
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

011   Stubborn boy

The rhythm of high school is like a well-organized swarm. The young students rushing out of the classroom with the bell looked at the three strangers curiously, and then rushed into another classroom before the bell rings.

"Laura, Benjamin and I are going to look elsewhere." Most of Ript high school had passed. Ryan and Benjamin had confirmed that Kyle was not here, at least not indoors, with their super senses.

"Oh, all right." Laura looked at Benjamin with a slightly disappointed and relieved expression and took Alice away.

"Well? It's surprisingly easy." Benjamin raised his eyebrows. He thought it would take some effort to get away.

Ryan tilted his eyes and looked at the two people leaving. Laura whispered something in Alice's ear. Laura was going to take Alice to the cheerleading club. A girl in a short skirt or something....

"Did you find them?" Ryan smiled, put the girl's caution behind him and asked Benjamin. Werewolves sometimes have a better sense of smell than other creatures, especially when looking for people.

Benjamin felt his nose. "Yes, Kyle and Connor are on the playground."

During the match at Fenway Stadium last weekend, Benjamin, who had already begun to notice these two people, specially remembered their smells when entering the lounge. He thought it would be over after finding the report three years ago. He didn't expect it was still used now.

Ryan wondered, "is Kyle still in the team?"

Benjamin smiled and walked directly to the playground. "You can see it in a moment.".

When they came to the playground, they soon saw 'Connor' was training. Benjamin pointed to the corner of the grandstand which was covered by the guardrail. Ryan squinted. The sun dulled the vampire's senses, but he still saw the big boy hiding in the corner.

The two exchanged eyes and acted separately. Benjamin went to the coach who was training the players at the side of the playground. He got familiar with the teacher first, and then found a chance to contact 'Connor'. Ryan took his last sip of coffee and walked to Kyle's place.

"You know, if you want to keep an eye on him, it's the best way to stay on the football team." Ryan stood behind the boy crouching in the corner.

Kyle, who only paid attention to someone on the playground, trembled. When he turned around, he lost his balance and leaned against the guardrail in a panic, half sitting and looking at the person who suddenly appeared.

"Are your legs numb?" Ryan crouched down and watched as Kyle struggled several times to stand up.

"that's what happens when you keep the same position for an hour." Ryan pressed Kyle and said, "don't worry. Just here, I have some questions for you."

"Who are you?!" Kyle looked at Ryan. "I don't want to watch anyone! I'm just here... Resting here!"

In a typical denial, Ryan chuckled, "Ryan Anderson, you can call me Ryan. Laura's friend's brother, we have met twice."

"OK, Ryan! Nice to meet you!" Kyle, who was much stronger than his peers, stood up with his arms on the railing. "If nothing happens, I'll go back to class!"

Ryan didn't stop him. There's no harm in leaving here. Avoid the afternoon sun to enter the room, which is more convenient for him to use the vampire's ability. Ryan followed Kyle, who was lame, out of the bleachers on the playground and walked inside the buildings in the school district. His feeling of lethargy finally subsided.

"Why you follow me?" Kyle found Ryan following behind him and shouted impatiently. His voice echoed in the corridor of the teaching building. It's class time. There were only two people in the corridor.

"I just want to ask you some questions." Ryan looked at the figure of the boy pressing his paralyzed thigh with one hand, trying to walk faster ."Do you know anything more secret? After all, my next question is about Connor, or about the original Connor."

Kyle's body was stunned, and he stared at Ryan with unbelievable eyes.

Ryan nodded with satisfaction, smiled and asked, "do you have a place?"

Kyle stared at Ryan's gentle smiling face and frowned. After a moment of silence, he lowered his voice and said, "stay away from me!"

Ryan's smiling face froze. Kyle continued to hold his leg and limped around the corner.

"Well?" Ryan put away his smiling face, touched his chin and frowned. Vampires were now thinking, why did Kyle refuse? He had made it clear that he knew some things that can threaten Kyle, and had taken the initiative to show goodwill and proposed to have private communication.

Mastering the key points of the other side and then showing goodwill is a universal formula for starting friendly cooperation. It was the same with James, and it was the same with Mrs Quinn, in the life of a vampire for three hundred or fourhundred years. But Kyle refused? Why?

Ryan looked sideways at a row of carbinets on the side of the corridor, graffiti, stickers, self declaration... Ryan shook his head helplessly. He thought that this time, the other party was a teenager, impulsive, stubborn, and full of rules breaking ideas. As a Porto, he wanted to be an olive player, which was very illustrative.

Ryan sighed. He didn't want to use violence.

The figure of the vampire streaked a shadow in the corridor. Kyle, who was slowly climbing up the stairs, felt that something was holding him behind him, and the things in his vision were rapidly changing and turning! When things were clear again in front of him, he found that the world was upside down!

His right foot was carried in the air by something. Before Kyle could struggle, a pair of red eyes attracted his full attention!

"Now, can you take me to a secret place? The answer is yes."

Kyle's head hung upside down nodded, "yes."

Outside the playground, a group of sweaty boys had long found the man who was talking and laughing with their coach. Thanks to this hairy guy, they can finally take the opportunity to be lazy for a while.

The day after tomorrow would be the second game of the beaver team in the league. Although they can escape the afternoon course through training, the coach 'tough love' had made these young men miserable.

"Hey, Connor!" The coach waved to one person: "come here! You have won a fan for yourself! Come and meet this gentleman!"

The boys watched with envy as their captain left the team and ran to the coach. On the court, the most attractive is always the quarterback!

"See!" The middle-aged coach left two of them. He went to the players who had just relaxed a bit. After the sharp whistle sounded, his thick arm pointed to Benjamin and Connor: "this is what you want! To be remembered! To have your own supporters! To be worshipped!"

This was a perfect opportunity to lecture!

"Look!" The coach pointed to Connor and the boys still on the training ground: "that is the people remembered! Quarterback! Star on the court! Not you! Why not you?! tell me? Why not you?"

No one spoke, only faces with sweat and chest ups and downs due to breathing.

"No one said anything?! ha?! yes! Let me tell you! Because you haven't worked hard enough!" The coach stared at the young men whose faces were aroused again and waved his hands: "run! run! Yes! That's what you want! Look at him! Break your limits!..."

Benjamin turned his eyes from the teenagers in the training ground, smiled at Connor, who was still panting and looking at him in some confusion: "nice to meet you. I want to talk to you about something. Can we go to the lounge?"

'Connor' looked at the tall, strong, strange man. The temporary pass on his chest showed that he was not from Ript high school. "What kind of College Scout?" Connor nodded excitedly and motioned sideways: "this way."

Benjamin followed him to the rest room on the side of the playground. "First of all, I'm not a scout."

"Connor" turned his head in doubt, and the excitement that had just risen disappeared: "Er, sir, who are you?"

"Werewolf." Benjamin blinked and pressed his hands on the young man who wanted to escape. "Keep moving, Connor. Maybe you should be called Run gust."

"What do you want!"' "Connor" was pressed by Benjamin and moved forward passively. Even without the use of 'alpha skin', Benjamin's strength was much greater than that of this 18-year-old boy!

"Don't be nervous." Benjamin went on, "just want to confirm something. I have lived in Porto for many years. I didn't want to get into trouble before, and now I don't need to start."

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

michael_lyucreators' thoughts