
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

012   Earthbound spirit——Run Gust

"You don't have to resist." Benjamin pushed 'Connor' into the lounge. Even though there were only two people here, there was still a smell of boys' sweat in the whole room. The werewolf wrinkled his nose. "I don't want to interfere with your affairs. I came here for Kyle."

"Connor" righted shoulder pad and looked at the guy in front of him warily, "I didn't do anything to him!"

Benjamin shrugged: "strictly speaking, it is true, Run Gust." He walked to the rows of iron cabinets, watched, and walked to one of them: "but you used what he did. So you owe him a favor, don't you?"

"Connor" looked at Benjamin standing still, and the crease between his eyebrows became deeper and deeper, because Benjamin was standing where Connor died!

"Is this it?" Benjamin squatted down, touched the ground, and looked at 'Connor' with a smile at the corners of his mouth: "where you are attached to Connor."

"Yes! So what!"' Oh no, let me call him Run. Run clenched his fists: "what do you want from me! Connor is dead! I need a body! And that Kyle, he should thank me! I am the reason why he hasn't been put in prison!"

Benjamin raised his eyebrows and smiled. "Don't be too self righteous. You saw what happened. It was just a case of negligence. He has Porto's last name. He won't be thrown into prison."

"You know what!" Run waved his fist and stared at Benjamin: "what are you? The Porto watchdog?!"


Benjamin's fingertips and sharp toenails marked the ground!

"Alpha..." Run's face was full of panic. He staggered back, his legs were blocked by the bench, and fell down on the bench in fear.

Benjamin took off his alpha fingers and looked at Run calmly. "As I said before, I don't want to get into trouble. But you should be aware of who you are talking to."

"That's impossible!" Run's voice trembled: "no werewolves live in Porto! What's your name? How long have you lived in Porto?!"

"Benjamin Anderson. At least ten years."

When the other person says several keywords in succession, even if he only responds to one, he can carry on the conversation. So remind everyone that if you want to confirm something, be sure to focus on a keyword!

"Anderson! I know you!" Run exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes, we seem to be very popular recently." Benjamin raised his eyebrows, stood up and walked to the bench: "so you read the newspaper to make up for the changes in the world in the past three years. I'm beginning to feel good about you."

"What do you want?!" Run was a little excited, and a strong sense of frustration invaded his mind. As a person who fully inherited the spirit of the Federation native Indians, he and his family did not know that there were a group of werewolves with Alpha in their city. After three years of "life" of the earthbound spirit, he had not been reborn for a week, and his identity was mastered by the Alpha!

"Relax." Benjamin smiled and looked at the young man shaking his head. "I have no interest in making you my wizard. As I said, I came for Kyle."

Run breathed a little relieved, but his body was still tight. He kept a distance from Benjamin sitting next to him: "as I said, I didn't do anything to him!"

"I know, but I might 'ask' you to do something for him." Benjamin thought for a while and said, "first of all, I want to know what happened. You know, his abnormal attention to you has caused his abnormal behavior, and people around him have begun to notice it. I am just helping him return to normal, in other words." Benjamin looked at the still wary Run and sideways expressed his friendship: "I'm helping you too, so why don't we help each other?"

After a long silence, Run nodded: "OK, I accept! But I also have a request! Don't tell my family I'm here!" Run referred to his new body.

Benjamin made a natural expression.

"First of all, that Kyle!" Run's eyes became cold. "He's not a good guy. For the first time, maybe he didn't mean it! But he tried to kill me! For the second time!"

Benjamin raised his eyebrows. "Please be more specific."


Ryan waved to disperse the dust in the air. It looked like an abandoned classroom, dusty textbooks, broken seats, stained windows... Only a space in the corner of the classroom was clean, but Ryan had seen the wine bottles and cigarette butts stuffed into the sundries. It was obvious that this was a secret base for some students.

Kyle turned around in astonishment. He didn't understand why he suddenly decided to bring the people behind him here. He wanted to say something, and then left here, but his vision was once again occupied by red eyes!

"Tell me everything, starting with you killing Connor by mistake." Ryan said this sentence gently. After that, the vampire closed his eyes and rubbed his fingers against his temples. When his eyes opened again, they had recovered to light green. The land was shined by the sun, which was not the ideal time for vampires.

"It was just an accident!" Kyle was twisted by vampires and forced into a state of memory. His expression immediately became excited and nervous. He was trying to explain: "I didn't want to kill him... He kept provoking me. It's not my fault!"

"All right." Ryan waved impatiently, pulled a chair and sat down. "What happened next."

