
Devilish Tricks

A devilish trickster named "sion" goes on a quest to become the demon lord, until something goes wrong...

Woundmaker · Fantasy
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11 Chs


This story is about a young 16 year boy, going on a adventure.

As I graduate from my magic academy, I step out into a sunny field. Magic users are congratulating each other, and others are giving you smiles and a pat on the shoulder. As I look around, I find your parents waiting for me and waving me over.

I walk over to my parents, and I notice the huge smile on their faces as they approach me. My mom immediately pulls me into a hug as my dad claps his hand on my shoulder.

"Congratulations, son," my dad says, his eyes gleaming with pride.

"Yes, I graduated with a 4.0 GPA."

My mother looks at me up and down with a disapproving look before saying. "You sure it was a 4.0? Maybe you saw the numbers upside down or something." 

My father, once again, pats my shoulder. "Let the kid speak; I'm sure he did just fine."

"Always making fun of me."

My mother rolls her eyes at my reaction before scoffing. "Oh, don't give me that look. I'm just looking out for you. It's not like I want you to fail or anything."

My dad chuckles, trying to downplay the situation. "Come on now; leave the kid alone. He just graduated; let him enjoy his moment."

"Yeah, I'm going with some friends to the magic ceremony."

My mom raises an eyebrow; her expression is still a bit critical. "Magic ceremony, huh? And what exactly is that?" She asks, crossing her arms.

"It's where you get your magic. Are you being retarded on purpose?"

My mother rolls her eyes and scoffs, clearly annoyed by my response. "Of course I know what it is; don't get snippy with me. But I assume that you don't know what your magic element is yet, considering you never told us."

My father's face also seems to tense up a bit, his smile fading.

"Yeah, because you're supposed to get it after you graduate. You don't know what it knows until then."

My mother groans, clearly getting frustrated now. "Well, excuse me for not knowing every little detail. It's not like they give parents a manual on this stuff."

My dad shoots my mother a look that says 'calm down' before turning to me. "So, do you have any idea what your element might be? Or are you going to find out at the ceremony?"

"I mean, most people get 'abilities' not just 'elements'."

My mother rolls her eyes again but remains silent for now, allowing my dad to speak.

"Ah, right. Abilities, not just elements. And have you had any... 'abilities' so far?" He asks, using air quotes around the word abilities.


The sarcasm in my response doesn't go unnoticed by my mother, who narrows her eyes at me. But my dad, ever the peacemaker, tries to move the conversation along.

"Alright, alright. Calm down, both of you," he says, looking between me and my mom. "So you haven't had any abilities yet, and you'll find out your element at the ceremony. Is that right?"

"It's literally impossible to get any magic without going to the ceremony, but yeah. I'm getting it at the ceremony."

My mother can't contain herself any longer and cuts in. "Are you sure about that? Maybe you just weren't trying hard enough. Or maybe you're just not strong enough to have magic. Have you ever thought about that?"

My father groans and puts his hand on my mother's shoulder, trying to get her to calm down. "Enough. There's no need to start insulting our son."


My mother crosses her arms and looks away, clearly annoyed, while my dad gives me an apologetic look.

"Sorry about her. She's just... protective, I guess you could say." He says he is trying to soften the situation. "Anyway, you should probably go join your friends. Have fun at the ceremony, and remember, whatever element you end up with, we'll still love you just the same."


With that, my dad pats my shoulder once again, while my mom gives me a curt nod.

"Good luck," she says, her voice still a bit cold.

And with that, they walk away, leaving me alone with the other students preparing for the magic ceremony.

As I watch my parents walk away, I feel a bit of relief that the awkward interaction is over. However, before I can dwell on it for too long, I hear someone calling my name.

"Hey, Sion! Over here!"


I turn in the direction of the voice and see a group of my friends waving at me. They all look excited, probably eager for the upcoming ceremony.

As I approach, one of your friends, a guy named James, grins at me. "There you are. We were starting to think you chickened out."


James slaps me on the back, still smiling. "Relax; I'm just kidding. We all know you couldn't resist the lure of magic."

Another friend, a girl named Sarah, joins in. "Yeah, we were worried you were going to leave us hanging. What took you so long anyway?"

"First it was band practice, then my mom wouldn't stop insulting me."

My friends exchange knowing looks, all nodding in understanding.

"Ah, the classic mom drama," James says, rolling his eyes. "I know how that is. My mom still can't decide whether she wants me to follow in her footsteps and be a carpenter or pursue my own dreams."

