
Diaosi Taoist priest

DaoistgtGqVM · Fantasy
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200 Chs

Chapter 75 Japanese ghost?

I was speechless for a long time and then said: "Anyway, just come over as soon as possible. Okay, that's it."

"Wait a minute, brother." The bitch stopped me: "One more thing, my cousin Chen Nuo doesn't want to go to school anymore. I want to take him to Dongning City for a trip to see the rural scenery and learn the skills of raising pigs. ."

"What a trip! Do you really think I asked you to come here to have fun? It's very dangerous here, and someone might die! You can't bring anyone with you. Come here right away, or your salary will be deducted!" I said fiercely! threatened.

Sure enough, as soon as the bitch heard the words "wage deduction", he immediately didn't dare to mention his cousin's matter anymore, and promised to go to the train station immediately and would rush over as quickly as possible!

After hanging up the phone, I was still mumbling, "What the hell, your cousin raising pigs has something to do with me." . . Just as I was muttering in a low voice, Xu Xiaoling came in with a bowl of Chinese medicine. I quickly took it: "Thank you, Sister Xiaoling."

"You're welcome, you look like a mummy." Xu Xiaoling joked.

Indeed, my entire upper body was covered with bandages, and there were wounds on my face, so my face was also covered with bandages. Looking at Xu Xiaoling's smiling face, I pretended to sigh and said, "Sister Xiaoling, the wound on my face may leave scars. You will be responsible for not being able to pick up girls in the future."

Xu Xiaoling said softly: "Okay, okay, I'm responsible. Come on, take the medicine first..."

Therefore, although the hero saves the beauty is an old story that has fallen into disgrace, as the saying goes, it is not old tricks, it just works! Although she was injured this time, Xu Xiaoling's feelings for me became even deeper, almost to the point where she would not marry me unless I was there.

Two days later, Dongning Railway Station.

The water ghost didn't come to take revenge in the past two days. I took the opportunity to draw a lot of charms, and the bitch was coming soon. I came to pick him up.

I have to say that Zhang Zixuan's golden sore medicine is so useful. In just two days, all my wounds scabbed, and according to him, the wounds will not leave scars.

Soon, I saw the **** figure of the bitch!

He was wearing a Fan Shizhe suit that originally cost 38,000 and was discounted by 15%. He held a small black leather bag under his arm and looked at his 'Lao Lao Tu' watch from time to time. He looked like a successful man in a hurry, but underneath he The big green pants completely destroyed his image as a successful person.

The bitch walked up to me, looked at the bandage on my face, and said seriously: "Brother, I told you a long time ago not to read pornographic books, but you just don't believe it. Look, your face is paralyzed now, right?"

I was convinced on the spot. Who can read pornographic books and get facial paralysis? But soon, the bitch answered this question for me.

The bitch said: "My cousin has similar symptoms to you. He watches too many pornographic films and often suffers from intermittent facial paralysis."

I was speechless on the spot. The bitch's cousin is really a talent. . .

The bitch looked around and whispered: "Brother, I brought you a gift!"

"What, what, what kind of gift is it? So mysterious?" I asked stammering, fearing that he would deceive me.

The bitch mysteriously took out two green hats from the small leather bag under his arm and asked: "Brother, do you know this?!"

I was silent for more than ten seconds, and then said in a hoarse voice: "The color is good..."

The bitch put one of them on his head and said: "Brother, did you watch the Haier Brothers when you were a kid? There is a little boy named Crud in it. His hat is green and has the letter K printed on it. This hat is ours." The same style as him! After wearing this hat, we will be awesome. From now on, you will be Brother Haier and I will be Brother Haier!" With that said, the bitch put another hat on my head with his own hands.

I was completely petrified and forgot to stop the bitch's move.

When I walked out of the train station, I wanted to take off my hat several times, but I was stopped by the bitch. The bitch said: "Brother Haier, although cuckolding doesn't sound good, green has another meaning, and that is environmental protection! We If we want to be non-mainstream, we can't care about other people's eyes!"

I was about to cry, and with tears welling up in my eyes, I said, "Heldi, I beg you, just be environmentally friendly, please let me go!"

"Brother Haier, you don't like green? Well, next time I will give you a 'Vomit Man' mask."

When I brought the bitch back to the cabin, our two hats instantly attracted everyone's attention. What made me speechless was that Cheng Dong asked me where I bought the hats. He also wanted to buy one.

The bitch is here, and sleeping at night becomes a problem again. My room has a double bed, do we need two grown men to sleep together?

Xu Xiaoling joked: "Don't you always say you want to squeeze in? Someone is squeezing with you tonight."

I said with a sad face: "Sister Xiaoling, you bitch has stinky feet, so why don't you squeeze in with me? I am a wounded person and should get special treatment!"

"You are so beautiful." Xu Xiaoling said, I don't even have to think about it.

In the end, it was decided to give my room to Xu Xiaoling and Doudou. The bitch and I would go to their room and sleep in bunk beds.

