
Diaosi Taoist priest

DaoistgtGqVM · Fantasy
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200 Chs

Chapter 76 Oppa just killed him

Of course I didn't come up with such a weird method, but what I didn't expect was that the bitch would have such a strong visual impact! Even the water ghost was stunned. Maybe the water ghost has never seen such a mean person.

I quickly activated the Shadow Bearing Sword while the water ghost was stunned, and quickly stabbed it!

But the water ghost reacted quickly. A curtain of water appeared out of thin air, blocking my way. At the same time, the water ghost retreated to the center of the creek.

What a big water curtain. . . Day, this is not a fantasy movie! Are water ghosts really that powerful? Even the heroine has never had such a big scene!

However, the fighting methods of the water ghost and the female hero are different. The female hero comes and goes without a trace and uses Yin Qi to attack. If the female hero wants to kill me, she will probably be able to destroy three of my Yang Fires in one go, while the water ghost will It no longer has this ability.

But in the water! The water ghost's abilities are still terrifying!

I didn't want to get wet, otherwise there might be dire consequences, so I didn't rush through the water curtain, but the water curtain quickly deformed! It turned into small droplets of water, shooting towards me very quickly! My anus tightened, and I quickly leaned back and lay on the ground! Those water droplets flew past the tip of my nose! ! !

On the other hand, the bitch was still doing the swan dance in a coquettish way. I scolded angrily: "Stop dancing! If you dance any more, you will become a hornet's nest!"

The bitch touched his chest and asked, "What's wrong? Oppa?"

Fuck me! ! I really want to pounce on this b! But now that the situation was urgent, I gave up the idea and ran towards the big tree rolling and climbing!

The bitch saw me running and crawling, and laughing like an idiot. I said to myself, you don't need to laugh, you won't be able to laugh after a while.

I successfully hid behind the tree!

The bitch became the target of the water ghost, and a drop of water flew towards the bitch! The bitch shouted: Wotao! Then he rolled and crawled even more embarrassingly than me, and ran towards the woods, but his movements were not very agile, and it seemed that his anus was exploded by a few water droplets. His expression was painful: "Oh, oh, oh... Oppa, big brother, save me." I!"

I didn't save the bitch because his life was not in danger, and this guy was too bitchy just now, so he must be punished a little! When the bitch ran behind the tree, he had several holes punched in his butt and blood was flowing out. Tears were rolling in his eyes, saying that his first time was lost here. . .

I ignored him and thought about how to deal with the water ghost.

Its water drop attack is so powerful, but why doesn't it condense the water into the shape of an arrow? It's simple, because the shape of the arrow requires a lot of water, so the water will become very heavy, the shooting speed will be reduced, and its water droplets will not evaporate, which is very magical. . .

Suddenly, I thought of a good idea! Since its water droplets will not evaporate when they rub against the air, I have a way to make them evaporate! Don't I have hidden powers? Turn your hands into flames and touch those water droplets. The water droplets will definitely evaporate!

However, we have to lure the water ghost to the land. There is too much water in the creek, otherwise I can't do anything with it!

I whispered to the bitch: "Jiannan, use strategy three!"

Countermeasure three: Show weakness! Pretend that you can't defeat the water ghost, and run away in a panic. If the water ghost catches up, it will fall into the trap!

So Jiannan and I took advantage of the cover of the big tree and ran into the distance without even leaving our bicycles. We ran a few hundred meters and found that the water ghost hadn't caught up with us. I leaned against the big tree and said, "Jiannan Ah, this third strategy is useless."

The bitch said solemnly: "Brother, if it doesn't work, just use a beauty trap! Take off your clothes and use your beauty to attract it."

"Get out of here!!" I cursed angrily.

At this time, I heard a sound coming from behind. I quickly stuck my head out to look, and found that the water ghost floated over out of thin air holding a lump of water!

"What a big lump!" The bitch said with a sigh.

"Jiannan, surround it!"

The bitch and I formed a small encirclement. Although there were only two of us, we still cut off the water ghost's escape route!

I quickly took off my sports clothes, inserted the Shadow Bearing Sword into my waist, activated my hidden energy, and my hands instantly turned into flames!

When the water ghost saw my hands burning with flames, it was stunned for a moment, but its attack speed was also very fast, forming a water whip from the water and whipping it towards me! It seemed to have only three types of attacks, water droplets, water whips, and water explosions (making the corpse explode). I bent down slightly and avoided the water whips.

The mean man and I surrounded it from the front and back. When it attacked me, the mean man took the opportunity to touch its back and was about to give it a charm! But the water ghost suddenly turned around and whipped him with a water whip! I quickly shouted: "Be careful!"

Unexpectedly, the bitch reacted very quickly. He rolled on the spot, dodged the water whip, and then continued to press the water ghost with his right hand holding the burning charm!

Just when I thought he was going to succeed, the water ghost quickly raised a curtain of water in front of him. The talisman touched the water and the flame was extinguished!

