
Devilish Tricks

A devilish trickster named "sion" goes on a quest to become the demon lord, until something goes wrong...

Woundmaker · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 2 - Future seeing eyes?

As I approach the group of five lions, all of which seem to be emanating a powerful magical aura, I feel a rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins. These aren't ordinary lions, that's for sure.

The lions all turn to face me, baring their teeth and snarling as they size me up.

"Super duper punch!"

I charge forward, my fist clenched as I prepare to unleash my super-powered punch. But before I can make contact, the lions all let out a chorus of roars and attacks.

Two of the lions charge at me, their claws bared, while the other three prepare magical attacks. 

Before the two charging lions can reach me, I yell out "SUPER SWORD SLASH!" and my sword materializes in my hand.

I swing your sword, unleashing a powerful strike that slices through the two lions. they collapse to the ground, unconscious but still alive.

But the three remaining lions aren't about to let me take them down easily. They're preparing their magical attacks again.


This time, I land a devastating blow that hits all three lions at once. They all stumble back, stunned and disoriented from the attack. Then I quickly cut them all up like sushi.

With all five lions defeated, I stand victorious in the clearing, breathing heavily from the exertion.

As I look around at the carnage around me, I can't help but feel a surge of adrenaline and satisfaction. I just took down five magical lions, and I came out on top.

But as I stand there, I suddenly hear a low, menacing growl behind me.

"...not this again."

Behind me, stands the largest lion I've ever seen.

This lion is unlike any of the others I've fought. It's massive, almost quadruple the size of the others, and its eyes gleam with a dangerous intensity.

I raise my sword above my head, the power crackling around me as I prepare to unleash my attack.

"SUPER BEAM SWORD SLASH!" I shout, and a powerful beam of energy shoots out of my sword, slicing through the air and colliding with the monstrous lion.

The lion roars in pain, stumbling back as the attack sears its flesh. But it doesn't seem to be down for the count just yet. It shakes its head, regaining its composure, and glares at me with renewed anger.


As the realization sinks in, a sudden wave of anger washes over me.

"I haven't even had my ability for a week, and I'm already about to die?" I think to myself. "HELL NO!"


I pause for a moment, considering my own words.

"Normally, logic goes like this: you can't beat someone stronger than you without being a better fighter than them," I think to yourself. "But..."

My eyes narrow in determination.

"But I don't go by logic."

I'm not a better fighter, not in terms of skill or experience. But that's not going to stop me. I'm not going to let the rules and limitations of logic dictate my actions.

With a primal scream, I call out "SUPER SWORD SLASH 6000%!!!" and unleash a devastating attack on the monstrous lion.

The sword glows bright, the energy around me crackles with power, and I put everything you have into this one strike.

The impact of your sword is like a nuclear explosion, and the monstrous lion is sent flying backwards, its body wracked with pain and exhaustion.

Not giving the lion a chance to catch its breath, I follow up with a devastating punch, shouting "ABSOLUTE PUNCH!"

My fist connects with the lion's body, delivering a blow that would knock out a rhinoceros. The impact is like a freight train, and the lion is sent flying even further back, tumbling to the ground in a daze.

With the lion temporarily stunned, I have a moment to catch my breath and regroup. As I watch the beast struggle to rise, a thought crosses my mind.

"I could just summon another purple orb on it," I think, staring at the dazed lion. "But...what if there's another way?"

I watch the lion as it struggles to stand, noticing that it's weakened and disoriented but not yet defeated.

"Maybe there's a better way to deal with this beast," I think, My eyes narrowing in thought. "I don't want to rely on just brute force and powerful attacks. There has to be a more strategic approach."

I start to circle the lion, keeping my distance as it slowly regains its bearings. I carefully assess its condition, looking for any weaknesses or openings I can exploit.

The lion lets out a low, guttural growl as it tracks my movements, its eyes flickering with hate. It's clear that it's not ready to give up the fight just yet.

As you circle the lion, you suddenly feel a strange sensation wash over you. It's like your senses have been heightened, and you can see things that you couldn't before.

"what am I seeing? I can suddenly see all the attack openings..."

Suddenly, I realize that I can see all the attack openings on the lion's body. It's like time slows down, and I can predict its movements before they even happen.

