
Devilish Tricks

A devilish trickster named "sion" goes on a quest to become the demon lord, until something goes wrong...

Woundmaker · Fantasy
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11 Chs

CHAPTER 1 - Becoming A Adventurer

As I approach the nearby Adventurer's Guild, the sign above the entrance reads: 


The building is made of sturdy stone and wood, with a wide oak door leading inside. i can hear the sounds of chatter and activity from within, as adventurers sit around a large common room, trading stories and buying supplies.

"Time to get my adventurer ID."

I push open the heavy oak door and step inside the guild building. The common room is packed with adventurers of all types and levels, some engaged in conversations, others sharpening their weapons or practicing their spells.

The guild receptionist, a tired-looking Elf, looks up as Me enter and gives me a nod.

"Another adventurer, eh? Here to register?"

"Yep, I know you're tired of it already."

The receptionist laughs, a hint of weariness in her voice.

"You have no idea. But welcome to the Adventurer's Guild, young one. Step up to the counter and we'll get you registered in no time."


I approach the counter where the receptionist is seated, a stack of papers and a quill pen in front of her.

"Alright, let's get your information. Name please?"

"It's sion."

The receptionist writes down my name.

"Alright, Sion. Next, age please."

"Man, I'll just do it my damn self."

The receptionist watches as I start to fill out the form myself. She seems slightly taken aback but doesn't stop me.

"Uh, sure, if you want to do it yourself. Just make sure you fill out all the necessary information, alright?"

"Okay, I got it."

I fill in your age, date of birth, address, and a few other pieces of information on the registration form. The receptionist watches with a mix of curiosity and amusement, clearly impressed by my efficiency.

"You know, most people just tell me this information. They don't actually fill out the form themselves."

"Your arms probably hurt from doing every day, so I thought why not do it myself."

The receptionist blinks at me in surprise, clearly not expecting such a thoughtful response.

"Well, I have to admit, you're the first adventurer to ever consider that. Most of them don't care how tired my arms are, as long as they can get their registration and be on their way."

"Okay...I'm done."

The receptionist takes the registration form and looks it over, checking to make sure all the information is correct.

"Alright, everything seems to be in order. Just one last thing before I can give you your Adventurer's ID card. Can you tell me what your occupation is?"

"I'm trying to become the demon lord."

The receptionist looks at me in shock, her eyes widened in surprise.

"The... the Demon Lord? You're trying to become the undisputed ruler of the demon realm? You...do understand that's a very ambitious goal, right? Most adventurers aim for smaller, more achievable things."

"I got a quest from the demon lord."

The receptionist's disbelief only grows as I mention my quest from the Demon Lord.

"You...got a quest. From the Demon Lord. And you accepted it...just like that? You know, most people would immediately decline, assuming it's a trick or some sort of trap."


The receptionist shakes her head in disbelief but can't help but chuckle at my "nonchalant" attitude.

"Well, you certainly are a different sort of adventurer. Most people would be terrified out of their minds at the mention of the Demon Lord, let alone accept a quest from him. But not you. You take it all in stride like it's the most normal thing in the world."

"Well, it's a big dream of mine, and I finally got a chance to do it."

The receptionist's expression softens, her skepticism replaced with a hint of admiration.

"I can see how much this means to you. It's rare to find someone with such determination and courage, let alone someone as young as you. But I have to ask, are you sure you understand what it takes to become the Demon Lord? It's not just about power or skill. You will face countless challenges and obstacles on your path to the throne."

"I know I know...I'm not taking it with a pinch of salt."

The receptionist smiles, appreciating my understanding.

"Alright, just wanted to make sure. I wouldn't want an upstart like you to get themselves in over their head. But it seems you know the risks and challenges you'll face. So I'll give you your Adventurer's ID."

With that, she rummages through a drawer and pulls out a small, metallic card. She hands it to me and explains its purpose.

"This is your Adventurer's ID. It identifies you as a registered adventurer with the guild and allows you to take on guild-sanctioned quests and access guild services."

"Wow, it even has my face on it."

The receptionist laughs.