The bitch put the water-soaked charm on the water ghost, but was kicked away by the water ghost.

But I also took this opportunity to touch behind the water ghost. While it kicked the bitch away, I pierced the flaming blade of the Shadow Sword into its body! !

At the same time, he quickly deformed the flame sword blade, and many flame spikes were pierced around the blade!

Since the old liar taught me that the sword blade can be deformed, I have practiced regularly and am now relatively proficient.

The flaming blade of the Shadow Sword is transformed from Yang Qi, so it is not afraid of water. Even if the water ghost is protected by a water curtain, the blade is not affected at all.

With just one blow, the water ghost was defeated! All the water around it fell to the ground. It was probably too badly injured and could no longer control the water.

At this time, he wanted to escape back to the creek!

How could I let it escape again? ! He swung the Shadow Bearing Sword and struck it with another sword!

It is really wilted now, and its soul is almost transparent. I guess if I try again, it will definitely lose its soul!

It showed a pleading look and spoke a lot of Japanese that I couldn't understand. I took out the yin-like makeup box from the black backpack, hooked my fingers at it, and then pointed at the makeup box, signaling it to let it go. Although it was reluctant to come in by itself, due to the power of the Shadow Bearing Sword, it could only enter the dressing box obediently.

After it entered the makeup box, I stuck three Yang symbols on the makeup box to prevent it from running out.

Therefore, as a Taoist priest, you must not only have profound Taoist practices, but also have a shrewd mind to find out the weak points of the water ghost and seize his weaknesses to attack. Even the water ghost ranked 71st will be defeated by me and the bastard. Did the man do it easily?

​But nothing. . .

I wasn't hurt at all, but the bitch was in a bad situation. He had his anus exploded.

We were so happy when we rode the '猌basket 1258' back to the village. He shed tears when he was beaten. In fact, we paid a heavy price this time. The bitch sacrificed his anus. . . But this guy deserves it! Who told him to watch the joke while I was running away? He deserved it when his anus was blown. I haven't settled the score with him yet. . .

After returning to the village, the bitch was already unconscious from the attack. When Zhang Zixuan saw us coming back, he hurriedly came out and asked, "Have you dealt with the water ghost?"

The bitch said incoherently: "Oppa just killed it... Oh, no, he sealed it."

A bodyguard whispered beside him: "It's only 2011, and Gangnam Style won't be released until next year..."

"What did you say?" the bitch asked the bodyguard.

"Oh, it's okay. I'm a supporting actor and can predict the plot in advance."

"What?" The bitch didn't understand and asked again.

"It's okay, it's okay, I mean, you don't seem to look good." The bodyguard said.

Ignoring the bitch and the bodyguard, I said to Zhang Zixuan: "Brother Zhang, I made a new discovery. This water ghost is actually a Japanese ghost! I severely injured it and sealed it. I suspected that it should be related to those antiques. Now Please find a Japanese expert and we can interrogate the water ghost and maybe we can get some information."

"Japanese expert?" Zhang Zixuan smiled and said, "No need to look for it, isn't your girlfriend a Japanese expert?"

"Sister Xiaoling?" I asked in surprise.

Zhang Zixuan asked doubtfully: "Xu Ningrou is proficient in Japanese and English, don't you know?"

I really don't know that Xu Xiaoling still has these two moments.

We chatted for a while, and Zhang Zixuan took the bitch to treat the chrysanthemum. I found Xu Xiaoling and asked, "Sister Xiaoling, I heard from Zhang Zixuan that you are proficient in Japanese and English? How come I didn't know that before."

"Your English is not good, why should I tell you this? Do you want to show off in front of you? Let me see if you are injured anywhere." Xu Xiaoling looked at me carefully.

"Sister Xiaoling, do you know Japanese?"

Xu Xiaoling looked me over and said, "Well, when I was bored, I learned Japanese and English, but I have never been to Japan. As for Japanese, I can still communicate with Japanese people normally."

I know that Xu Xiaoling is being modest. With her character, whatever she wants to learn, she will definitely learn it well.

As expected of a child of a big family, the education I received since childhood was different from mine. . . I sighed in my heart, and then said: "Sister Xiaoling, stop looking for me. I was not injured, but the bitch was a little injured. We successfully injured the water ghost and sealed it in this makeup box. What we find strange is that this ghost turns out to be a Japanese ghost. I think it seems to be related to those antiques, so I want you to help interrogate it."

"Private interrogation? Not very good..."

I smiled and said: "Sister Xiaoling, it is a ghost, not a human being, and is not protected by the law. Besides, think about how many Chinese people died when Japan invaded China. It is not a good bird either. A few days ago, He even killed the village chief's second son."

Xu Xiaoling thought for a while, then finally nodded and said, "Okay then."

I smiled and kissed her on the face, and then walked towards Zhang Zixuan's cabin, ready to see the bitch's injury, but as soon as I walked to the door, I heard the bitch's voice coming from inside: "No. ...Don't use so much force! Be gentle..."