
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

003   Benjamin, do you know Papa Midnite?

Because Ryan said hello in advance, Madison waited in front of the mill early. The mill was completed a week ago, and the sign of "Anderson house" was also erected in front of the door. Madison nervously introduced the real boss to the new employees here.

Ryan waved carelessly and followed Madison into the basement. The silver metal cabinet was attached to the wall, with a faint chill. Madison checked the information and opened a cabinet door.

"Chris Evan, 32, male..."

Madison, who was reading the information, was interrupted by Benjamin . "You can go out."

"Oh." Madison quietly withdrew, leaving two people behind.

The cabinet was completely pulled out, and Ryan opened the white plastic bag to reveal the body inside. The white frost gas covered the skin, which made the dark red trace sewn on his chest very obvious.

Benjamin looked through the information. There were not many records on it. After all, it was sent by Porto south district police station. Because Chris had no family, he could only store it here temporarily.

"The wound is a mess." Ryan tilted his head and stared at Chris' left chest. Even after the stitching, he could still see the uneven knife edges. It's really hard to imagine what kind of consideration it was for him to insert a knife into his heart.

"Chaos is normal." Benjamin didn't find anything useful on the record. "The unclean wound means he kill himself."

Ryan nodded. If it was a homicide, the wound would at least be flat. He looked around, found gloves and scissors, and cut the forensic stitches.

"Er -" Ryan lengthened his voice, opened his opponent's chest and showed it to Benjamin. "What do you think?"

James' description on the phone was not accurate. On the exposed heart, two oblique knife edges crossed to form a small X-shaped mark, which was the real fatal injury. The muscle of the ventricle was punctured, and the massive hemorrhage directly led to death.

"Did he draw it himself?" Benjamin frowned and looked at Chris' harmless face. He was more and more confused. What kind of mentality did this guy want to draw an X on his heart? Benjamin was now considering the authenticity of 'suicide'.

"No." Ryan sighed for no reason and shook his head. "He did it himself."

"What do you know?" Benjamin looked at Ryan's expression: "have you ever seen such a situation?"

"Unfortunately, I have." Ryan closed the wound again, thought for a while, took the needle and thread, and began to sew the poor man again.

"This is a mark, an exclusive mark, which means that this body and his soul belong to someone." Ryan's face wore, er, a trace of admiration, "moreover, this mark should not be cut. It means that the contract ends and the exclusivity is broken." Ryan leaned forward to Chris who was covered with frost: "you are a brave man, you are free, may you go to heaven. But you committed suicide, so... I wish you a happy life in hell."

Benjamin raised his eyebrows. He didn't like the vampire's tone: "what are you talking about? The devil of the cross road? The contract with the cross road only collects souls, and can the contract be broken in this way? I've never heard of it. And it's an X, not a cross."

"Well, Benjamin, you are too young." Ryan smiled at Benjamin, and only Ryan was qualified to say that about the Werewolf: "this is not made by the cross devil, but by another ancient man. We call him 'Papa Midnite'."

Benjamin's face became gloomy after Ryan said the name.

Please understand Benjamin's emotional changes. We already know that vampires can't step into the homes of people of Indian descent without accepting the invitation. This is a curse planted on these outsiders because the former aborigines rejected the invasion of colonists.

Of course, in addition to restricting the movement of vampires, the former aborigines also took other insurance measures. One of them is to use the 'Gangro' with deformation ability in the vampire clan to create the vampire's natural enemy - the werewolf.

Of course, all these incredible things should be attributed to an 'ancient' man, who is the ancestor of witchcraft. Ryan said, please call him 'Papa Midnite'.

Curious about such a mysterious and magical thing, I certainly asked vampire questions.

"Why x? Does this mark have any special meaning?" I asked.

The vampire thought for a while and asked me, "what would happen if you put the cross of the Lord's Church sideways and announced the establishment of a new church?"

"I think I will be beaten by the priest."

"Well, that's right. That's what 'Papa Midnite' wants." The vampire replied.

"Oh." After thinking for a while, I seem to understand something. I don't know why. I have some sympathy for this old man. Perhaps it has something to do with the main faith of the Federation, or the holy bishop.

After saying goodbye to Madison, Benjamin's truck returned to highway 27, but the direction was not to return to Anderson's house in the south, but to continue to go north. When he just entered the north area, he turned west and headed for [Paisiying] in the West.

