
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

022   The Vulnerable Vampire

On the skin covered by the cotton blouse, there was already brown fluff. The clapping muscles supported Benjamin's cuffs. His hands pressed the vampire's wrists and were buried under them. The vampire's uncontrollably elongated fingernails had cut through his blouse, constantly scratching alpha's skin.

The werewolf's shoulder was firmly against Ryan's chin, preventing the vampire's jaw from opening. The black silk thread from the vampire's pupil had overflowed his iris and began to spread on the whites of his eyes!

Guns, in any case, are frightening things. The people outside did not dare to run back and escape. The people inside squatted down or were knocked down in the crowd. They trembled and looked nervously at the place where the gunshot occurred.

One of the two prisoners being escorted was pressed to the ground, his hands bound by handcuffs were raised on his head, his open lips were on the ground, his rapid breathing raised the dust on the ground, and his frightened eyes stared at the other prisoner.

Another prisoner, Revenge, was pointed by the shooting guard and was lying on the ground. The gunshot wound on his chest had stained his light blue prison uniform. In the direction of his distracted eyes, an unusually strong man was pressing another man and moving slowly to the outside!

The gunfire alerted the people inside the court, and a large number of guards poured out of the small side door and ran this way.


Behind Benjamin, the voice of a guard shouted. The werewolf didn't know whether it was for Revenge or for the people under him. The guards only shot to stop Revenge from exploding. Now there were countless ideas hitting the werewolf's brain like electricity!

The werewolf's head was close to the vampire's head, and his heavy breath hit the vampire's oppressed neck and shoulders. The hand under the werewolf pressed the vampire's struggling hands, and the other hand was around the vampire's back, trying to pick him up and leave here!

"What happened!" Familiar sound! It's James!

The werewolf's head was raised fiercely, and his chin was still against the vampire's cheek. The brown fluff continued to spread up his beard, which covered half of his face!

James' pupils contracted fiercely, and the vampire's face was paler than usual. A pair of light green eyes had turned dark at this time, and the ink lines were all over the whites of the eyes. They were still growing on the skin. There were two obvious bumps on the jaw of the vampire as if they were about to break through the skin!

James pushed away the guard who wanted to come near to help. The badge on his waist had been pulled out: "Porto police station! Stand back!" This was the only way the detective can think of to stop people from approaching

James quickly bent down and lifted Ryan's upper body to help Benjamin pick him up. The coat that had not been changed since last night was taken off and directly covered the vampire's head.

Benjamin no longer waste time, holding the vampire's back and rushed out.

"Get him!" The werewolf's face, which was almost covered with fluff, turned to one side, facing the man who was still lying on the ground, shaking all over, Wells.

James had no idea what was going on, but in this case, disobedience to Benjamin was obviously not a good choice. He pulled up the strange man and followed Benjamin.

"Hey, Lance! Where are you going?" Curson paid much less attention to Revenge than James. Then he came out of the court and saw his partner pulling a man away, shouting, but James had turned the corner.

Detective Curson curled his lips and focused on Revenge, or Revenge's body, surrounded by a group of guards.

"You drive!" Benjamin had opened the trunk door of his truck and slammed the vampire, whose hands and feet were out of control and constantly scratching the werewolf, into the car. The clothes on the werewolf had been torn into cloth strips. The scarlet tear wound healed quickly after it appeared. The newborn skin was immediately covered with fluff, and alpha's skin had completely covered Benjamin.

Wells, whose body was shaking constantly, was still in a state of unconsciousness. Without any resistance, he was pushed into the back seat by James. James got into the driver's seat, started the van, turned around, and headed for the south side of Porto.

The roar came into James' ears from the trunk, and the deep roar was mixed with the violent impact, constantly breaking through the barrier between the cargo box and the front seat, knocking James' heart. James' right hand moved in gear and the accelerator was pressed to the bottom.

The detective thought, "at least we should drive out of the crowded North District..."

The window in front of the container was smashed.

"Ah!!" The cry of grief came from the back seat. The rear-view mirror in Benjamin's truck had long been removed. James turned back in horror and saw a thick, fluffy arm pulling the unknown man into the trunk!

"Benjamin! What are you doing?"

It continued to be a roaring crash, and the strange man's scream fell rapidly after a sudden rise! James' heart jumped violently. He didn't dare to think what was happening behind him. His foot, which had already stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, exerted more force.

In the dark trunk, only the smashed front window had light penetration, and the werewolf's clothes had been broken under the soaring body shape. He bent his knees and clamped the vampire's arms. He sat across the vampire's neck and pressed his whole body against the vampire's chest!

Behind him, Ryan's usually meticulous clothes were in a mess. The buttons of his vest and shirt were all broken, revealing the vampire's pale to abnormal skin. The black lines were like blood vessels all over his skin.

The lower body of the vampire was constantly twisting and seemed to be struggling. But werewolves know that these are vampire instincts. The blood of the dead, like the bite of the werewolf who turns into a wolf, is the fatal of the vampire. The difference between the two is that the latter has an immediate effect. The former will eat every organ of the vampire's body and let the vampire die slowly in extreme pain!

Ryan's head was on the carriage, his chin was up high, and his sharp teeth had pierced his own skin. He constantly hit the car with his head to disperse the pain from inside his body.

He can feel that the blood of the dead was constantly destroying the blood vessels it flows through. The vampire's self-healing ability instinctively creates new blood vessels, and then it is destroyed, regenerated, and destroyed again under the flow of blood... Until all the vitality of the vampire is exhausted.

He would be like a dry sieve, the blood of the dead, like hot water sprinkled on the snow, dripping through his body after consuming all his vitality.

Ryan can't make a sound. He has screwed his eyebrows together, and his dark eyes were staring at the werewolf. Such eyes can't express any emotion.

The werewolf knelt down on the vampire. Benjamin stuck the stunned Wells with one hand and tore up wells' old suit with the other hand. He made a stroke on the exposed arm, and the bright red blood slid down the hanging arm.

The werewolf's broad palm pinched the vampire's chin, fixed it, and let the blood flow in.

"Don't look like a dead man." Benjamin's brown eyes stared at the vampire under him. It was difficult for his plush face to frown. "Now, you have an excuse to wake Ian Anthony."

Yes, giving vampires fresh food is just a delay until vampires can change their blood.

'Fortunately, I groomed him this morning.' the vampire who was constantly dying and regenerating all over his body can only think about this self noisy words in his mind.