
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

021   Blood of the dead


The hammer and the judge's decision sounded at the same time.

Revenge was pulled up by the people around him, and the cross representing the law tilted at this time. It seemed that these people were too lazy to delay this event related to a person's life until the afternoon. The two hunters smiled helplessly and were rudely pushed out of the court. Next, they will be sent back to the dark room, and then they will be provided with the last dinner at the beginning of autumn.

Regret? Revenge can only blame himself for reading the wrong people. He did not expect that James Lance, the son of the most famous general in the Federation, would hang around with a vampire and a werewolf. This country, at the most unlikely moment, the most unlikely state of Massa, had fallen.

If he can, Revenge hopes to kill the vampire who can walk in the sun in a cruel way and peel off the cursed skin of the werewolf!

"Do you really hope so? I heard your wish."

Without warning, in the noisy court corridor, the reporter's flashing spotlights and cold eyes made this strange voice so clear! Revenge's body was pulled and pushed. He walked passively with doubts in his eyes, searching everywhere for where the sound came from.

"Get ready, son of Sebella. HaHa."

Revenge's pupils narrowed, his head deflected and his eyes crossed the chaotic crowd. He inherited it from his father's body. He saw the woman with a complicated Cape, who pointed out on the witness stand that "he left home at the age of 16".

Sebella Gust closed her eyes. Her eyelashes were trembling between her eyelids. She can best understand the equivalent exchange of Papa Midnite. You want to save one son and exchange another. So when she wanted to save the soul of Run, she drew a terminator for Revenge's future.

Revenge had a clear look on his face. He had been thinking about why Connor's body would return to the scene. Now he had the answer. Although he did not inherit the wizardry blood of Sebella, Revenge is still her blood. He still knows the 'lives' hidden in the sun in this world! This tiny connection, let an 'ancestor', found him.

Unable to see any more, his body was pushed forward. At the end of the corridor, the bright sunlight covered everyone at noon. After a short adaptation, Revenge had seen the escort car pulled away by the prison guards outside the crowd.

A man in an old suit seemed different from others. He was not a journalist who wants to get the feelings of a doomed man, nor a policeman impatiently pushing them to the escort car, nor a citizen just curious to watch.

With anxiety on his face, the man was being pushed into the crowd, and the thick glasses were pushed out by the surrounding crowd. The man seemed to scold something, but the chaotic flow of people soon made his glasses disappear under the moving footsteps.

The man was more anxious. He pushed the people around him with his arched shoulders. He pushed forward desperately. He narrowed his eyes and stared at a string of numbers on Revenge's chest. He held a pen in his hand and tried to write down the meaningless numbers that represented Revenge's identity in the prison.

What is this guy doing? Revenge's mind wandered.

"Nine, six..." Wells' body was pushed away by the people around him. "fuck!" Wells was angry! His eyes were blurred, and the numbers printed on the light blue background were far away from him! Like an angry cat, he bumped left and right into the crowd pushing him away, savagely pulled away the reporter in front of him, and chased the prisoner pulled away by the police!

This was his number! He can't let the number go away from him! This was his only chance to get this string of numbers!

He can find out the name of the prisoner and the identity of the prisoner, but he will never have a chance to get a string of numbers that will only exist in the prison! This was his winning number!

Please understand the extremes of Wells' thinking.

It all started when he came home yesterday!

He opened the door, thinking that everything would be the same as usual. He would watch the end of "Cook's kitchen". The chubby cook showed off his achievements in this hour. Then Wells would stare at the TV and chew the dry, cold, and hard overnight pizza. At the same time, he would think that one day, as soon as he got home, the food on TV would appear on his table!

He thought so, but the facts overturned his worldview. He received inexplicable instructions. All the retail stores in his neighborhood were swept away by him. Five Doll winning ticket was held by him, which made him believe that there were some mysterious forces in the world!

So he chose to believe the stranger who still wore a mask and sunglasses at night!

"Do you want to get rid of your present life? Do you want to win the real prize? Do you want to have your own business?"

"I want!"

"Good, do as I say."

This was the turning point in Wells' life.

He watched the man draw out his own blood, then inhale a silver pen, and as required, wrote down the address on the note paper next to the phone. After a night of excitement and expectation, he quit his job for the first time and came here to wait!

Waiting for the number that only belongs to his grand prize.