Although it was still a working day, there were still many people in Paisiying's residential area. Ryan wouldn't judge these people for idleness, because most of them were low-income people with unstable job.

There was no change between Ryan's visit here at night and the last time, a shabby mailbox, a crooked fence and a neglected street.

Benjamin was a little surprised. Ryan pushed the fence of 'Gust' house and rang the doorbell.

"They invited you in?!" The werewolf shook his head and stood on the rotten porch.

Ryan smiled naturally and continued to ring the doorbell.

The ancestor of witchcraft appeared in Porto. The only possibility was that the couple summoned him. No one in Porto has such ability except them. Ryan had some conjectures about the reason for the call, but he was not sure.

"Hey! You two!" At one side of the fence, a middle-aged man, wearing loose overalls, lay on the fence and asked , "who are you looking for?"

"Gordon." (Run's father) Ryan turned around and smiled at the stranger. He was already paying attention to the movement in the house, but he didn't hear anyone at home.

"Oh, he's not here." The middle-aged man put down his guard. Since he can call out the abbreviation, he should be someone he knows. He pushed open the fence next to Gust's house and took out the key. He was a neighbor who lived nearby. In such a community, the neighbors must take care of each other. The middle-aged man waved to Ryan: "they are often away from home these days. What can I do for you? I can leave you a message."

"Thank you so much." Ryan exited the front porch and smiled at the middle-aged man. "Tell him that 'Anderson' has been here. I have something to discuss with him."

"Anderson? Anderson from the funeral home?" The middle-aged man nodded suddenly, and then murmured as if to himself, "poor Run, he really needs a new residence. By the way, you can go to the old cemetery to have a look. Maybe they are there."

Ryan and Benjamin took a look at each other. It seemed that the fact that Run was dug up was not a secret in this area. As hunters, Revenge had too many loopholes in their actions.

After thanking their middle-aged neighbors, Ryan and Benjamin got on the car again and left Paisiying. Today's trip was a little boring. It seemed that they had been on the road all the time. The next stop was the cemetery that once belonged to the Ford funeral home.

Ryan seldom visited his peers, nor did he make any friendly visits. Now he was startled when he came to the cemetery where Ford had been on the North-South border.

This was no longer the tomb area. People in formal clothes and work clothes can be seen everywhere. They were explaining and arguing with the crying citizens.

Now Ryan realized that it was not revenge's actions that had loopholes, but the municipal government that caused public anger.

When the cemetery was still under the management of the municipal government, the government would renovate the cemetery every few decades. Some places will be planned for urban construction, and some places will be reserved for new cemeteries. A person's tomb does not exist forever. In the cemetery, there is usually a small plot of land or memorial hall with a large number of tombstones. This is the place where the real deceased will live forever.

This is common in other parts of the Federation, but it hasn't happened in Porto. Because Porto is an emerging city, The city government doesn't need dead people's land yet.

The trial privatization of funeral in Massa directly cut off Porto's process of slowly adapting to this phenomenon. Therefore, some people born in Porto cannot accept the fact that the deceased will be disturbed and were arguing with the staff of the municipal government.

Ryan can see that the cemeteries in the north, which usually bury the guilty, had been completely opened, and the cemeteries of those which nobody care were naturally the first to be destroyed. The construction line separated the land. I don't know what will be built there in the future. In the cemeteries in other directions, there were also staff with instruments like mine sweeping to detect what.

"Don't touch my grandma! You bandits!!"

Listening to the cry of a middle-aged woman nearby, Ryan unconsciously thought of the cemetery of Anderson's house in the west side. Could it be the same?

Ryan shook his head. He thought too much. How could it be. Most of the cemeteries in the west side were the pioneers of Porto city. Anthony was afraid to touch the land there.

The two strolled around the cemetery and found no sign of Mr. and Mrs. Gust. They realized that they had gone in vain.

"Where are we going now?" Benjamin hEld the steering wheel with one hand and did not start the truck. He asked Ryan who was thinking.

"To James? He should know something." Ryan was not sure, so he suggested.

"All right." Benjamin started the van.

Ryan's uncertainty came from not knowing where things were going. Papa Midnite, in Indian witchcraft, is just like the Holy Father of the holy bishop. If the strange suicide in Porto is related to him, the vampire do not know how to deal with it.