"Of course, it has your face on it. It wouldn't be much of an identification card if it didn't, would it? But yes, that little picture there is all you. It will be used to identify you in case you run into trouble on a quest or something."

"Alright thanks, I'll see you later!"

The receptionist waves to you as I leave.

"No problem, and good luck on your quest. You're going to need it if you actually plan on becoming the Demon Lord. But if anyone can do it, I have a feeling it's you. Till next time!"

"Yep, see you soon!"

As I leave the Adventurer's Guild, the receptionist watches me go, shaking her head in disbelief but also admiring your determination.

"That kid...he's got guts, that's for sure. Trying to become the Demon Lord...the world is sure in for a surprise with him around."

As I walk away from the Adventurer's Guild, I overhear the receptionist talking to a pair of adventurers who are waiting to register.

"Did you see that kid? Came in here all nonchalant, practically snatched the registration form out of my hand, and filled it out himself. And get this, he's trying to become the Demon Lord! Can you believe it?"

I'm suddenly interrupted in my thoughts as a figure falls from the sky, landing with a loud thud right in front of me. The impact sends me tumbling to the ground, stunned and slightly disoriented.

As I push myself up, I see the figure groaning and slowly getting up themselves.

The figure sits up, rubbing their head and muttering something under their breath. They look up and notice me sitting nearby, their eyes widening in surprise. It's now that I notice that the figure is a girl, around my age, with wild, messy hair and a disheveled appearance.

She winces in pain as she tries to stand up, clearly not unscathed from her fall.

"Here, I'll help you up" I say as I offer her my hand.

The girl looks at me in surprise, not expecting my sudden offer of help. She hesitates for a moment but then reaches out and takes my hand.

"Thanks," she mutters, wincing as I help her up. As she stands, she brushes herself off and looks you up and down, sizing me up.

The girl crosses her arms and looks at you curiously, studying me closely.

"You're not an ordinary adventurer, are you?" she asks, her tone slightly suspicious.

"What gives you that idea?"

The girl eyes me skeptically, her gaze lingering on my Adventurer's ID.

"Well, for starters, you don't seem the least bit phased that I just fell from the sky and nearly landed on you. Most people would be a bit more alarmed or freaked out, but you just offer to help me up like it's nothing."

"That's just called being humble."

The girl raises an eyebrow, surprised by my "nonchalant" response.

"Humble, huh? Most people would say it's more like a lack of self-preservation. You really don't have any sense of danger, do you?"

"Seriously, you couldn't kill me if you wanted too."

The girl looks at mw in surprise, not expecting such a confident declaration. She opens her mouth as if to protest, but then stops and narrows her eyes, clearly intrigued.

"Oh really? And what makes you so sure of that, hm?"

"Wait a second, why are you talking to me so casually?"

The girl blinks in surprise at my question, not expecting such a blunt inquiry.

"Uh, because... I feel like it?" she replies, sounding a bit hesitant. "Why wouldn't I talk to you casually?"

"Yeah, after all I did save you from dying a horrible death by hitting the ground."

The girl scoffs, clearly offended by my remark.

"I wouldn't have died," she mutters, crossing her arms defensively. "I...I could have landed on my feet if you hadn't been in the way."

"What are you? A cat?"

The girl huffs in annoyance, clearly not amused by my comparison.

"No, I'm not a cat," she retorts, her voice filled with irritation. "I'm a half-demon. And I'll have you know I could have landed perfectly fine on my own, thank you very much."


The girl rolls her eyes, her irritation escalating.

"You heard me," she snaps. "I'm a half-demon. Half human, half demon. It gives me the power and agility to handle things like... falling from the sky. Without your assistance, I'll have you know."

"I don't think you should just say that, after all, demons are killed off."

The girl's expression hardens, her eyes narrowing with a mixture of annoyance and caution.

"I know that," she mutters, her tone growing guarded. "But I'm only half-demon, so... I can get by without too much trouble. As long as I don't let on that I have demon blood, no one's the wiser."

"Yeah, just don't show the horns and you good."

The girl bristles, her hand reflexively going up to touch her head, feeling for the small, horn-like protrusions that are barely visible under her messy hair.