Sarah chimes in, "Same. My mom was a healer, and she wanted me to be one too. But I don't want to spend my life just healing people; I want to be an adventurer!"


The conversation continues as my friend group walks towards the ceremony area. Everyone is excited and buzzing with anticipation, discussing what kind of magic they hope to receive.

Suddenly, James turns to me with a sly grin. "Hey, speaking of magic, have you thought about what you hope to get at the ceremony today?"

"No, I don't."

James seems taken aback by my "cold" response, but quickly regains his composure and laughs awkwardly.

"Well, I'm hoping for some fire magic. I've always wanted to learn how to shoot fireballs, you know."

Sarah chimes in, trying to lighten the mood. "I'm hoping for something useful like earth magic. It would make tunneling so much easier when we go adventuring."


My friends exchange concerned glances, unsure of how to deal with my "cold" demeanor. The conversation turns awkwardly silent for a moment, until James clears his throat and tries to change the subject.

"Uh, so... do you think the ceremony will be long? I've heard it can be kind of boring just sitting and listening to the elders give speeches."

"Maybe. An hour at best."

Sarah groans. "An hour? Really? That's going to be so boring. Maybe we can all sneak out halfway through and grab some food instead."

James nods in agreement. "That sounds like a much better plan than listening to old farts drone on about magic and responsibility."

"You don't even need to listen to the speeches; just skip them and go back when they call your name for the powers."

James' eyes widen in realization. "Wait, seriously? We can just skip the speeches and come back when they call us. Why didn't I think of that?"

Sarah grins, clearly excited by the idea. "Yeah, we can just chat amongst ourselves and kill time until they need us. This ceremony just got a lot more bearable."

"I shouldn't have skipped band practice then."

My friends burst out laughing at my realization, their amusement filling the air.

"That's right! You sacrificed your precious band practice for this," James teases, still chuckling.

"I know."

Seeing my "grumpy" expression, Sarah playfully nudges my shoulder. "Oh, come on, don't be such a sourpuss. It'll be fun. We'll make our own entertainment while everyone else is stuck listening to boring speeches."

"Okay, then. time to find my seat."

My friends nod and bid me farewell as I head off to find my seat. The ceremony area is packed with students, all dressed in their graduation robes and chatting excitedly.

As I take your place in the designated seating area, I see the elders taking their seats on the stage, preparing to begin the ceremony.


I watch as the elders begin the ceremony with a long-winded speech about the honor and responsibility that come with receiving magic. However, I tune out most of it, having heard this speech many times before.

My eyes dart around the room, looking for any sign of boredom amongst the other students. To my surprise, many of them seem enraptured by the elders' words, although a few are fighting to keep their eyes open.


After what feels like hours, the speeches finally finish, and the elders move on to the next part of the ceremony.

"Now, it's time for the moment you've all been waiting for. The moment when you all receive the magic that will shape your futures," an elder announces, their voice booming across the audience.

"Wow, that felt like minutes."

The elder on stage scoffs at my "snarky" comment but continues anyway. "Each of you will step forward one by one and receive your element. May the magic choose wisely."

The elders call out the names of the students one by one, and each person steps forward, eager to learn what their power will be.


As the names continue to be called aloud, the line gradually grows shorter and shorter. Finally, the elder calls out my name.

"Sion, please step forward."

"Kaay," I say as I walk up to the stage.

I approach the stage, feeling the eyes of all the other students upon me. The elder greets you with a stern expression, clearly sizing me up.

"Sion, are you ready to receive your magic?"

"Yes, sir."

The elder nods and motions for me to kneel. "Very well. Close your eyes and extend your hands."

"Kaaay." I say as I do what he says.

I kneel before the elder and close my eyes, extending their hands out in front of me. The elder then places their hands over your own and begins to chant an incantation.

The room falls silent as a bright light envelops my hands, a sign that the magic is beginning to take effect.


The bright light continues to glow around my hands as the elder's chanting grows louder. The other students in the audience watch in anticipation, wondering what kind of magic I will receive.

After what feels like an eternity, the elder ceases their chant and steps back, allowing the light to fade.

"Open your eyes," the elder instructs.

"Kaaay." I say as I do what he says.

As I open my eyes, I see the elder looking down at me with a smile on their face.

"Well, it seems the magic has chosen you indeed," they say, their voice filled with pride. "You have been given the power of..."

The elder pauses for dramatic effect, building tension in the room as everyone waits with bated breath.

The elder finally reveals my element, their voice echoing in the silence of the room.

