
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

024   Father and Son

There is no silver in Anderson's house. Even knives and forks are not silver. Neither vampires nor werewolves like silver products, because silver will delay their self-healing ability. But Anderson never lacked wood. Every month or two, coffins in the exhibition hall would be replaced. Carpentry was Old Hank's hobby.

So the wooden stake inserted in Ryan's wrist at this time was just one of the logs piled up outside the warehouse. The original brown wooden stake had been dyed red by blood. Wood seems to have a natural attraction to vampire blood, so any vampire will never let wood close to his heart.

Ian's pale face was never more ruddy because the 'food' he had just drunk was just a circle around his body, and then he gave it back to Ryan. Note that it was 'return'. Ian Anthony's vampire blood originally came from Ryan.

The unique inheritance of vampires makes this cycle feasible. Please don't imitate it.

Ryan's muscles were no longer tense. Ian's wrist was bitten by Ryan. His dark eyes began to recover. The whites of his eyes were exposed, revealing the light green iris in the middle and the pupil with a weak red light.

Ryan's eyes were on Ian. Whenever he felt that Ian's blood flow slow down, he will stop drawing, wait for Old Hank to take out a new wine bottle from Ryan's blood bank, watch Ian pour it down, and his lips recover some ruddy, and Ryan will continue to draw.

Mammalian blood was converted into his own blood by Ian and then sent to Ryan's body to become Ryan's blood. Ryan's blood wrapped and pushed the blood of those who died fatally to flow to the fixed wooden stake. In the process of destruction and rebirth, the power of rebirth was continuously supplemented, pushing destruction out of the body. This is the 'blood exchange' that vampires must rely on the same kind of blood.

The ink lines slowly fade away on Ryan's skin. Seeing that Ryan can control his body, Benjamin removed the chains that bind him, and waved to the crowd, "give them some space."

What a considerate fellow Benjamin was!

But not everyone was willing to give these two vampires a space, such as Louise. Louise was pulled out by the Banshee. She lowered her head. Under her long eyelashes, her blue eyes seemed to be thinking. When she left the basement, she took a final look at Ryan and her lips were slightly pursed.

'Father', which was what Ian called Ryan.

Leaving the basement, Louise stopped Old Hank.

If something happened in the basement before expressing any message, it was that even Benjamin was the 'later third party' between the two vampires. Only Hank was the one who knew everything.

Louise is a smart woman.

When Benjamin carried two unconscious people ---James and Wells to the guest room on the second floor, Louise pulled Old Hank out of Anderson's house. The werewolf blinked and shook his head.

In the basement, the last trace of ink lines on Ryan's skin was integrated into the wooden stakes penetrating his wrists. Ryan narrowed one eye, pressed the stake, frowned, and pulled it out.

Bang. The stake, which had been completely dyed blood red, was thrown into the corner. Ryan was relieved and watched the hole in his wrist heal slowly, with a smile on his face.

"Welcome back." Ryan was the first one to open his mouth. He moved his body, took out two bottles of 'red wine' and handed it to Ian, who was staring at him blankly. "You look terrible."

Ian's mouth was wide open, revealing a row of teeth. For vampires with eternal life, the coincidence of time often happens. Sometimes, vampires can't tell whether the scene in front of them is reality or an image buried deep in their memory.

"Better than you!" Ian pulled out the cork of the bottle and drank like a soldier. "This thing is really fucking hard to drink!" Complained like a soldier.

"This is the blood of sheep. Just get used to it. This is the first creature domesticated by our ancestors' brothers. You should remember." Ryan used an older tone, just like he used to.

Ian rolled his eyes, but his face was still smiling. The smile soon disappeared on his face, which gradually recovered after he really added food.

They were silent, and there were complex emotions at the bottom of their eyes. This was a strange strange feeling that people who had been very familiar with would only appear after being separated for too long.

"You are a very, very bad 'father', you know." Ian put down the empty wine bottle. He didn't know why. Suddenly he said.

"I know." Ryan had a self-mocking smile on his mouth, and his eyes looked at Ian again after a moment of wandering. "Now, don't you have any questions to ask me?"

"Where is this place? Why are you here? Why is Hank here? Where is Ann (Anthony's name)? What year is it now? Is the war over? Have we won? Why did you become like that? What happened to the werewolf?..."

A long list of questions came out of Ian's mouth. His speech was still so fast and hurried, just like a soldier in his twenties. He has the same brown eyes as Anthony. Now, these eyes were just like the searching dog looking at Ryan.

Ryan blinked and the familiar feeling returned.

"Well, it's a long story." Ryan smiled, patted Ian on the shoulder, and raised his eyebrows: "it's just that you should know something first. Your brother is now the Mayor of Porto. He is a little fat and bald, as lusty as before..."


It was not until Benjamin opened the basement door again that Ryan left a word, 'continue later', left the basement, and went to the first floor, smiling and greeting Louise who was walking to the second floor.

When Ryan returned to the office, it was almost seven o'clock. The middle-aged civil servant worked overtime for himself.

"This is the satisfaction questionnaire. Please fill it out." The middle-aged civil servant handed Ryan an unsealed envelope, which represented the end of the investigation.

Ryan was in a good mood. He directly drew out the forms, ticked 'very satisfied' in front of the other party, and winked at the other party when writing the date, writing the date of tomorrow.

The civil servant took the sealed envelope with a happy face and said a sincere thank you. Before leaving, he also received a snack from Alice.

Just as Ryan was about to return to the basement, a pair of unexpected guests came---- Mr. and Mrs. Gust.

Ryan looked at Run's body in the air, raised his eyebrows, and asked Alice to prepare some snacks and put them in front of his desk, with a sad expression.

"No need." Sebella Gust didn't look at Ryan at all, and her tone was unusually cold.

Ryan frowned. Although he was suddenly attacked at noon and almost died, he had not lost his perception. As a woman who had just lost her son, Sebella was a little too calm. Ryan looks at Corden. In the only few contacts, the man's mood fluctuation is much greater than that of Sebella, but the man was also unusually calm now.

Ryan's eyes searched the faces of the two, his brows suddenly stretched, and then immediately more tightly wrinkled. What did the vampire think?