
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

017 The source of the corpse

A new week had begun, and over the weekend, Laura would not be at the Anderson House because of her protective grounding. Alice had been busy making food for a week, and she was temporarily able to take a break.

On Tuesday night, the full moon had begun to hang in the east, and Louise was lying in a hammock in the backyard of Anderson's house, covered in a thin blanket.

She didn't look at Ryan who was on the side, there was a hint of thought in the corners of her slightly curved eyes as if she herself wasn't sure if she wanted to ask about the next thing: "There's a man in the basement, chained."

Ryan's closed eyes opened, and the good night seemed to be over.

"you saw it?"

Louise frowned sensitively, and Ryan's rhetorical question had no practical meaning except for delaying the time to make a statement. This is a smart woman who knows how to read a man's heart.

"I saw it." Louise's eyelashes fluttered. "In the afternoon, old Hank asked me to sort out this month's newspapers. Then I saw that his foot fell out, and I helped him put it back."

With a smile on Ryan's face, he looked at Louise, "Then I thank you for him."

So that 'man' is still alive? Louise held back her thoughts and asked, "Who is he?" She met Ryan's gaze and asked casually.

"What do you think?" Ryan asked again. Just like the previous question, he hadn't figured out how to introduce Ian Anthony to Louise.

Louise's nose twitched slightly, and the disappointment on her face disappeared in an instant. Her rosy lips opened: "I guess he is..."

"Ryan!" James appeared on the back porch of Anderson's house, pushed open the door, and shouted at the two people in the hammock.

Ryan smiled 'apologetically' at Louise, sat up from the hammock, and walked toward James.

James was listless. It had been four days since the bus station warehouse was found last Friday. Investigation and public opinion were pressing the Porto police station at the same time. It was very rare for James to come to the Anderson house in person.

In the past few days, the number of suicides in Porto had increased dramatically, all using the same way, the X-shaped wound from the chest to the heart, a cruel and bloody method. More than 30 people had committed suicide so far. The definition of a cult had become more and more clear, and the pressure of public opinion faced by the police had therefore increased.

According to the police, this was a 'demonstration' by the members of the cult whose stronghold was discovered by the police. In fact, the police only got a list in the warehouse of the bus station, and this list was passed on to the Gusts by James, who carried out the necessary 'persuasion'.

James was stuck again in a gap he didn't want to face. In theory, this list can help the police get important clues about cult people, but in reality, these people were under the control of Papa-Midnite, and it was impossible to reveal any useful information at all.

Now the police had begun operations to try to control the people who were still alive on the list, but the suicide continued, even in the presence of the police, the Gusts' way of 'persuading' people made James feel strange to the world where he had lived for more than 20 years.

"Are you alright?" Ryan looked at James with some relaxation, the lovely Detective helped him avoid the trouble!

"Not good." James bowed his head and sat down at Ryan's desk.

In the office, in front of the bookcase, boxes of documents were placed on the wooden workbench. The work notes spread out were the investigation records of the civil servant Wells, and they were spread out and left at the Anderson House. Recently, the work progress of the civil servant became slower and slower, and his attitude became less and less serious. Ryan was very happy with this change, which meant that someone's mind was completely out of work.

James looked at the work table on the side, a little dazed. One morning, he was sitting behind this table, replacing the data files with the sandwiches and coffee that Alice prepared for Benjamin, and the lights with the sunshine of the early spring morning, the people in the office plus Louise and Benjamin, his identity became 'Kim Anderson'.

At that time, he was still telling Louise righteously that when she encountered a problem, she should go to the police. Now, someone called the police, but what did he do?


James' hand suddenly clapped on the desk! An inexplicable curse suddenly erupted from the mouth of the general's son who had received higher education.

Ryan frowned, didn't stop James' emotional outburst, stood up, pulled a real wine bottle from the bookshelf, served James a drink, and placed it in front of him.

"Are you better?" Ryan asked softly when James' curse was over.

James' chest heaved and his custom-fitted shirt was flattened by bulging muscles. James gasped, glanced at the wine in front of him, and drank it in one gulp. Ryan poured another glass and made a sign to continue.

James frowned and pushed the glass away.