"The element of...wait, this is insane; you have the power of logic independence."

A gasp of surprise and awe escapes the audience as the elder proudly proclaims my new power. My friends in the crowd let out cheers and applause, celebrating my newfound ability.


The elder smiles down at me, clearly pleased with my reaction. "Yes, you have the power of logic independence. This means you are now unbound by the rules and limitations of logic. You can bend reality itself to your will and defy the laws of physics and common sense."

The other students in the audience murmur in awe, clearly impressed by my new power. My friends in the crowd are particularly excited, eagerly awaiting the demonstration of my newfound abilities.

"I know what it means already, pops."

The elder chuckles, amused by my "nonchalant" reaction. "Of course you do. Well, then let me give you this to aid your newfound power."

The elder hands me a small amulet. It's a simple trinket, but I can "sense" a powerful enchantment radiating from it.

"This amulet will help you harness and control your power. Wear it at all times, and do not take it off. Understood?"

"Yes, sir."

The elder nods, satisfied with my response. "Excellent. Now go rejoin your friends. They're all waiting anxiously to see what you can do."

The elder gestures for me to step down from the stage and rejoin the other students.

"Kaaay," I say as I go back to my friends.

My friends quickly surround me as I return to them, their eyes filled with excitement and curiosity.

"Sion! That was amazing!" James exclaims, unable to contain his enthusiasm. "I've never seen the elders so impressed during a ceremony before! Logical independence, that's insane!"

"I know, I know..."

Sarah pokes me in the arm, a wide grin on her face. "So, what does it feel like to wield such powerful magic? Are you feeling all superior and unstoppable now?"

"No, not really. I have to stay humble."

James rolls his eyes and laughs. "Always so serious. Can't you just enjoy your moment of glory? You just got the most badass magic of the century, and all you can say is, 'I have to stay humble'."


My friends are caught off guard by the sudden shouting of a guy in the background, but nonetheless turn to look in the direction where the guy was pointing. Their eyes widen in shock and fear as they realize who he is referring to.

"Dammit, it is him!" James whispers.

Indeed, standing on the other side of the ceremonial area are the feared Demon Lord and his army of demonic servants, all watching the ceremony intently.


My friends exchange nervous glances, suddenly feeling much more tense now that the Demon Lord and his servants are in the area.

"What are they doing here?" Sarah whispers, her voice shaking slightly. "Do you think they're going to attack us?"

"Probably, actually, most definitely."

James looks around nervously, trying to assess the situation. "Yeah, considering how much the Demon Lord hates humans and magic users, I'd say attacking us is definitely on his agenda."

Suddenly, one of the demon servants points in my direction, and the Demon Lord's gaze locks on me.

"Oh cool, he noticed me."

My friends all look at me in disbelief, clearly shocked that I am so "nonchalant" about the Demon Lord's attention.

James gulps nervously. "Uh, Sion, I think you're the last person who should be getting the Demon Lord's attention. That's never a good sign."

"Oh, really?"

The Demon Lord, still staring straight at me, begins to walk towards me, his demonic servants following close behind him.

The other students in the area all freeze in fear, watching the scene unfold with trepidation. Your friends look at me with worried expressions, unsure of what to do.


The Demon Lord finally reaches me, towering over me with his intimidating presence. He looks me up and down, his eyes narrowing with interest.

"So, this is the one with the power of logic independence. How very...interesting."

"I got it 5 minutes ago; how did you know?"

The Demon Lord chuckles, a sinister smile spreading across his face.

"Oh, word spreads quickly in the demonic realm when someone with such potential arises. And make no mistake, your power is noteworthy, to say the least."

"Oh, okay."

The Demon Lord steps closer, still studying me closely.

"You know, you are quite different from the other magic users. Most would cower in fear at the sight of me, but you...you seem almost indifferent. It's refreshing, in a way."

"Yeah, it's because you look like a clown."

My friends gasp in shock, clearly horrified by my "audacity" to insult the Demon Lord, but the Demon Lord himself merely laughs heartily.

"A clown, you say? How amusing. Most mortals would be trembling in their boots by now, and yet here you are, insulting me like we're old friends."


The Demon Lord smirks, amused by my "nonchalant" attitude.

"You really are something else, aren't you? Most mortals would be begging for mercy, or at least showing some respect. But not you. You just stare at me with those dull eyes and respond with 'kay'."

"What do the superheroes do in shows? Oh, right! SUPER DUPER PUNCH!!!"

Before the Demon Lord can react, I suddenly shout out "SUPERPUNCH" and swing my fist at him with all my might.

