
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

018   Hunters awaiting trial


People can't tell the time from such an environment, but they can hear the impact sound generated by the contact between the sole and the metal ground. Especially in such a closed and metallic corridor, any light sound can be echoed and amplified here. The mixed footsteps rippled into the enclosed metal compartments on both sides of the corridor.

The dull crashing sound came into the corridor from behind the door of the metal compartment. It was the muffled sound made by the people in the closed compartment when they heard the movement and immediately got up and pressed the cold metal door. Bloodshot eyes stuck to the small window the size of a palm above the metal door, looking at the people walking in the corridor.

They were dressed in grey-green uniforms and kept their eyes fixed, their broad palms resting on the metal baton at their waists. It seemed that it can be pulled out at any time, stabbed in the abdomen of others, and broken in the knees of others. Here, they have the right to do so.


The police baton hit the innermost metal door and the horizontal window that could only accommodate the arm was pulled open. A cold command was shouted from the mouth of a prison guard!


Revenge opened his eyes, moved his body, and stood in front of the door, just so he could see the prison guards standing in the corridor from the small window above. He stretched out his hands from the horizontal window below, and the icy handcuffs were roughly clasped around his wrists. The iron door opened, and two strong guards pulled Revenge by the shoulders and pushed him against the wall.

The heavy shackles were tied to the ankles and connected to the handcuffs. The prison guard took Revenge's arm and dragged him forward: "Go!"

The sound of the metal chains colliding with Revenge's footsteps sounded, and the shackles restricted his pace. His body was pulled diagonally moving forward awkwardly. In the middle of the corridor, Revenge's fellow hunter was also pulled out by the prison guards. The two looked at each other, not knowing why.

"Where are we going?" Revenge asked, frowning.

The police baton stabbed in Revenge's stomach, and if the police wished, he could spit out something from Revenge's tumbling stomach. His just bent body was grabbed by the prison guard who was pulling the chain, and he pulled forward. Revenge's hands and feet were pulled, and he stumbled forward.

"Shut up! Move on!"

What else can you expect? This was the 'dark room'.

This was the only men's prison in Porto, and the security level was only medium, so the place where Revenge and his fellow hunters were located was not an ordinary cell area, but on the north side of the prison, the so-called 'dark room'.

Revenge, who was suddenly pushed out of the dark room, adapted to the light, and it felt as if it was summer, but Revenge knew that it was only spring.

He squinted his eyes tightly, and the shackles did not allow him to raise his arms to block the sun, so he could only adapt slowly, but the prison guards behind him didn't care so much, and pushed the two men forward roughly.

It took a while for Revenge's vision to regain clarity. He saw the position of the sun, but it was the sun that had just left the horizon. After half a month of darkness, day and night, he finally felt the sun. But before Revenge had any emotion, the two former hunters were pushed into an escort van.

With the rear door closed, the field of vision returned to darkness again. The two people with bound hands and feet adjusted to the light again, then looked at each other, their bodies swayed slightly under inertia, and the car drove away.


Early in the morning, vampire Ryan was in the basement of Anderson's house. On the stone platform he used to sleep on, there was a 'mummified corpse' wrapped in iron chains.

Ryan had not been heard from the Mayor of Porto since he and Anthony were separated at the cemetery that night. Ryan can understand that, even he was avoiding some things, otherwise he would not face his 'son' for the first time until being mentioned by Louise.

The vampire Ryan shook his head, shook off the confused thoughts in his head, picked up the scissors set aside, and started trimming Ian's messy hair. Withered and frizzy hair fell in clumps, and the 'mummy' still had his eyes closed, letting Ryan play with it at will.

Ryan searched his memory, threw the scissors, found a razor directly, dipped it in water, and started doing the simplest pot top hairstyle, after all, this was the Ian in his memory. Soldiers on the battlefield have this hairstyle. If Anthony was not the Mayor, maybe he will keep the hairstyle. It's just now that Anthony, who was already showing signs of baldness, was increasingly reliant on his long bangs.

Ryan, admiring his 'masterpiece', brought the nail clippers and cut off Ian's horribly curled nails. After all, this was done, Ryan took out the towel and cleaned up the mummified corpse. But the vampire never touched the steel cone that sealed the heart.

Look, Ryan was avoiding something.

