
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

016 "Cult"

On the south side of the courtyard of the bus station, there was the former staff dormitory. The infrastructure was still in good condition. Ryan and Benjamin washed off the smell of carrion from their bodies before the police arrived. Watching the police officers cover their mouths with pale faces and rushed toward them, the two kindly indicated the location of the toilet.

Curson and Ryan had met twice. Of course, the first time was from the cat's eye in room 202, and then buried by the enchanting pupil. The second time was just as someone around Mr. Herman, and Curson didn't have much impression. He didn't know Ryan's name until now. Curson took the small notebook and asked how things went.

Ryan said it briefly. They were friends with Laura Porto and volunteered to help her clean up the bus stop. Then they found the scene after entering the warehouse, Just missed someone fleeing the scene. Because the majority of teenagers and children were here, they only showed the situation to the only male teacher, saying that they would call the police, and then dispersed the teenagers and children. The two of them stayed until the police arrived.

"Well, your decision was wise. But I still have a question, why did you specify Lance when you called the police?" Curson was puzzled by this, although it was a good thing.

"Mr. Herman speaks highly of Detective Lance," Ryan replied with the respect a citizen should have for a police officer, "Oh, Connor Herman's funeral was at our Anderson House. "

"Oh," Curson replied softly, raising his eyebrows in understanding. Of course, he's not going to say thank you to this Anderson guy, Even though his heart was already happy!

"Okay, that's it." Curson waved to the 'brothers'. From the interview, he already knew that they didn't see the face of the person who ran away, and he still needed to visit the high school boys who happened to be on the west side of the warehouse.

Although James' existence was unnecessary, Curson didn't know their relationship, so James left Anderson's contact information symbolically and let them go.

Ryan and Benjamin, like ordinary people, thanked the detective, got back into their van, and drove back to the Anderson house.

Detective Curson watched the two leave, the smile on his face could not be concealed. He stood between the old-fashioned buses cleaned by the students and punched the air excitedly! It's been a week! His investigation of the 'suicide case' finally made progress!

Curson trotted into the main control room, went straight to the warehouse, and whistled happily at a group of police officers who were walking out in pain!

James was standing in front of the bus whose shell was removed, and was slapped by his partner behind him which made him almost fall into the corpse!

"Hey! Lance! We're so lucky!" Curson's voice was loud, ignoring the rolling eyes of the police officers around him who were taking photos.

James stabilized his body, recovered from his daze, and his eyes were still a little confused, "What did you say?"

"These!" Curson put his hands forward. "This is the place! The place where the suicides were held! Look at these! What did you see!"

The confusion in James' eyes dissipated and turned gloomy. He really didn't understand what Curson was happy about. James spat out one word: "corpse."

"Yeah! Corpses! Lots and lots of corpses!" Curson would have liked to dance on the corpse pile if he could! "look here!"

Curson dragged James to the other side of the bus, where next to a pile of corpses in various poses, a bag was pulled flat and placed on the ground. On the canvas, some kind of blood had been painted with imprints like a book from heaven. Beside the bag, a naked man was still holding his legs and curled up, lying on his side.

Unlike the corpses that had apparently been decomposed for some time, this man's body still retained the freshness of a new corpse.

Curson put on white rubber gloves, squatted down, pressed the man's shoulders, and turned the man's body upside down with a little force. When the arms and legs were pulled apart, the corpse was unfolding entirely in the eyes of the police officers.

"Look here!" Curson's gloved fingers pressed directly on the left chest of the male corpse, and the neat scratches formed a slanted cross - x. Curson looked at James excitedly: "You know what does that mean?!"

Of course, James knew what it meant, the vampire said it, the Gusts said it, but could he say it?

This was Papa-Midnite's halfway contract!

If it goes well, this x-shaped wound will disappear, leaving only a mark on the heart! Then this guy will "miraculously" resurrect and live in the crowd like ordinary people! It's just that he will be very lucky and everything he wants will come true! In the end, he will be "persuaded" by the Gust couple and stabbed himself twice in the heart! When his soul goes to hell, turns back into a corpse!

Therefore, at this time, James could only sullenly said, "What does it mean?"

Curson raised his voice with satisfaction: "Cult! Don't you see it? This is a cult!"

Please understand Detective Curson's wildest fantasy, remember how Curson reasoned 'David'? A perverted murderer who wants to spread his style of committing crimes through telecommunications... (Chapter I, 23)

What made James really helpless was that the faces of the police officers in the warehouse showed the expressions of "So that's how it is"!

However, we know that Detective Curson really captured the essence of Papa-Midnite.

Laura stayed by Alice's side when Ryan and Benjamin returned to the Anderson house. Because they didn't know what was going on, the two girls used their imaginations to comfort each other, and they seemed to frighten each other! And Alice's only certainty was that no one will die, but like James, she can't say.

They both breathed a sigh of relief when the two Anderson brothers returned. Alice was fine, but Laura was pestering Benjamin, and she had to ask what happened before she would leave.

In fact, Laura didn't have to worry. Maybe tomorrow, the police would collect evidence from the organizer of this event, but they will not disclose more details for the protection of minors. Benjamin didn't want to add a psychological burden to Laura and refused her question on the grounds that the Porto Police Department asked not to say more.

"Laura, the boys at the west gate of the warehouse today, tell me their names." Ryan was not as gentle as Benjamin and directly used the Eye of Charm.

After a brief flutter, Laura uttered a few names.

Ryan pouted, let's put it this way, Laura's social circle fits her 'Porto' surname very well, with the only exception being 'Anderson'.

In this regard, Ryan didn't have to worry about the dangers of those boys anymore, let James do it. Anyway, James will definitely pass on the news that the police have touched.