In the past few days, Xu Xiaoling personally prepared medicine for me every day. After taking the medicine, I no longer had nosebleeds.

In my conversation with Zhang Zixuan a few days ago, I told him my guess that water ghosts would not appear in the wilderness for no reason, so I felt that there seemed to be a problem with that creek, and the water ghosts were even more problematic. As long as you catch the water ghost and interrogate him, you may be able to get some useful information.

The injury is almost healed, and the bitch is here, so I decided to go to the creek tomorrow to have a look!

The old liar is right. This bitch is really talented in cultivation. Before I left, I taught him how to draw Yang and Yin symbols. This guy said that after drawing it dozens of times, he can It was 100% successful, and his small black bag actually contained more than 500 talismans, which almost made my eyes pop out. . .

So, apart from being a bit cheap, this B is still very powerful in other aspects. .

 the next day.

The bitch and I rode the '猌basket 1258' on the rugged mountain roads. We were so happy. Zhang Zixuan wanted to send two bodyguards over to help, but I refused because the bodyguards couldn't help. If you are busy, it may even be a disservice.

I know that Zhang Zixuan wants to find the treasure of the 'cultivator', and he is afraid that I will take it all for himself, so before leaving, I said to him: "Brother Zhang, don't worry, I will notify you as soon as possible if I find anything. I just left, and I have to come back in the evening to take medicine."

What I mean is that I have to come back to drink medicine at night. Even if I really find some tomb, I won't have time to go in and explore.

The bitch was wearing a green hat. He strongly suggested that I wear it in the morning, but I refused. The color was too environmentally friendly and I couldn't stand it!

We set off at five o'clock in the morning and rode for about six hours before arriving at the location where we last saw the water ghost. I said: "Jiannan, this is where I was caught by the water ghost last time. You are born to see it." Ghost, see if it's around?"

The bitch searched around and said, "Brother, I didn't find anything except a few fish bones."

 not here? So where will it go? I thought for a while and decided to lure it out.

The method is very simple. Ghosts like Yin Qi and can sense the presence of Yin Qi no matter how far away they are. So as long as I create some Yin Qi, it will come out obediently.

I said to the bitch: "Light up ten Yin talismans and use the Yin energy to draw them out!"

The bitch agreed, took out ten Yin Talisman, and made a pose that he thought was very handsome.

When the 'Chi' Yin Talisman burns, it will produce strong Yin Qi. If ten of them are burned together, even more Yin Qi will be generated.

After burning the Yin Talisman, I waited for five or six minutes, but the water ghost did not appear. I took out 20 Yin Talismans from my pocket and lit them all!

This time it worked! Three minutes after it was lit, the water ghost appeared! The bitch pointed upstream and said: "Coming, coming! The water ghost is coming!"

I quickly wiped the cow tears on my eyes, and sure enough, I saw the water ghost with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks. When it saw me, it showed an angry look and shouted: "Baga!"

"Japs!" said the bitch, pointing at it.

I corrected myself: "It's not Japanese devils, it's Japanese ghosts."

Last time I discovered that this ghost looked a bit strange, but today I realized that he is a Japanese ghost! However, how could the Japanese become water ghosts here? It's really puzzling. If you want to know the truth, you can only catch him and torture him. Moreover, this guy has done many evil things and may have harmed many Chinese compatriots. He must be allowed to taste the pain!

But there is a creek here, and the place with water is its chassis. If we go head-to-head, Shit Man and I will definitely not be able to defeat it, so on the way here, Shit Man and I discussed various countermeasures. . .

Countermeasure 1: Provoke generals! Use words to lure the other person out of the creek!

Whose language is the most lethal? This man is definitely a bitch brother! Every word he says makes people have the urge to vomit blood. If he uses provocation, he will definitely succeed in irritating the opponent!

But at present, the countermeasures are not working. The other party is actually a Japanese ghost, and he probably can't understand Chinese.

But what the bitch brother said next made me petrified on the spot!

"Ya, Ya, you can reach one, you can reach one." The mean man tried to communicate with the other party in Japanese.

The shouting is so arrogant! Even the Japanese ghost was stunned for a moment, and I quickly stopped the bitch: "Countermeasure one is useless! Use countermeasure two instead!"

Otherwise, I might have vomited before the Japanese ghosts were drawn out.

Countermeasure 2: Attack from behind! Let the bitch do the swan dance in front to attract the attention of the water ghost. I will take the opportunity to go behind it and give it a fatal blow!

The bitch nodded and agreed to use strategy two!

I saw him caressing his breasts with both hands, breathing like orchid, looking at the water ghost with charming eyes, shouting "Oppa" in a wild voice, and then started dancing a sexy swan dance! Pointing his toes to the ground, he raised his arms high, revealing his slender armpit hair! I almost vomited out without holding it back, so I quickly covered my mouth and looked in the direction of the water ghost.

Sure enough, the water ghost was also stunned! The visual impact of the mean man is too strong! His combat value has exceeded 5! !