Louise's footsteps came from the stairs, Ryan thought he didn't need to hide his behavior and cleaned up the garbage on the ground by himself.

"James is here." Louise glanced at Ryan and the 'mummified corpse' on the stone platform, but did not enter, rubbed her still a little worried eyes, covered her frown, and said this sentence quietly turned, and left. Please understand how a woman felt when she woke up and found that the man around her was gone. Well, on top of this, there were some more annoying things to add.

Ryan shook his head helplessly. He was not in a hurry. After finishing the arrangement slowly, he walked upstairs and pushed open the office door.

James, who seemed to be in a bad mood, was still wearing yesterday's clothes, which was unusual for a rich boy. It can only be explained that the detective worked overnight again at Ryan's prompt.

James sat impatiently at Ryan's desk, and when he saw Ryan come in, he stood up immediately, with a tone of accusation: "What are you doing, why are you so slow!"

"Is something wrong?" Our vampire Ryan didn't want to answer whether it was the tone of the other party or the content of the question.

James didn't waste time, he took out a document and handed it to Ryan: "Everybody was sent from [Porto Mercy Hospital]. In the past year, most of the bodies with healthy limbs were in that warehouse."

Ryan opened the information. This was a medical record index, and the names correspond to some words that only appear on medical records. But they were all visceral problems. There was no problem with the limbs, joints, and muscles. It is the quality that a good walking corpse should have...

Ryan closed the document and returned to James: "Why give me this?"

James looked at the vampire blankly, and said excitedly, "Go catch him! You can't let Curson and me fight a guy who can manipulate corpses!"

Ryan frowned, "Whoever said the middle recruiter could manipulate the body, that's Papa-Midnite. Papa-Midnite won't show up in front of people, what you have to do is find who has access to these medical records, then catch him, he's The one who can break it all."

James rubbed his temples. This is the difference between a police detective who knows that there are incredible things in this world and an ordinary police detective. Detective Curson, for example, was excited to discover the clues in the hospital, but James was afraid that he will meet an enemy with who he had no chance of winning.

"You have to help! At least cover for us!" There was bloodshot in James' eyes from staying up late.

Ryan glanced at him and shook his head: "This is the hospital, what do you want me to do? Even the Gusts wouldn't do anything out of the ordinary in the hospital."

Mirrors are usually set up in the corners of hospitals to remind people to pay attention to patients with reduced mobility. These mirrors are different from mirrors in ordinary environments. They have the necessary functionality, and people will pay special attention, which is not good for vampires. And witchcraft is mostly related to the soul, not to mention that the hospital is a public place, using witchcraft in a place full of undead, the scene is really indescribable.

"Let Benjamin go." James continued to demand, frowning.

Ryan's light green eyes turned to James, the general's son, who was ordering the Anderson House?

Seeing Ryan's face, James immediately noticed the mistake in his tone, "Sorry. I, I just want to make sure that the recruiter can be caught! Besides, I can't go to the hospital to investigate today, I really need help!"

Ryan looked away, Benjamin's reminder was right, and James began to use the Anderson House as his tool. James seems to think that when he needs help, Anderson should be able to contribute as a matter of course.

That's not where the vampire wants to go, "You need help? Go ask your partner for help."

James didn't realize what was going on in the vampire's mind, "Curson has something to do today. We just can't get away!"

"Then you just have to wait." Ryan waved his hand, already saying goodbye.

James held his breath, gave Ryan one last glare, and left the Anderson House in anger.

You may be wondering what happened to Curson and James today, and the ongoing investigation must be put aside.

answer you. The single, confirmed murder of Connor Herman didn't seem to be enough to put Revenge and his companion on death row. Therefore, under Mr. Herman's vigorous 'promotion', the case of the disappearance of the homeless person, which was not very conclusive, was set for trial today.

As for what method Mr. Herman used to make the arraignment that was supposed to be postponed to a month later, we can understand it, and we don't need to say it explicitly.

But what we do know for sure is that the only connection between the Revenge and the disappearance of the homeless ghoul whose actual perpetrator was a ghoul was Detective Lance and his partner Curson.

They were going to be witnesses. Detective Curson will honestly describe his own experience - having been electrocuted by a sneak attack. The difference was that James was going to lie in court.

In this way, it seems that James' bad mood early in the morning can be understood.

That's how Porto's day started on Wednesday morning.