Kyle's mood was still fierce. "Laura is coming. She's urging me and Connor!" He covered his face: "I'm panicking! I don't know what to do! Connor! Connor, he's out of breath! I didn't mean it! I..."

The vampire massaged his eyes. Without stopping, he decided to let the guy immerse himself in remorse for a while. It's not intentional. It didn't mean it's not wrong. Some people had paid the price of his lives for it.

Kyle spoke in a low mumble, as if to himself for a while, and the incident finally continued to develop.

"I wanted to run as if nothing had happened! Then I did! So I left there, I left Connor lying there! I drove to the stadium!"

Kyle relaxed a little and became nervous again. "I tried to treat it as if it hadn't happened! But I couldn't... I knew I was wrong! My head seemed to explode! I was driving, that road, I knew the Porto police station was ahead! I didn't know what to do! I was afraid..."

Ryan put down his massage hand. If it wasn't for Mrs. Porto's entrustment, Ryan wouldn't care about the guy who made mistakes. Every vampire knows that mistakes need to be punished. This is the lesson handed down by the ancestors of all vampires. This is the iron rule between heaven and earth.

Ryan was more interested in 'Connor' than Kyle.

Ryan was reluctant to help such a person. But now at least Ryan knew that he was blaming himself and even considered turning himself in, which made the vampire feel a little relief.

"Then I met you." Kyle's expression stopped a little while, and then quickly developed in a strange direction. "You said that a traffic accident would cost the beaver team one member."

Ryan's eyebrows wrinkled. What did Kyle want to say?

"So I went back to school..."

"Ha ha!" Ryan suddenly realized and chuckled! He shook his head, so it was!

Don't forget that Kyle was forced to study law. He knew that even if it was an 'accident', it would develop into a completely different result!

The 18-year-old boy in front of him, the balance in his heart, had tilted to the dirty side!

"I went back to school, and I had a plan! I took Connor into my car, and I knew I was taking a risk! But I had to do it! I couldn't ruin my own future! I kept reminding myself of the steps to pay attention to!..."

In the lounge of Ript high school playground, Benjamin frowned and Run's fists were clenched.

"I just got attached. I still need time to adapt to this body! I can't move yet, but I can still hear the voice! He keeps talking to himself! His plan! He has gone to the dark soul!"

Run's face was filled with anger: "I was carried to the car by him! I heard him saying to himself: 'time! I need to hurry up! Before the blood starts to clot! Becky East Street is under construction! I can do it! As long as I can master the distance!'..."

In the corner of the abandoned classroom, Ryan stared at the increasingly excited Kyle. On his exposed neck, the blood vessels were luring the vampire!

"I know I can do it! Accelerate, turn right, crash... I will hit the steering wheel! I may break a few ribs, but the safety belt can save my life! But he won't, he will directly crash the front window! He will fly out! He will 'die' on the spot..."

Lounge, Run.

"He continued to talk to himself without knowing that I had heard it clearly!" we were arguing! All the team members can testify! This can explain why Connor didn't fasten his seat belt, why he suddenly turned around, and why tragedy happened! This is the most perfect testimony! I would get away without responsibility!... 'I heard everything! "

In the corner of the classroom, Kyle.

"Everything is perfect! My plan can succeed! I know it will succeed!" Kyle's expression had been distorted, with a crazy smile. His hands held in front of him were clasping the air, and the white joints made a soft Click: "until! Until!..."

Lounge, Run.

"When I open my eyes, Becky East Street is in front of me!" Run smashed his fist on the locker, banging softly in the empty room.

Benjamin gave a long sigh. "At least you stopped him in time. You are still alive. You are very lucky." Benjamin's eyes drifted away, as if murmuring to himself, "another guy may not be very lucky."

The corner of the classroom.

Ryan raised his head, closed his eyes and slowly opened them, looking satisfied. The tip of his bright red tongue licked up the residual blood at the corner of his mouth, "the taste is not too bad."

The tiredness of the vampire's actions during the day was finally dispelled by the supplement of fresh food. Ryan moved his hands comfortably, and the boy he lifted with one hand was pushed away at will. Kyle's eyes were blurred and he gradually lost consciousness.

Ryan looked at Kyle on the ground,who was breathing weakly. He should discuss with Benjamin to make a decision.


At present, the story of this volume has basically been paved. Next, it will enter the climax of this volume, with wonderful alien fighting plots. I hope you like it. I hope you can comment and support me.

At present, the story of this volume has basically been paved. Next, it will enter the climax of this volume, with wonderful alien fighting plots. I hope you like it. I hope you can comment and support me.

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