"H-how did you know about those?" she mutters, her tone defensive.

"It's common sense, all demons have horns. unless they cut them off."

The girl huffs, clearly annoyed by my nonchalant response.

"Yeah, well, not everyone is as observant as you, okay? Most people can't even tell I'm a half-demon until they feel my powers or see my horns. So keep your observations to yourself, alright?"

"Yeah, that's why I said don't show off your horns."

The girl rolls her eyes, clearly still not happy with my know-it-all attitude.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. Keep my horns hidden, don't let anyone know I'm a half-demon. Thanks for the obvious advice, genius."

"Kaaay, I'm leaving."

The girl watches as I start to walk away, her irritation starting to fade and curiosity taking over.

"Wait, you're just...leaving? Without even asking why I fell out of the sky or what I'm doing here?"


The girl looks at you incredulously, clearly not expecting such a blunt response.

"What do you mean 'no'? Don't you want to know why I fell out of the sky and almost landed on you? Or why I'm here, in this town?"

"I gotta mind my own business."

The girl lets out an exasperated sigh, clearly frustrated by my lack of interest.

"You're infuriating, you know that? I just fell from the sky and you're just gonna walk away without a care in the world? Don't you have any sense of curiosity at all?"

"It's like you want me to know."

The girl bristles at your comment, her irritation flaring up again.

"Of course I want you to know! I mean, it's not every day a half-demon falls out of the sky and almost lands on someone. I was expecting some...some kind of reaction, some sort of shock or surprise. But instead, you're just treating it like it's no big deal. It's...it's..."

She struggles to find the right words, clearly frustrated by my nonchalant attitude.

"Yeah, because I'm on a quest to become the demon lord, so seeing demons shouldn't be a problem."

The girl stares at me, disbelief and surprise etched across her face.

"Wait, what did you say? You're on a quest to become...the Demon Lord? As in, the ruler of the Demon army, the one who leads all demons in their conquest of the mortal world, that Demon Lord?"

"Yes, that's right."

The girl sputters, clearly taken aback by my admission.

"W-wait, wait, wait. You're not joking, are you? You're actually seriously trying to become the Demon Lord? You know how crazy that is, right? Like, incredibly crazy, suicidally crazy?"

"It's a dream of mine, I can just let it go because of that."

The girl watches you carefully, studying my expression, searching for any sign of hesitation or doubt.

"A dream, huh? You're willing to go through hell and back, literally in this case, just to achieve a dream? No matter the risk, no matter the cost? That's...that's either incredibly brave or unbelievably stupid. Or both."

"Well, I'm going to be in hell after it."

The girl laughs at my response, her surprise turning into amusement.

"Yeah, well, I guess you got that part right. If you actually succeed in becoming the Demon Lord, there's a good chance you'll end up in hell. Or at least the demon realm, which is pretty close to hell in my opinion."

"So see ya, I gotta do a adventurous quest."

The girl watches as I start to walk away, her expression shifting from amusement to curiosity.

"Wait, you're really doing an adventurous quest right now? Like...right this minute?"

"I was going to do it later, then you appeared out of thin air."

The girl rolls her eyes, but there's a hint of amusement in her expression.

"Well, you're welcome, I guess. My falling out of the sky and nearly landing on you was probably the most exciting thing that's ever happened to you, huh?"

"No, meeting the demon lord was the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me."

The girl's eyes widen in surprise, her curiosity piqued.

"Wait, wait, wait. You actually met the Demon Lord? Like, the current Demon Lord? In person?"

"Yeah, how would I even get the quest to become one if I didn't meet him?"

The girl crosses her arms, her expression growing skeptical.

"And he just...gave you this quest? Just like that? No strings attached, no hidden motives?"

"I don't know."

The girl looks at you for a moment, studying my expression.

"You don't know? You're telling me you met the Demon Lord, the ruler of all demons, and he gave you a quest to become the next Demon Lord, and you don't know if there are any strings attached? Are you serious right now?"

"Yeah basically, I gotta get on my way now. see ya!"

The girl watches as I turn to leave, an expression of disbelief on her face.

"Wait a—!" she starts to protest, but then stops herself, realizing that you're not going to listen.


