
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

010  Enter the school for tracing

Ript high school was located in the east of the North District of Porto. If the traffic was good, it was only a ten minute drive to the east to reach Noel Beach (David's area). However, the season was not right now. The charm of sunshine, beach and waves had not overcome the temperature, so few people go there.

This time, the Banshee came with worry about her friends, so she didn't linger on the car, she joined Ryan and Benjamin in ript. But before she came, Alice spent hours perfecting her unskilled makeup skills. So, when the three came here, the students had already had their lunch break. In two hours, the school would be over.

In order not to have a bad impact on the teenagers, Ryan put away his cigarettes, held a cup of coffee in his hand, and took the two directly into the Academic Affairs Office of the school.

"Alice Anderson." The headmaster was a slightly fat woman of about 50 years old. Two golden chains hung from her ears and around her neck behind the spectacle frame. On the desk in front of her, there was a triangular nameplate with gold edge on a black background with 'President West' printed on it.

With a form in her hand, she looked at it carefully: "has the child been receiving family education?"

The headmaster put down the form, took off her glasses, looked at Alice, who was a little nervous, and smiled: "don't be nervous. I received family education before high school! In our age, women are not qualified to go to school. Look at me now, I am in charge of the best high school in Porto."

Alice bowed her head shyly. Mrs.West looked at Ryan: "the first semester has just begun a month. Now it's not too late to enter school. However, in order to better understand your sister's learning progress, we still need to arrange some tests."

Ryan patted Alice. Of course, they didn't come to apply for Alice's admission. They just found an excuse to hang around in Ript!

"In fact, we are hesitating." Ryan smiled and looked at the headmaster: "we are engaged in traditional family business, and Alice is not easy to get close to strangers. We want to respect her choice as to whether she is willing to enter the school."

President West nodded. Recently, Anderson's surname was quite famous. She also saw some in the newspaper. Just by virtue of her first impression, Alice had such an introverted personality that Mrs.West didn't think Alice can have a happy life on campus.

"Fortunately, Alice has become friends with Laura Porto of your school." Ryan looked at the headmaster: "so we want her to feel the environment here with the help of her friends. I wonder if it is possible?"

Now that he had said the last name of 'Porto', president West nodded clearly, smiled and said, "Laura is also a first-year student. If Alice enrolled, you would be in the same grade. I don't think Laura would refuse to take her friends around."

"Thank you very much." Ryan smiled gratefully.

President West picked up the phone, informed the staff to get three passes, made simple arrangements, and sent them out of the office.

Ript's radio station said, "Laura Porto, please go to the academic affairs office." Alice sat on her chair and waited nervously and excitedly as the radio was playing in a loop.

Before long, a girl wearing high-heeled leather boots rushed into the academic affairs office!

"I swear! I definitely didn't mean to say that Mr. Suwest's chin looks like an ass! That's just a joke! Don't tell my parents! President West didn't tell my parents?"

Laura, who had just rushed in, lay on the guardrail of the reception desk of the academic affairs office and explained anxiously to the fat woman who was eating snacks inside.

Fat woman looked at Laura and pointed at Alice. Laura turned her head, her anxiety turned into surprise, and ran to Alice in two steps: "Alice! Why are you here!" Of course, the girl didn't forget the person next to her: "Hey, Benjamin! You're here too! Hey, um, Alice's other brother, hello."

Alice's nervousness also disappeared, pointing to the pass on her chest. "We're here to visit. Mrs. West asked you to be our guide."

"Really?!" Laura patted her chest in excitement. Obviously, she was relieved, not because she was in trouble again!

"Can I skip the last class?" Laura turned her head and looked expectantly at the fat woman.

Fat woman rolled her eyes "No!"

Laura bowed her head disappointedly, but she was happy again. Since she was showing people around, the time it would take was uncertain!

"Let's go!" Laura took Alice's hand and was about to rush out.

"Hahaha!" the fat woman laughed without warning and startled the four people. "Mr. Suwest! Ha ha! Ass chin!" The woman's reaction speed was very strange.

Laura didn't care that the headmanst's palm was still stained with potato chips. She looked proud and raised her hand to pat the fat palm. Then she put a finger in front of her mouth: "Shhh ~"

As soon as the fat woman lifted her chin, she made an "I understand!" expression, continued to attack their snacks.

Laura was a very conscientious tour guide. Now other students were in class. There were only four people in the corridor of the classroom. Laura kept introducing what this was and what that was.

Occasionally, she would hold Alice close to the window of the classroom door to tell the gossip of the teachers in class, including the ass chin.

Looking at Laura's appearance, the three were relieved, which showed that Kyle's situation was not too bad.

"This is my cabinet." Laura opened her locker neatly, and the inside of the cabinet door was covered with stickers of various shapes and photos. Benjamin was embarrassed to find that there was a photo of himself... Ryan stood aside silently, because there was a small mirror on the cabinet. It was always right to be cautious.

Laura slipped the books in her bag back into the cabinet and took out snacks and put them in her backpack.

Alice asked with some worry, "are you really not going to class?"

"Of course not!" Laura said exaggeratedly, "it will be the experiment class later! I tell you, a freshman burned his eyebrows in the experiment class last year! I need my eyebrows!! I decided to skip all the experiment classes this semester!"

Alice felt her eyebrows blankly. There was one more thing needed to be afraid of in the world!

Ryan shook his head reluctantly. The girl's logic deviation was a bit strange. Ryan winked at Alice to remind the Banshee.

Alice understood and asked softly, "Laura, how's your brother now? The day after tomorrow, it's the beavers versus the sea lions. How's Kyle getting ready?"

Laura's movements slowed down and her face became a little sad: "Kyle gave up football and he quit the team."

Although Alice already knew this, she tried to show her surprise: "why? Didn't you say that his dream is to be an olive player? Is he going to apply for law school?"

Laura shook her head in distress: "no, yesterday he had a quarrel with his father over this matter. He is very strange recently. He is always talking to himself. According to his friends, he doesn't have much class recently. It seems that he has changed!"

Several brochures fell out of Laura's cabinet. Alice squatted down and picked up the scattered brochures. The titles on the cover were such titles as "how teenagers face stress correctly".

Laura pursed her lips, threw them back, and slammed the door shut with one hand. Her face was sad and angry: "these are for him. I kindly helped him find these, but he told me to stay away from him! Hum! I don't care about him!"

Alice patted Laura on the back comfortingly, comforting her friend, and looked at Ryan, who nodded slightly.

After noticing the change of Kyle, his close friends were doing their best to help him. Laura found the youth counseling materials, and Mrs. Porto found the Anderson house.