As my senses sharpen and I begin to see the lion's attack openings, I realize that I have a significant advantage. I can anticipate the lion's every move, allowing me to dodge and counter attack with ease.

I continue to circle the lion, each move becoming more fluid and precise as I seamlessly evade its attacks and deliver counter blows with perfect timing.

"Holy crap..."

I can't help but feel a rush of exhilaration as I realize the power of my newfound ability.


The lion is still struggling to keep up with my heightened senses, its attacks becoming slower and more desperate. And I see the perfect opportunity to strike, I raise your sword, calling out "SUPER SWORD SLASH!"

With a powerful swing, I deliver a devastating blow that lands directly on the lion's weak spot, dealing massive damage and finishing it off for good.

"...I can't be spacing out like this, in the middle of battle."

As I catch your breath, I realize that I need to be more focused and alert in battle.

"I can't be spacing out like this, in the middle of battle," I think to yourself. "I need to stay focused and keep my mind on the task at hand. Future seeing is a powerful ability, but it's only useful if I can use it effectively."

"I should only use it for emergencies, like this big lion for example."

I nod, agreeing with my own thought.

"Yeah, I should only use future seeing in emergencies," I mutter to yourself. "It's a useful ability, but it might be too powerful if I rely on it too much. I need to save it for situations like this where it's really necessary."

I glance over to the trees and see a figure lurking in the shadows, watching me from a distance.

"Looks like someone was watching me," I mutter under my breath, my guard instantly going up.

"Hey, pal. Why are you watching me?"

The figure steps forward, emerging from the shadows. It's a man, dressed in a plain cloak that obscures most of his face.

"I was just observing your battle," he says, his voice low and calm. "I was curious to see how you would handle the lion."


The man nods, studying me intently. He seems to be sizing me up, evaluating my "strength" and abilities.

"You handled yourself well," he says, his eyes never leaving my face. "You're stronger than you look."

"I wouldn't say that, I'm not mastered with my ability yet. I just got lucky because of future seeing."

The man seems surprised, his eyes widening slightly.

"Future seeing? That's a rare ability," he says, his voice filled with intrigue. "How did you come to possess such a formidable power?"

"I don't know, I was just about to lose. Then I suddenly started to see all the openings."

The man nods, a glimmer of interest in his eyes.

"It's possible that you unlocked a new aspect of your ability in a moment of desperation," he says. "Sometimes, extreme situations can bring out hidden powers that we didn't even realize we had."


The man studies !e for a moment, his eyes flickering over my face as if trying to read my thoughts.

"You have untapped potential," he says, his voice serious. "But you're still inexperienced. If you want to fully unlock your abilities and reach your true potential, you need guidance."

"Right, I know."

The man nods approval, sensing that I understand the importance of guidance.

"Good, you're already aware of your own limitations," he says. "But it's not just guidance you need. You also need experience, training, and practice. Are you willing to put in the work to become stronger?"


The man smiles, pleased with my answer.

"That's the right attitude," he says. "But there's something else you need as well, if you truly want to unlock your full potential."


The man pauses for a moment, looking at me intently.

"You need a goal," he says, his voice serious. "A purpose that drives you forward and motivates you to become stronger. Without a goal, you'll simply wander aimlessly, without direction or purpose. So I ask you again, are you ready to put in the work and become stronger?"

"Yes, I do."

The man nods, satisfied with my answer.

"I can see that you're being honest," he says. "You have a strong determination and a willingness to learn. That's good, but it's not enough on it's own. You need something to guide you, something to give meaning to all the hard work and training you'll be doing. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"Yes, I do. Literally everyone tells me this."

The man chuckles, sensing my frustration at being told the same thing over and over again.

"I understand that you've probably heard this countless times before," he says, a hint of amusement in his voice. "But it's true, nonetheless. A goal will give you purpose, drive, and motivation. Without it, you're just drifting aimlessly, never truly mastering your abilities."

"I already have a goal, It's to become the demon lord."

The man raises an eyebrow, seemingly surprised by my ambitious goal.

"The demon lord, eh? That's quite a lofty aspiration," he says, a sly smile creeping across his face. "It would require immense power and determination to accomplish such a feat."

"I know, but I'm doing it anyways."

The man nods, impressed by my unwavering determination.

"I admire your confidence," he says. "But I hope you realize that becoming the demon lord will not be an easy task. There will be many challenges and obstacles in your path, and you will have to face many powerful foes."