Ryan was satisfied with James' self-discipline, "What are you angry about? You seem to have a lot of malice towards the world."

After venting, James began to calm down and shook his head: "No, I'm just disappointed in myself! I know too little and can do too little! I need to work harder!"

"That's the spirit!" Ryan raised his eyebrows. "Now, let's talk about the results of the police investigation. You know I've been waiting for you."

James' just uplifted expression slumped again, the police investigation result? What disappointed him was that the police had no results at all!

Let's take a look at the police investigation these days.

Character sketch of the man fleeing from bus stop: man, medium build, gone. What can you expect a few teens to notice?

List of potential cult members found in the warehouse: This list keeps getting shorter as they keep on committing suicide!

The only place the police can investigate was... the identification of the bodies in the warehouse!

In Papa-Midnite's eyes, those walking corpses that were abandoned after being used were just tools, but they became the only thing the police could investigate and hope to find clues.

Ryan thought for a while, "So now that most of the bodies have been identified?"

James' expression became indifferent, "It's all people who died a long time ago. The police want to find the person who stole the body and gathered them in the warehouse." James looked at Ryan: "You will tell me, those corpses actually walked by themselves, right?"

During the investigation, the police found some new lacerations on the bodies, and James naturally thought that Ryan and Benjamin did it. If it is really just a dead body, then there is no need for the two to attack.

Ryan was amused, but nodded anyway: "Yes, they're controlled corpses."

James shook his head and sighed helplessly, he guessed so too. In other words, the police investigation was still a dead end. No one stole the body, and the body walked by itself.

The vampire put away his smile, looked at the depressed James, pondered for a while, and raised his eyebrows. James' problem was discovered by him. In this police detective's mind, phenomena beyond common sense accounted for too much proportion. There were too many things that could not be said or explained with common sense. These things crippled the reason that a police detective should have.

"Your partner, is Detective Curson investigating the identity of the body?" Ryan began to guide.

"Hmph." James responded coldly, "What's the point? He'll never catch the person who 'stole' the body!"

"But he can know where the bodies came from." Ryan looked at James. "Can't catch the thief, but he can find a way for the stolen goods to flow through, am I right?"

James glanced at Ryan, frowned, and thought, "The channel of the corpse? What do you mean?"

"Whether in Curson's mind, it was 'moved' to the warehouse, or as you already know, the corpse went to the warehouse by himself." Ryan looked at James, who had regained his mind, with satisfaction, "Like any booty, they didn't show up out of thin air. Papa-Midnite, or the recruiters in the middle, they must have known where to find those bodies."

James frowned even more, with a hint of impatience. Now they were at the funeral home, but Ryan asked the question 'where can I find the body' seriously. James turned his head around: "You, this kind of place."

"What's the outcome of Curson's investigation?" Ryan continued to ask, looking at James.

James took a deep breath, "We have to inform the relatives and friends of those people, and we have to open the tomb for verification... What do you think?"

Ryan can imagine that scene, similar to the current situation in Ford's cemetery.

"Which burial areas did those corpses belong to?" Ryan said.

"Everywhere." James shook his head and replied, "And some in the cemetery in the West cemetery."

"So what do they have in common?" Ryan asked.

"One thing in common?" James stared at Ryan. "Corpse, that's what they have in common!"

"No, Detective Lance." Ryan shook his head. "They didn't die for a long time. They were all two-year-old corpses with healthy limbs. I can assume that these corpses were carefully selected."

James looked at Ryan blankly.

"You already know, Benjamin and I had a fight with them. I don't want to brag, but to be able to hold the two of us, the body of the walking dead needs to be in a state of full strength." Ryan looked at James: "These corpses are carefully selected, they are strong and complete. Where can people get information about the state of the corpse?"

Perhaps, to put it another way, it is easier to understand, where can there be detailed physical status information and records of the time of death?

"Hospital." James frowned and said.

Just like the work carried out by the civil servant Wells, all the information about the cemetery was in front of him. He need spend a lot of time investigating to find out the few who meet the requirements in the accumulation of the cemetery for decades. Then report them to the municipal government for compensation.

These few people were like the carefully selected walking corpses in Ryan's mouth.

"That's where the swag goes," Ryan concluded.