
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

004   James was attacked at home again

James was holding a cupcake given by detective Curson. It was a snack specially prepared for her husband by Mrs. Curson, who was visiting the police station. He felt that he would never get rid of Kim's shadow in his life!

James opened the elevator door and stood by his door, frowning at the broken silk thread on the retracted door. His home had been invaded again! The door shot through by Revenge was covered with iron patches. James, who had the experience once, set up a small measure to warn himself. The door lock was intact, but the silk thread under the door frame connected to the eaves of the wall was torn off, which meant that someone opened the door of his house.

His right hand reached into his side and the gun was already in his hand. James stepped back and thought for a while. His left hand pulled out a folded saber at his waist. As a new detective, James had a headache about the reports he had to fill out after shooting. If he could, James decided to avoid shooting as much as possible.

James, whose vigilance had risen, did not enter through the main door. Instead, he stepped back, went up the stairs, and decided to go down the fire stairs on the roof.

Liszt street was still full of people. Men and women carrying paper bags were dressed brightly, hugging or laughing at street corners. Shopping is the best activity to increase feelings, so no one would notice that in the narrow lane, a man with a gun in one hand and a dagger in the other was sneaking into the building from the fire ladder.

James' attic was a two-floor duplex apartment. From the outside, it was integrated with the boutique clothing store below. Behind the well-designed signboard, James carefully pushed open the window on the second floor of his house, quickly rolled forward, and came to his bedroom!

James observed his surroundings and walked out of the bedroom. The guardrail on the second floor was made of hollow brass. James lowered his body. Here he can clearly see the scenery on the first floor.

"Hands up!" With his right hand folded on his left wrist holding the dagger, James shouted to the man standing in the living room below, "do as I say! Or I'll shoot!"

The man with his back to James stretched out his thin hands. The shawl with bright patterns opened under the slowly raised arm. The smooth gray hair behind him moved slowly. The man turned half his face.

This Indian has a remarkably high nose and deep-set eye sockets. Fine wrinkles extend from the corners of the woman's eyes and were buried in the hair on both sides.

"Who are you?!" James had stood up from his squat. The muzzle of the gun was aimed at the Indian woman in her fifties: "you have now committed an illegal invasion..."


The silver light came from James' side!

The standard attack posture was a big mistake at this time. James' weapons were concentrated in front of his hand. The sharp pain from his left wrist first made his dagger fall from the guardrail! The silver knife was inserted straight into his left wrist!

James' body tilted, and the direction pointed by the gun in his right hand shifted and trembled. Before he could give a cry of pain, the woman on the first floor suddenly rotated, and the cloak facing James was hung with silver throwing knives!

As soon as the woman's hair was in the air, James' aim lost its target, and the silver light flew straight from top to bottom on James' upper body!

James stepped back. His weight was pressed down and he was about to lie down. But on the side of the body, a vague shadow, like a beast, came crashing down!


The silver knife sank deep into the bedroom wall behind James! He himself was under pressure! The right wrist was held by a strong palm and hit the floor heavily!


James' only weapon was blown away in severe pain!

The silver light was shining in front of James. James didn't have time to care about the sharp pain in his left wrist with a flying knife. He put his left arm away and stuck it against the dagger that was about to collide with his face!

At this moment, James seemed to go back to the past! James can hardly shake the man's strength who held down his body. The dagger was close to his neck! Even now, the man's face, except for the wrinkles, was almost the same as Revenge's!

The floor was shaking slowly. Someone went up the second floor! It's that woman!

With a crash, the smelly, red liquid ignored James' bloodshot eyes and rushed down from above! The woman looked down at James, who was under complete control, and threw away the empty jar!

The woman squatted down, stretched out her five fingers, and pressed them directly on James' forehead, "* &...%... &+% "The woman opened her eyelids, stared fiercely at James' completely surprised and frightened eyes, her thin lips opened, and a loud voice sounded!

"Soul! Appear before me!"


Time seemed to stand still, and nothing happened. After a while.

"He is clean." The woman frowned and said to the strong old man who was still holding James down.

"Clean?" The man pressed his hand against the dagger again and pushed back James, who obviously had something to say, "but you feel that he has used the power of witchcraft."

"Yes." The woman withdrew her hand from James' forehead and wiped it on the floor. "But he really has nothing to do with midnight."

"What now?" The man frowned. "We let him go? At least erase his memory first."

"Yes." The woman nodded. "Hold him down."

James tried to wriggle in panic, but the dagger hanging on his head didn't give him any room to move! We don't know what she was stirring up. It seemed that there was a sound of bottles crashing on the floor above his head. James wanted to see it, but his eyes were held by the dagger in front of him. It was impossible to be distracted at all!

He now had countless questions, countless fears!

This time, he didn't think he could be lucky again. An unexpected visitor—— Louise!

Well, James underestimated his luck.

The crack of the door lock sounded, and the clatter of the iron door broke the repressed silence at this time.

"Did we miss something?"

Ryan stepped into James' home, followed by Benjamin, who was full of mustaches. They looked at Gordon Gust, who was riding on James on the second floor, and Sebella Gust, who was sitting beside him with herbs.

The scarlet blood that had previously been dumped on James' face, along with the platform on the second floor, crossed the brass hollow guardrail, pulled out sticky silk threads, and dropped to the first floor, making a light clatter.

Ryan looked at the silver knife on James' left arm in front of him: "Is this the way you Gusts thank the man who saved your son's soul?"

"That's sheep's blood." Benjamin rubbed his nose to remind the vampire.

"I know." Ryan curled his lips. "Still, it's a strange way to thank."

"What are you talking about?" Sebella put down the bottle in her hand and stood up with her legs. Now we couldn't see that the throwing knives nailed to the bedroom wall on the second floor were thrown by the old woman!

Sebella leaned against the fence and stared at the vampire and werewolf. Her tone was not friendly. "Is he the one who used the Run soul charm?"

Ryan still stood downstairs, stretched out his hand, and made a gesture of recommendation: "James Lance. James, the Gusts. They are the parents of Run and Revenge."

It seems that the vampire's trip this afternoon was not in vain. They found Mr. and Mrs. Gust, but in a strange way.