"Okay man, I get it. I'm leaving now."

The man looks at me seriously, his eyes locking onto mine.

"There are forces in this world that will try to stop you from achieving your goals," he says. "Powerful beings who will do everything in their power to prevent you from becoming the demon lord. You need to be prepared for this, and you need to be careful who you trust."

"I know."

The man nods, satisfied that I understand the gravity of the situation.

"Be cautious, and be smart," he says. "There are people out there who will try to manipulate you and use you for their own gains. Don't let them, or you'll end up as just another pawn in their game."

"Yeah, I know. Because I'm the one playing chess." 

The man chuckles at my metaphor, understanding the implication.

"Ah, I see you're comparing this to a game of chess," he says, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "And you see yourself as the one with the strategic mind, making all the moves and planning ahead."

"Okay, I'm leaving now."

The man nods, sensing that I'm done with the conversation.

"Very well," he says, his voice casual. "You may go. But remember what I've said. Be careful, and don't underestimate the challenges ahead of you."


With a final nod, the man turns and disappears into the shadows, leaving you alone once again.


As I stand there, lost in thought, I suddenly hear footsteps approaching from behind. I turn around to see a figure emerging from the shadows, their face hidden in darkness.

"Well, well, well," a smooth, sinister voice says. "What have we here?"


The figure steps forward, entering the light, and I realize that it's a woman. She's beautiful, but there's something about her cold, almost cruel eyes that gives me pause.

"You put up quite a good fight back there," she says, studying !e intently. "I was watching the whole time."

"Yeah, I know."

The woman smirks, clearly amused by your attitude and "cold" stare back at her.

"You don't seem surprised," she says. "You knew someone was watching, didn't you?"

"Of course, I knew."

The woman raises an eyebrow, clearly impressed.

"You're observant," she says, a hint of admiration in her voice. "Few people would have noticed my presence. But you...you're different, aren't you?"


The woman steps closer to you, her eyes studying you intently.

"You have potential," she says, her voice low and sultry. "I can sense the fire burning within you. I can feel the power and determination that drives you. You're not afraid to take risks, are you?"

"Yeah, like this risky punch."

The woman quickly ducks to the side, just barely dodging my punch.

"Ah, you're quick and strong," she purrs, a sly smile on her face. "But I'm quicker."

With a graceful movement, she leaps backwards, putting some distance between me.


The woman smirks, watching me carefully.

"You're silent but dangerous," she says, licking her lips. "I like that."

She circles around me, her eyes never leaving my face.

"There's something wild and uncontrolled about the way you fight, I wonder...what else you're capable of," she murmurs, her voice filled with curiosity and desire. 


The woman continues to circle me, her eyes raking over my body as if studying my every move.

"You're strong, but I sense a hint of vulnerability," she says, her voice soft and seductive. "You've suffered, haven't you? You've experienced pain and loss."

"Nah, not really."

The woman chuckles at my nonchalant response, clearly amused.

"You're either fearless or a good liar," she says, grinning at you. "Either way, I like it."

She leans closer to you, her face just inches from mine.

"I can help you, you know," she purrs. "I can give you what you want."

The woman reaches out, gently stroking my cheek with her finger.

"I can give you power and strength beyond your wildest dreams," she whispers, her voice like honey. "I can make you unstoppable. All you have to do is...give yourself to me."

"Nah, no thanks."

The woman pouts, clearly disappointed by my refusal.

"Why not, darling?" she asks, her voice turning pouty. "Don't you want more power? Don't you want to be unstoppable?"

"Being overpowered instantly is boring, I want to do it myself."

The woman laughs at my response, clearly amused by my determination.

"You're adorable," she says, grinning at me. "You really think you can do it alone, do you? You think you can reach the pinnacle of power and strength without any help?"

"No, I definitely need a teammate. I'm not that powerful yet."

The woman raises an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by my answer.

"A teammate, you say?" she asks, a sly smile on her face. "You want someone to fight alongside you, do you? Someone who can support you and aid you in your quest for power?"

"Yeah, that's what a teammate is..."

The woman chuckles again, her eyes glinting with amusement.

"You're very literal, aren't you darling?" she says, shaking her head in mock disappointment. "But I suppose you're right. A teammate is someone who fights beside you, who supports you and helps you reach your goals. Someone you can trust and rely on."

