
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

023   Resurrect Vampire Ian

The buzzing of Benjamin's truck engine was getting closer and closer, which attracted the attention of those sunbathing in the backyard of Anderson's house. James almost pulled the steering wheel with his body and turned directly into the backyard. The raised dust accompanied by the screech of the brake gathered everyone's eyes.

The trunk of the truck was directly knocked open, and the werewolf, whose whole body was covered with black and brown hair, flew backward with the man in his arms and rolled around on the ground. The thick hind legs and forelegs pulled four deep marks on the soil! The unconscious Wells was thrown aside by Benjamin. The muscles of his hind legs tightened and rushed into the cargo box again. When he jumped out again, there was "a white chicken" with broken clothes under him. It was Ryan.

When James got out of the car, Old Hank had already stepped forward. The werewolf suppressed the struggle of the vampire and shouted to the people around him, "basement."

It seemed that the civil servant who replaced Wells had the same working habits as Wells. It was now the lunch break. Fortunately, there were no outsiders in Anderson's family.

Ryan was pressed to the ground and his arms were waving uncontrollably in the air. The hair on the werewolf's chest was torn, healed, torn, healed under the vampire's random scratching. The werewolf seemed to have lost patience. He grabbed the vampire's arm and twisted it! In the crack sound, the vampire's upper body suddenly stood up, but the werewolf grabbed his other hand, click.

Taking advantage of the vampire's short loss of mobility, the werewolf carried the vampire into the basement of Anderson's house.

Old Hank seemed to be the only one who knew what to do. The iron rope in the storage box in the basement was taken out. The werewolf did not waste any time tying Ryan to the stone platform.

Louise and Alice, two women, covered their mouths and watched. The Banshee's wide eyes were marked with black lines on Ryan's bare skin, and her shoulder was scratched by Louise. Only after the initial shock did Alice react and held Louise's pale finger, passing something that only the Banshee would know.

Ryan won't die.

Louise felt Alice's temperature coming from her hands, and her rapidly fluctuating chest was a little calmed, but her face was still worried. She put her arm around Alice's shoulder and watched Benjamin move.

The friction and impact of the chain kept ringing. When the werewolf finally tied Ryan to the stone platform, James dragged Wells, nobody knew whether he was dead or alive, to the basement. I was afraid that James was the only one in the Anderson family who was worried about this human being.

The werewolf pressed the vampire's chest, and his hair was fading. Benjamin breathed a sigh of relief. He sniffed and looked around the basement. His eyes locked on the wooden cabinet standing in the corner.

Old Hank frowned, hunched over, casually handed Benjamin a blanket to surround his lower body, as if he understood the meaning of werewolf, and opened the wooden cabinet with Benjamin. Ian Antony, who was also bound by chains, had his eyes closed, a two-finger steel cone in his chest, and his cheeks sunken.

Wells, who was dragged by the general's son, fell to the ground without any movement. James pushed past two women and stepped forward with surprise and shock in his voice: "what is this? Who is this? What are you doing?!"

This was the first time James saw Ian. Well, this was the first time James saw a mummified body put in a cabinet with a steel cone in his heart, so his excitement was understandable.

The werewolf ignored this problem. His thick arm pushed James away from the way. With a sign in his eyes, Alice pulled Louise to put the wooden table against the wall on the edge of Ryan's bound stone platform. Benjamin and Old Hank put the mummy on the table.

Then the crowd was silent. The werewolf looked at Ryan, a vampire with dark eyes, and held the metal cone in his palm.

"What are you going to do..."


The metal cone was pulled out without any blood.

"He needs human blood." Benjamin grasped James who just spoke.

The button on the cuff was pulled by the werewolf and directly burst open, revealing the strong arm of the general's son. The tip of the steel cone in the werewolf's hand was scratched on James' arm without hesitation! James didn't even have time to give out a painful cry. His arm had been pressed on the mouth of the mummy!

Old Hank stepped back, not very gently holding Louise who still wanted to be close, and retreated to the wall with the Banshee.

James was just about to question when the clattering iron chains collided and cracked suddenly! James felt a pain in his arm. Two cold, dry and hard hands grasped his arm. The touch made his hair stand up!

The sight shifted. James saw a sitting mummy holding his arm. His mouth was buried in his forearm. The penetrating sound made James' legs soft!

The chains covered with rust were hanging on the mummy. The skin of the mummy was being full and smooth at a speed visibly. The terrible circular cavity in front of its chest made a creeping sound and healed quickly!