The waiting was long, but it was worth it! The number was right in front of him! He squinted desperately, stretched his neck, crossed the arm stopped by the guard, and recorded the number that could change his fate.

Using stranger's blood as ink? Wells doesn't care! A silver pen? He doesn't care about this! He will do everything that the man said. It is related to his fate. He dare not make any mistakes!

Cult? Under the deliberate influence of the enchanting pupil, this official was pushed to do the bait... The former civil servant would never have thought of such a thing! Because that's what Ryan, the vampire, hopes. When the fish in the water open their mouths, Wells will try his best to drill in!

Ryan and Benjamin's car stopped at the corner. The vampire pushed the door open and took a look at Wells' empty car.

"Let's go," Ryan patted the werewolf.

As a man who stayed in Anderson's house for nearly two weeks, his smell had long been remembered by Benjamin. A city is too big, but if it is nearby, werewolves can certainly find it.

"Over there." Benjamin felt his nose and looked at the back of the court. Suddenly, the crowd surged up. He frowned: "there's someone we know."

Ryan squinted and sighed, "Revenge!" He had seen two men in prison clothes pulled out of the back door by guards. Ryan recalled his conversation with James in the morning. "This is what James is going to do today. No wonder he looks impatient."

They walked towards the crowd.

Vampires deliberately stick to tall werewolves. Now it was late spring, and summer was coming. Ryan had no reason to wear a wide round hat at any time. His coat and gloves were no longer appropriate, but only a pair of sunglasses that cover his eyes.

It's already noon. If he could, Ryan would never want to go out. But now he had to look at the bait that could catch fish at any time. Ryan put up with it.

In the silver vial, the bright red 'liquor' was poured into his throat. Ryan felt refreshed and squeezed into the crowd with the werewolf.

We can't ignore the vampire's act of supplementing food. The temptation of the crowd to the depressed vampires is too great, which is an insurance move to prevent the vampires from getting out of control.

Ryan, who pushed forward in the crowd, felt the fresh blood with the crowd's exposed neck and excited heartbeat. The fragrance of blood wrapped the vampire.

Ryan bent his eyes behind his sunglasses and looked at Revenge, who was pulled by the guards less than two meters away. It was a greeting. As for the twinkling eyes under the frown of the other party, Ryan ignored them.

The werewolf's strong body pushed away the people around him. Wells, who was a few people away, still shrugged his shoulders and stretched his head like a tortoise, and leaned towards Revenge's chest. The guard seemed to have nothing to do with the guy. Besides pushing the prisoner to hurry up, he didn't do anything to innocent citizens.

Ryan put his hand on Wells' shoulder and tried to pull him back, but Wells bounced it away. The persistent guy took a few more steps, almost lying on the guard escorting Revenge.

Ryan was a little impatient. There were too many photographers ahead. He didn't want to get too close, but Wells' action made the vampire a little agitated and more dissatisfied. He pushed himself to the front row, put his hand on Wells' shoulder, and pushed him over.

A smell that made the vampire hate rushed into the vampire's nose at the moment when Wells turned around.

The vampire looked at the pen and paper in Wells' hand. A string of numbers was written in red. "What is this..."

The sturdy guard's body was suddenly hit and tilted violently. Revenge's bound hands protruded under the guard's body!

Wells angrily looked at the vampire and suddenly tightened his face. His hand felt a sharp pain!

The silver reflection was inconspicuous in the crowd, and Wells had left a notebook in his hand. Revenge's face was ferocious. Between the closed palms, he held a silver pen tightly. The dark red 'ink' wrapped the sharp tip of the pen and stabbed at the vampire who was blocked by the crowd!

The crowd rioted.

Under the sun, the flash of the camera burst. The dark glasses on the vampire's face flew sideways when pushed by the werewolf. On the face facing the sun, the red pupils contracted in an instant, dark, and the black silk thread suddenly spread all over the iris!

The gunshot rang out, and there were no more selfless reporters. Everyone began to fall down and scattered.

Lying on the ground, Revenge didn't even cover the bleeding wound on his chest. He slowly turned his head and looked at the vampire who was still pressed by an abnormally hairy man, with a smile on his mouth.

"It's a pity that only one of your wishes has come true."

In the chaotic scene, the sound still came into the hunter's ears whose consciousness began to blur.

"There is another one. Do you want to give up?"

"No." Revenge's eyes moved up from the vampire to the strong man who was holding him down.

"Hahaha! Welcome to Papa!"