
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

005   Sebella summoned Papa Midnite

James' home was cold and hard, which was not in line with his age. For example, the sofa in the living room on the first floor, with the combination of black and white and the harsh texture, gave people the illusion of sitting on a stone. Ryan touched the tight musk skin corner on the handrail, and a small leather surface was exposed with 'K.S.' printed on it. It was the name of a famous design master in the Federation.

The vampire raised his eyebrows, looked at the opposite Sebella dissatisfied, who took two cushions and put them on the sofa no different from the coated stone. Then she sat down.

The one who can sit down and talk was the real power owner of the Gust family, and Gordon was lying on the floor with Benjamin, cleaning up the blood stains.

"James Lance." Sebella half put her eyelids together. "He read out the soul inducing spell I wrote."

"Yes." Ryan smiled at the woman, and the man they were talking about, James, was now in the bathroom, cleaning up the sheep's blood. Of course, the wound on his left wrist had healed with the generous blood of the vampire.

"how about Run now?" There was no change in Sebella's tone.

"Well, he's a bit annoying." Ryan told the truth.

Although the name 'Run' was still used, in fact, Run had nothing to do with 'Gust'. His appearance uses Connor. It is also Connor's body parts (blood and hair) that maintain his connection in the world.

Sebella obviously didn't want to say more about this issue and changed the subject: "this James, is it your man?"

"Yes." Ryan squeezed his eyes, lengthened his voice, and then curled his mouth. He motioned with his hands: "probably, hopefully, it is."

Sebella looked at Ryan's expression and snorted. It was obvious that the Indian wizard was not interested in the social life of the vampire. Sebella's eyes drifted away impatiently: "then I want to remind you that he is too close to something dangerous. He needs to stay away!"

"You mean Papa Midnite?" Ryan raised his eyebrows.

Sebella's eyes drifted back, staring at the smiling vampire: "you already know!"

Ryan shrugged. He leaned forward, drew closer to the other side, put his elbows on his knees, and raised his head: "as you can see, I'm trying to be friends with detective James Lance. So when he called and said, 'Hey, I found the case I'm working on is strange', I didn't dare to relax for a moment."

Ryan smiled and pointed in the air: "so, you can imagine that when I found that this' strange' case had something to do with Papa Midnite, this frustration really made me sad!" Ryan frowned deliberately and looked sad.

"Well, at least, at least!" Ryan spreaded out his palm in front of Sebella and said helplessly: "before I embarrass my friend who hopes to please me, let me at least know why? Why did that guy show up in Porto!"

"Put away your nonsense!" Sebella stared at the vampire, "I'm not the kind of person who will believe your poor performance!"

Ryan put away all his expressions, leaned back to the sofa, and his tone became flat: "you can't blame me for trying. After all, I sincerely invited you to Anderson's house, but you didn't."

Ryan said about his night visit half a month ago. The vampire thought that at least Anderson had taken Run in, and the couple would have a better impression of the Anderson family. But Ryan waited for half a month, and the couple had no intention of visiting.

"We are busy." Sebella's eyebrows wrinkled tightly.

"Because of 'Midnite'?" Ryan chuckled, "don't tell me you didn't call him."

"It's us." Sebella's tone became cold, and her eyes were filled with a trace of regret: "that was a desperate move."

"This is the problem between us." Ryan cocked up his legs and said, "we all live in Porto. We all want the same life. But we never communicate and don't trust each other. If I'm right, Connor's body returned to its original position just because Midnite, is that right?"

"Yes." Sebella tightened the shawl on her shoulders and expressed her disdain with a heavy nasal voice: "what can we do if we communicate? The just one in Anderson house..." Sebella moved her eyes up and looked at Benjamin, the werewolf who carefully scrubbed the floor: "was being disturbed by the curse of the full moon. What will you do? Will we let a vampire rip the throat of another son for the sake of the soul of one of our sons?"

Curse refers to the three-day full moon, the transformation of Alpha. Werewolves were created by Indian wizards to resist the colonists. Naturally, they would think that werewolves represent justice. This is not a judgment on Benjamin's personality, but a naked racial prejudice against vampires. In fact, judging from the first time Run saw Benjamin, it can be known that this wizard family does not fully trust werewolves. As we can see now, this is more like a hunter family!