The girl huffs in frustration, clearly irritated by my nonchalant attitude.

"I was going to say that, I don't even know your name. We've been talking this whole time, and I don't even know your name."

"my name is sion."

The girl nods, committing my name to memory.

"Sion. Got it. Well, I'm..."

She stops, hesitating for a moment, clearly contemplating whether or not to give you her name.

"It doesn't matter if you say your name or not, it's up to you after all."

The girl looks at me for a moment, clearly surprised by my response. She wasn't expecting me to give her the option.

After a moment of hesitation, she shrugs and decides to give me her name.

"It's Elene. My name is Elene."

"Well, nice you meet you, elene." 

Elene smiles, her irritation softening slightly.

"Yeah, nice to meet you, too, Sion. Despite your tendency to be infuriatingly nonchalant, you're not quite as bad as I thought you'd be."


Elene glances at me, her expression turning serious.

"Hey, Sion...can I ask you something?"


Elene hesitates for a moment, her expression turning hesitant.

"It's just...I'm curious. Why do you want to become the Demon Lord? Why is it your dream, as you said? And...and aren't you worried about the risks, the danger, the whole...becoming evil part of it?"

"Because, I wanna rule a group of demons and be a leader."

Elene looks at me skeptically, clearly uncertain about my answer.

"Is that really all? You just...want to be a leader? You don't care about the whole 'ruling over the mortal world' part, the whole 'conquering humanity and causing chaos and destruction' part? You're just in it for the leadership experience?"

"Am I supposed to have a whole monologue?"

Elene huffs, clearly not amused by my response.

"No, I'm not asking for a monologue here. I just...I just want to know if you've actually thought this through. Leading a group of demons isn't just a game, you know. There's a lot more to it than just being a leader. You have to make tough decisions, deal with treacherous underlings, manage resources, plan strategies. It's not all sunshine and rainbows."

"Everything in life is a challenge, you just gotta do it and see if it works through."

Elene nods, a hint of grudging approval in her expression.

"That's true. Life is full of challenges, and facing them head-on is the only way to grow and learn. But becoming the Demon Lord... That's not just a challenge. It's a whole new level of insanity, a huge gamble. Are you really sure you're up for it?"

"Yes, I am."

Elene looks at you for a moment, studying my expression, searching for any hint of doubt or uncertainty. But all she sees is determination and confidence.

She lets out a sigh, realizing that there's no changing my mind.

"You're really stubborn, you know that?"

"I know hahaha... But I came this far already, and I can't just give up now."

Elene huffs in amusement, a hint of respect in her eyes.

"Yeah, I can see that. You're stubborn as a mule, that's for sure. But I gotta admit, you've got guts. Most people would have given up a long time ago."

"Okaaaaay, I gotta leave now. See ya."

Elene nods, reluctantly accepting the fact that I'm leaving.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. You've got your quest to do. Well, good luck I guess. I don't think you'll need it, though. You seem like a walking ball of confidence and determination."


Elene watches as I turn to leave, a hint of concern in her expression.

"Hey, Sion?" she calls out, her voice filled with hesitation.


Elene pauses, unsure of how to word her request.

"Just...be careful, okay? Be careful out there. I know you're confident and determined, but...just promise me you'll be careful."


Elene lets out a sigh, relieved by my agreement.

"Good. That's good. Just...stay alive, alright? Don't do anything stupid that gets you killed. And...if you ever need help or a place to rest...come find me, okay?"

"Okay, I promise."

Elene's eyes widen in surprise, clearly not expecting me to make a promise. But her expression softens, and she gives me a small smile.

"Okay, good. You better keep that promise, alright? I don't want to hear about some reckless idiot getting himself killed out there."

"Okay, see ya!"

Elene nods, her expression a mixture of concern and respect.

"Yeah, see ya. Don't do anything too crazy, alright? And...come back alive, okay?"

"Okay, I will."

With a final nod, I walk away. Elene watches my retreating figure, her expression filled with both worry and a hint of respect.

"Stay alive, you crazy idiot," she mutters under her breath, half-seriously and half-playfully.