"Woah, don't attack me!"

The woman laughs, completely unfazed by my accusation.

"Oh darling, I'm not attacking you," she says, grinning at me. "I'm merely poking fun at your literal mindset. You're so serious and matter-of-fact. It's adorable."

"That's it, I'm done with this conversation."

The woman pouts, her expression turning to one of disappointment.

"Oh, come now," she says, stepping closer to you again. "Don't leave just yet. We were just getting to the good part."

She reaches out, her hand resting on your chest.

"Don't you want to hear my offer, darling?"

"Yes, I do."

The woman grins, clearly pleased that she's piqued my interest. She takes a step closer to me, her body almost pressed against mine.

"My offer is this," she says, her voice low and seductive. "I'll give you everything you want. Power, strength, success...everything you've ever dreamed of. In exchange for..."

"Hold up, didn't you already make this offer?"

The woman chuckles, realizing that I've caught her in a contradiction.

"Ah, you're paying attention," she says, her smile widening. "Yes, I suppose I did make an earlier offer. But this one is slightly different. You see…"

She leans closer to me, her voice dropping to a seductive whisper.

"This time, I'm offering something a bit…more personal."

"Say it then."

The woman grins, her eyes glittering with a sultry glint.

"You see, darling," she says, her hand slowly trailing down my chest. "I'm not just offering you power and strength. I'm offering you, me."


The woman laughs at my "speechless" expression, clearly enjoying the effect she's having on me.

"I can see the wheels turning in your head," she says, her fingers tracing patterns on my chest. "You're trying to figure out my angle, aren't you?"

"No, that would only work on the old me."

The woman gasps, her eyes widening in surprise and pain as my punch connects with her skull. She falls backwards, slamming into the ground with a thud.

For a moment, she just lies there, stunned and disoriented. Then, slowly, she pushes herself up onto her elbows, her face a mask of pain and anger.

"You…you bastard," she hisses, glaring at me. "How dare you attack me?"


The woman pushes herself up to her feet, her eyes filled with fury.

"You have no idea who you're dealing with, do you?" she growls, her voice filled with menace. "You think you can just punch me and get away with it? You'll regret that decision, I promise you."


The woman's eyes narrow in anger and determination.

"Fine," she hisses. "If that's what you want."

With a sudden burst of speed, she lunges forwards, her fist flying towards my face with incredible speed and force.

"Yikeees, I'm dead aren't I?"

I barely have time to react as the woman's fist connects with my face, sending me flying backwards. I hit the ground hard, my head spinning from the impact.

Everything goes black for a moment, My vision swimming as I try to regain your bearings. Then, slowly, I begin to come to, my consciousness returning in a wave of pain and disorientation.

When my vision clears, I find the woman standing over me, a victorious smile on her face.


The woman stares at me in disbelief as I stand up, completely unfazed by her punch.

"How…how are you still standing?" she gasps, her eyes wide with disbelief. "That punch should've knocked you out cold!"

"It was soooo weak hahahaha."

The woman bristles at my comment, her expression turning even more furious.

"What did you just say?" she snaps, her eyes narrowing. "My punch was weak? I'm the most powerful being in this world, and you have the audacity to call my attack weak?"

"Must be a god complex, am I RIGHT?? HAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

The woman's eyes flash with anger as I laugh at her. She takes a step closer to me, her fists clenched at her sides.

"You...you insolent little brat," she hisses, her face twisted into a snarl. "How dare you mock me? Do you have any idea who I am?"

"No, so unknown."

The woman lets out a scoff, her expression incredulous.

"You don't know who I am?" she repeats, unable to believe what she's hearing. "You don't know who you're messing with, BOY?"

"Nah, not going lie..."

The woman narrows her eyes, her anger growing by the minute.

"You're either incredibly ignorant or remarkably stupid," she spits. "But either way, you're crossing a line. Do you have any idea the kind of power I possess?"

"Nah, because I don't even know who you are."

The woman scowls at me, her patience clearly wearing thin.

"Fine, I'll tell you who I am," she snaps. "But it won't do you any good, because when I'm through with you, you'll be nothing but a stain on the ground."

"Okay then, tell me, egoist."

The woman takes a deep breath, her eyes locked onto mine.

