian, before Ryan and Benjamin came to Porto, they were all connected!

But this is not their story, it is Ryan's story.

"I must wake him up." Ryan shook his head. "Your son, he tried to poison me with the blood of the dead."

Sebella's face showed thinking. Normal people would not approach after hearing the gunshot. In addition to their status as wizards and former hunters, the Gusts are still normal people. So they don't know what happened. When receiving the notice, all they know is the vague statement that Revenge tried to hurt innocent people, was stopped by the guards and died on the spot.

The Indian woman could think that Papa Midnite found Revenge and made an 'invitation'. At first, Sebella thought Revenge was just for survival, but now, If Papa Midnite started the contract by taking revenge on the vampire, Revenge's acceptance would be easier to understand.

"Why did you come?" Ryan asked.

"Protect Run." Sebella directly replied.

Ryan nodded, "OK, now I also have people who need protection. We can work together."

When the bell on the desk was pressed, Alice opened the side door and waited for Ryan's orders.

"Alice, tidy up the vacant room on the second floor. Valuable guests will stay here for a few days."

"Yes." Alice glanced at Mr. and Mrs. Gust, with a hint of complicated sadness in her eyes, nodded, and left. Alice was picked up by the vampire and werewolf on Porto street. Everyone should remember.

When the two couples were sent to the second floor to have a rest, James woke up from a faint and was surprised to see the three together. Ryan didn't feel much about his recovery, because Anthony had already told him the importance of Alice in Anderson's house. She was the support of Ryan to maintain his eternal life.

James was surprised by the arrival of the Gusts. Although he was still unable to face the Gusts, he still pulled Ryan into Gust's room despite the pain in his shoulder bandage. The four people stood under the same roof again, but the place had changed from James' bachelor loft to the small room of Anderson's house with only 20 square meters.

"You!" James pointed at the vampire, his action was a little big, affected the wound, and the corner of his eye twitched: "I'll settle with you later!"

Ryan's mouth was curled. His body just recovered. The vampire didn't intend to donate his blood to heal James. He needed to recover a 300 or 400-year-old vampire power as soon as possible after the 'exchange of blood' to meet the possible battle.

"First important!" James said excitedly to the other three people that he hoped to use his own emphasis to make the Gusts put aside the time: it was the fact that he sent Revenge to death.

Important? I'm afraid only the son of the general will think what he wants to say is important.

"Recruiter of Papa Midnite! I can confirm that there was an accident around the full moon of last month, and the person is still alive or unable to confirm his death."

This list had long been in the hands of Mr. and Mrs. Gust, but with the sixth sense of Sebella, the investigation progress was very slow.

"Plus access to the medical record system who died of [Porto Mercy Hospital] " James went on to say that obviously, before Ryan refused to help and Revenge's trial court began, the responsible detective reasoned again and reached a conclusion.

"There is only one person who fits the situation! That is ..."

"Enough, James." Mrs. Gust frowned. Ryan, the vampire, was the only 'bad guy' who interrupted James. "We don't care who it is. If this is the important thing you want to say, we have more important things to do."

Ryan was about to turn around and leave. The Gusts also turned around and took off their coats and cloaks. They needed a rest.

James, alone, stood in a room of only 20 square meters and stared. He seemed unable to accept such a turning point for the moment.

"Wait!" James grabbed Ryan's shoulder and pulled the vampire who was about to open the door to leave. The muscles on his shoulder swelled up. Because of the force, the bright red blood penetrated the white gauze and slowly spread.

"What are you talking about? What do you mean you don't care?" James' cheeks were twitching. He was not sure whether it was because of pain or excitement.

Mr. and Mrs. Gust's actions also stopped. The fault of the event will be solved here.

"Do you want to know?" Ryan looked back at James with a smile.

The general's son's eyes were confused for a moment. Ryan faced James, looked him in the eye, did not wait for him to continue talking, and said: "Revenge has become a dead disciple personally recruited by Papa Midnite."

James was stunned, his head turned quickly, and looked at the Gusts. Facing the gloomy-looking couple, James realized that this was not what they wanted. His face turned to Ryan again. Just about to speak, the vampire took the lead again.

"What revenge used to attack me was a deadly 'poison' to vampires!"

James wasn't surprised at this, and he didn't care how Revenge came into contact with the poison.

"Those things were sent to Revenge by Wells, the man Benjamin asked you to bring back."

James was a little surprised at this time. Although the dialogue with the vampire was always like this - being led by the nose, it was undeniable that the general's son had begun to get used to the feeling of being suppressed at this moment. He began to think about the connection.

"Wells, he's my bait. It's to help you, detective Lance. It's a chess piece used to draw out the recruiter of the dead." With a self-mocking smile, Ryan looked at James thinking with a shocked expression, waiting for the human detective's thinking to connect all these.

"So, he is not my man, but the man Papa Midnite used to attract me to Revenge." Ryan kept smiling and gave the detective time to think for himself.

"Revenge. You." James lowered his head, turned his mind, looked at the Gusts again, frowned, and looked back at Ryan: "why?"

"Good question." Ryan nodded with satisfaction, "but unfortunately, we don't know, so this is the more important thing for us." Ryan's words are not exhaustive, but James only needs to know.

Mr. and Mrs. Gust knew clearly that the fault of the event had been filled. Wells, who was used by both sides, was the node connecting Ryan and Revenge.

Ryan had to leave again. James stopped the vampire: "wait! Recruiter! We must catch him!"

Ryan raised his eyebrows impatiently. "Are you serious? James Lance. He's nothing but a lucky and unfortunate guy. Papa Midnite doesn't care about him. Everything is just a huge circle. It's a circle to get Gust and me in."

James opened his mouth and could not say anything in reply.

From the moment Papa Midnite was summoned to Porto by Sebella because of her temporary vulnerability, this huge arc began to grow. Those who committed suicide, those who were called walking corpses by the vampire in the warehouse, just to support the filling of this arc!

Revenge's death may be the end or just any point on the arc!

"Sorry, James. If you want to catch him, please rely on your own power, human power. We? We are not your tools. We have our own destiny to control."

Ryan went out of the door and walked down the corridor to the stairwell.