James subconsciously reached out and pressed its head, trying to push the 'thing' away from his body.


A dry, hoarse, shrill roar came from the mouth of the man who held James' arm! His irises were bright red. Four sharp teeth in his upper and lower jaws opened against the food which tried to resist!

He seemed to dislike that the wound on James' arm was too small and his body bounced like a swimming snake. The sharp nail grasped James' shoulders, and the position where the head collided was James' exposed neck!

"That's enough!"

The werewolf's arm was covered with fluff in an instant, and his wide palm directly grasped Ian who tried to rush to James' head! The werewolf's toenails were buttoned into the newly revived vampire's forehead, and pulled it hard!


James' shoulder sleeves were cut by the vampire's nails, and the flesh on the four blood-red wounds turned over! However, the vampire who wanted to catch him had been forcibly torn over by the werewolf. The vampire flew backward from the wooden table like a marble and crashed into the locker beside the wall!


The vampire's body embedded in the cabinet rebounded violently and pulled away the broken wood. On the track drawn in front of him, more than ten years of rotten clothes falling in the air, the pale skin still had a rotten smell, and the vampire's body had not fully recovered.

Ian's senses revived after being silent for 13 years. In the air, the peculiar smell of werewolves came into his nose. It was very strong. It was the smell of natural enemies. Ian had seen the werewolf's half fluffy arm, which meant it's an alpha.

Even if he just recovered and faced alpha in the werewolf, Ian didn't know what to fear. We are talking about Ian Antony, who is always in the front on the battlefield!

His pale lips were still open, his sharp teeth were provocative to Benjamin, his shoulders were spread out, his fingers were slightly bent, and his elongated white nails pierced the quiet air in the basement.

The gray shadow drew a slash in the air and hit Benjamin directly! Benjamin raised his arm to protect his head, and ten fingers were deeply embedded in the skin covered with brown hair!

The werewolf didn't think Ryan's 'son' was so violent! The tall body was bumped and tilted by Ian who rode on his shoulder and fell back out of balance!

Ryan raised his head reluctantly, and his two dark eyes watched the werewolf being overwhelmed by Ian. He tried to make a sound, his jaw shook, and he failed.

Benjamin was angry, and his low howling broke out when his whole body was covered by alpha's skin again. Ian's body was thrown away by his thick arms! The dull crash was accompanied by the brittle sound of bone fracture. Ian was thrown to the ceiling and fell back to the ground.

But he didn't seem to know what to give up. In the click, his twisted shoulder was pushed back to its original position. Once again, he rushed to the wolf man who had been alpha. There were ten cold lights in the air, which were divided into two parts. One part toward alpha's throat, and the other part towarads alpha's bulging chest!


The werewolf's shoulder directly hit the vampire's chest. In front of the black and brown shadow, a pale body was arched and hit the wall under irresistible thrust!

The radial cracks spread around Ian's back. The arm he just wanted to bend was clamped by his thick palm, pushed by the terrible force, and hit the wall!


The vampire's two hands were bent at a strange angle. Small fragments burst up and fell from the collision place. The dark red bricks were exposed on the peeled cement wall!

Two roars that do not belong to human beings were emitted at the same time! The two 'beasts' opened their jaws wide, and their eyes reflected each other's faces!

"Ian!" Old Hank Hung's roar seemed so insignificant at this time, "Stop! Benjamin! Stop!"

The werewolf remained unmoved and still pressed Ian in an oppressive posture. In his brown eyes, the vampire's bright red pupils closed in an instant, the open jaw solidified in the air, and the two alien growls stopped at the same time. Ian's eyes turned to the hunchbacked old man.

"Han, k, Hank?" (Hank)

"It's me!" Old Hank kept his distance and didn't approach: "I'm still alive! But if you don't hurry up, your 'father' will die!" Old Hank pointed to Ryan who was bound on the stone platform.

"Father?" Ian finally got used to his vocal organ. He was still pressed on the wall by the werewolf. Along with the fingers of Old Hank, he saw the man on the stone platform!

"Father! Wayne del!!"

At this moment, the joy in the eyes of the vampire Ian could not be hidden! Even if he was still suppressed by the natural enemies who could not be defeated, he did not know the current situation at all. But in such a situation, he was like a stray dog who meets its owner again, putting aside everything and expressing his joy!

"No!" Benjamin pressed Ian's body again and made a final deterrent. Benjamin loosened Ian, who was pressed against the wall, and his hair faded: "His current name is Ryan, Ryan Anderson!"