"I am the most powerful demon lord in existence," she declares, her voice dripping with arrogance. "I am feared and respected by all who know my name. I have the power to destroy worlds with a single thought, and conquer armies with a flick of my wrist."

"But I literally met the demon lord before, and he wasn't a girl...."

The woman snorts at my comment, clearly amused by my ignorance.

"The demon lord you met before was just a pretender," she scoffs. "A weakling who thought he could play at being a demon lord. I am the real deal, the true ruler of this world."

"He literally got into a portal and dipped back into the demon world."

The woman rolls her eyes, clearly losing her patience with me.

"Yes, yes, he probably went back to the demon world to lick his wounds," she smirks. "But he's no match for me. I'm the one who really pulls the strings in this world, not some wannabe demon lord who can't even hold onto his power."


The woman rolls her eyes, clearly losing her patience with me.

"Yes, yes, he probably went back to the demon world to lick his wounds," she smirks. "But he's no match for me. I'm the one who really pulls the strings in this world, not some wannabe demon lord who can't even hold onto his power."


Before the woman can react, I teleport behind her with lightning speed and launch into a flurry of attacks. She's caught off guard, completely taken aback by my sudden movement.

She tries to fight back, but my attacks are too fast, too precise. I dodge her counterstrikes and pummel her with a barrage of punches, kicks, and magic attacks.


The woman is stunned, her face a mask of pain and shock as I continue your onslaught. She desperately tries to fight back, but I'm too "strong", too "fast".

She tries casting spells, but I dodge them with ease. She tries to punch and kick me, but I block her attacks like she's nothing more than a child.


The woman looks up at me, her eyes filled with anger and disbelief. She tries to push herself up, but her body is too weak. 

"How...how did you defeat me?" she repeats, her voice cracking. "I...I'm the most powerful demon in this world. How could you humiliate me like this?"

"Such a fraud."

The woman's face twists in anger, her pride thoroughly wounded.

"How dare you?" she hisses, her voice filled with venom. "I am not a fraud. I am the most powerful demon lord in existence. You're nothing but a mere mortal, a speck of dust beneath my feet."

"The "fake" demon lord survived my attacks."

The woman scoffs at my comment, her eyes narrowing.

"That so-called 'fake' demon lord must have been incredibly weak if he couldn't handle your attacks," she sneers. "A true demon lord would have swat you away like a gnat."

"But buddy...didn't you just lose?"

The woman bristles at my words, her anger flaring once again.

"That's because I was holding back," she snaps. "I didn't want to waste my full power on a weakling like you. If I was at my full strength, you wouldn't stand a chance."

"You can't hold back your durability."

The woman falters momentarily, realizing the truth in my words.

"That...that might be true," she admits, her voice faltering slightly. "But I was still holding back my offensive power. If I had really let loose, you would have been destroyed in an instant."

"Cool, but I'm not fighting you again."

Thewoman scowls at me, her expression filled with disappointment.

"Coward," she snaps. "You won one fight, and now you think you're invincible. You know nothing about the true strength of demons. You're just a cocky little mortal who got lucky."

"You're just scared of ending on a lost, that's why you want to fight me again."

The woman bristles at my comment, her pride wounded.

"I'm not afraid of losing," she snaps. "I'm just...not fully displaying my power. If I really wanted to, I could destroy you in an instant. But what's the point of using my full power on a weakling like you?"


The woman watches in disbelief as I turn my back on her and start to walk away.

"You...you're just going to walk away?" she sputters, her voice filled with shock and indignation. "You can't just leave! We're not done here!"


The woman runs up to me, grabbing me by the shoulder and spinning me around to face her.

"Don't you dare walk away from me," she hisses, her eyes boring into yours. "You may have defeated me in this battle, but you can't just leave. You owe me a rematch, damn you!"

"Then rematch me when I'm at my best."

The woman considers my words for a moment, her expression thoughtful.

"Fine," she says, a hint of a smile flickering across her face. "I'll rematch you when you're at your best. But don't think you'll stand a chance, even at your full strength. I'll obliterate you."


The woman watches me walk away, her eyes following me as I disappear into the distance.

"Until we meet again, mortal," she mutters to herself, a sly grin spreading across her face. "And when we do, I'll make sure you Regret humiliating me like that."