My friends and the other students in the area all watch with wide eyes as my punch connects squarely with the Demon Lord's face.

The Demon Lord stumbles back, caught off guard by my unexpected attack. He clutches his jaw, looking momentarily stunned.

"Now then, if I kill you, the big bad, will I become the next in line for the chair?"

The Demon Lord rubs his jaw, still taken aback by my "audacity" and "strength." He glares at me, a mix of annoyance and respect in his eyes.

"Hmph, you're even more amusing than I thought. You think you can simply kill me and take my place as the Demon Lord? Do you even know what it takes to rule an empire of demons?"

"Nope, that's why I'm asking."

The Demon Lord laughs again, his ego slightly bruised but still intact.

"You have a spine; I'll give you that. Most mortals would run away screaming by now. But you... you have the audacity to stand up to me and ask me how to take my throne."

"Give me an answer, big bad."

The Demon Lord smirks, amused by my "determination."

"You want an answer? Very well. To become the Demon Lord, you need three things. Power, influence, and ambition. You already have the first one down. But the other two... that's what separates a mere mortal from a Demon Lord."

The Demon Lord continues, his tone growing more serious.

"Power alone is not enough. You need followers, allies who will fight by your side and help you expand your influence. And above all, you need an unquenchable ambition that will drive you to keep going, no matter what obstacles stand in your way."

"I was expecting that one; I can't do it alone."

The Demon Lord nods, a hint of approval in his eyes.

"Very good. You already understand that much. But let me give you this warning: the path to becoming the Demon Lord is not an easy one. It will test your strength, your resolve, and your very soul. Are you prepared to face the unimaginable horrors and sacrifices that come with such a path?"

"Yes, I am."

The Demon Lord studies me intently, measuring my "resolve" and "bravery.".

"You really are a strange one. Most mortals would recoil at the thought of facing such horrors, but you welcome it with open arms. Very well, then. If you are truly prepared to embark on this path, then so be it."

"Alright then, time to go on an epic quest!"

The Demon Lord chuckles, amused by my "enthusiasm."

"A quest, eh? Well, if you plan to claim my throne, then I suppose you'll need one. But I warn you, the journey will be long and perilous, filled with countless trials and dangers at every turn."


The Demon Lord steps back, gesturing for his demonic servants to step forward.

"Before you set out on your quest, let my servants give you a taste of the horrors you will face. After all, it wouldn't be fair to send you unprepared, now would it?"

The demonic servants surrounding the Demon Lord all bare their teeth and hiss, clearly eager to attack me.

"Alright, then."

The Demon Lord smiles sinisterly, enjoying the sight of my "nonchalant" attitude in the face of danger.

"Go on then, my loyal servants. Show this upstart the true terror of the demon realm."

With a loud cry, the demonic servants charge towards you, their claws and teeth bared.

"So basically, I just have to kill them?"

The Demon Lord grins, amused by my "simplicity."

"Yes, that's the idea. But don't underestimate them. These servants are no ordinary demons. They are hardened warriors, skilled in combat and magic. They will not go down easily."


A purple orb appears in my hand, and with a mere thought, I release it towards the charging demons.

The orb shoots forward and strikes the demons, unleashing a powerful explosion of energy that engulfs them completely.

The explosion dies down, and all that remains are the smoking, lifeless bodies of the demons.

The Demon Lord watches in surprise, clearly impressed by my display of power but also slightly annoyed that I made it "look so easy."

"Alright, I did it."

The Demon Lord scratches his head in disbelief, still shocked by how easily I dispatched his demonic servants.

"Well, that was not what I expected. Most mortals would struggle to fight one of my servants, let alone all of them at once. But you... you just wiped them out without even breaking a sweat."

"Of course it did; I got burned."

The Demon Lord looks down at my hand, noticing the burn mark.

"Ah, I see. So it did take some effort, after all. I wouldn't be surprised if your hand was completely charred and blackened after casting such a powerful spell."

"Alright, time to go on the quest to become the demon lord!"

The Demon Lord smirks, his respect for me growing even more.

"Well, if you survived that little demonstration, then I suppose you're ready for the quest. Just remember, this journey will not be easy. You will face countless challenges and dangers, and there will be times when you doubt yourself and your abilities. But if you stay focused and determined, then you just might have a chance to claim my throne."


The Demon Lord steps back, allowing me to pass him.

"Then go, my young upstart. Embark on your quest to become the Demon Lord. May the stars guide your steps and luck be on your side."