Ryan ignored Sebella's discrimination and blinked, "so you summoned Papa." Ryan's eyes rolled up. "It was a 'smart' decision."


If there is no musk skin, the sound must be very clear!

Sebella's thin hand pressed on the handrail and growled at the vampire, "we can handle this!"

"You can?!" There was a hint of irony on Ryan's mouth, the tone increased, his body leaned forward again, and waved his arm in a large range: "then why are so many people committing suicide with an X on their hearts?! then why am I here?! then why a police detective in the homicide team..."

Ryan turned his head and saw James, whose hair was still wet, coming towards them with a gloomy face. His smile was even stronger: "well, James, tell our Mrs. Gust, why did you, a detective of the homicide team, investigate a suicide case?"

James hesitated for a while about the choice of seat, and finally sat with the vampire.

Sebella frowned and bowed slightly, apologizing to James for their previous behavior, and perhaps thanking him for saving Run's soul. But if she knew it was' Kim' who sent her other son to prison to accept the court ruling, we all know that old Herman would certainly let the death penalty stand! I wonder if Sebella will thank James after knowing this.

James still didn't know exactly what happened, but obviously, the arrival of the vampire was connected with the arrival of the Gust couple and the ongoing case. He followed the vampire's words.

"Because we believe that this is not suicide, but forced suicide." James' left wrist still had a faint red mark, "we have collected enough evidence to prove that they were kidnapped by someone recently." James took a deep breath and stared at Sebella,"I wonder if it's you?"

This was what James cared about! Obviously, the detective didn't recover from the attack just now. He needed to know whether the person sitting opposite him to talk to him was the murderer!

Sebella's lips were closed. Did she acquiesce?

"Detective Lance." Ryan used a surname plus a title. Usually, this means that Ryan wants to emphasize something: "you used the word 'strange' in the call you gave me, so please don't use the label in your common sense to limit the person or thing in front of you." Ryan looked at James. "You know."

James frowned. He felt a headache. What did the vampire mean?! Pure justice and evil seemed to blur in the detective's heart again.

"You say, kidnap." Sebella bypassed James' question. "What time do you mean?"

James clenched his fist: "the deceased disappeared for two hours while handling official business a week ago. There was a colleague's testimony..."

"That's not us." Sebella didn't finish listening and gave the answer directly, "we contacted him the day before yesterday." Sebella glanced at James: "and we haven't done anything out of line. It's almost what you experienced today, except that you were stabbed by a knife. That's not our original intention. It's that you are too vigilant."

Being held down, being splashed with sheep's blood, being held down and chanted on your forehead?

"Why?" James asked with a sullen face.

"Because we want to make sure that you are not a disciple of Papa Midnite."

"'Papa Midnite ',' disciple '?" James subconsciously turned to look at the vampire.

Ryan was very happy with this subconscious behavior of turning to him for help, with a smile: "You know, when a man dies, his soul either goes to another world or wanders in this world. Of course, eventually, their soul will disappear. But there is a man, we call him Papa Midnite. He finds those lucky souls that haven't disappeared, offers them a contract whether they want to work for him, and he brings them back to life.Then they got a second chance in life. "

Another 'second chance'! James put his hands on his eyes, and the detective fell into a kind of distressed mood. The blue veins on his forehead showed the detective's struggle.

"Hum!" Sebella smiled and shook her head. "Are you whitewashing Papa Midnite? A second chance? Luck? Pity and misery! Those people are just slaves of Papa Midnite! "

"Shh!" Ryan pointed a finger at Sebella and said, "can't you see? I'm training our detective Lance to teach him what is right and what is wrong. He needs to find out the key points by himself!"

The General's son put down his hand and stared at the vampire fiercely! When Ryan said these words, it seemed that he was not around!

James almost glared at the smiling vampire with hostile eyes, "you, say, what!"

"Think, James, think about what I just said, and you'll see the point." The vampire bent his eyes to guide him.

In the short silence, only James' heavy breath, James' pupil slightly contracted, as if he remembered something: "work! You said work for Papa Midnite! What kind of work?"

Ryan's smile completely opened and pointed to Sebella: "even if you have to break the contract by bloody suicide, you are not willing to complete the work. Therefore, this one is not the murderer you are looking for. She just told those poor people how to 'resign'."