
Devilish Tricks

A devilish trickster named "sion" goes on a quest to become the demon lord, until something goes wrong...

Woundmaker · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 1 - Asking out crush gone wrong?

I woke up in my bed like I normally do, but I can tell something feels different. I can't explain what exactly, but something definitely feels amiss...

"Hi, my name is lake, I'm 15, and I'm the son of the demon lord."

As I realize who I are, more eyes widen in shock and surprise. I'm are the son of the demon lord? The child of one of the most powerful, ruthless, and feared rulers in this world?

"No...this is impossible..."

My mind races as I try to make sense of this revelation. How could this be possible? I were just a normal person a moment ago, but now it seems that I'm are the child of the demon lord, one of the most powerful and infamous beings in this world.

Despite your surprise and shock, you brush it off and decide to focus on having fun instead. You figure that it doesn't really matter who your father is; what matters is enjoying life and having a good time.

"Who cares? I just wanna have fun!"

I just got outside, and suddenly...All my friends appear out of thin air!

As I step outside, I'm shocked to see all of my friends suddenly appear right in front of me. It's as if they materialized out of thin air.

"Hey, Lake!" one of my friends calls out, waving at me with a smile.

"Hello, my friend." I say.

My friends greet me warmly, some of them grinning or waving hello. One of them, a girl named Mia, steps forward and tilts her head in curiosity.

"Are you alright, Lake? You look a little stunned."

"Yeah, I just woke up, and my friends suddenly appear in front of me!" I say.

My friends chuckle and exchange amused glances. Mia grins at me.

"Yeah, we just kind of magically appeared here," she says with a shrug. "It happens sometimes, you know?"

"I mean, you guys do have magic..." I say.

One of !y other friends, a boy named Connor, smirks.

"Yep, we do. And we like to use it for fun pranks every now and then."

Mia giggles. "Like manifesting right in front of you out of nowhere."

"Okay then, time to go to school!" I say.

My friends nod in agreement and all of us start heading towards school. As I walk and chat, my mind still races with the revelation about my father. However, the cheerful banter and laughter of my friends gradually push those thoughts to the back of my mind.


As I walk to school alongside my friends, there is a comfortable silence as I all chat and joke around. The sun is shining, and the birds are singing in the trees overhead. Despite the normalcy of the scene, I can't help but feel a sense of unease and wonder about my own identity.

Soon, I arrive at school and join the flow of students entering the building.


The halls are bustling with students and teachers, and people are going this way and that. My friends keep up a lively conversation as I make my way to my first class. As I approach the classroom, one of my friends, Mia, speaks up.

"Hey, are you sure you're okay?" she asks. "You've been quiet ever since we met this morning."

"Yeah, I'm thinking of asking out my crush." I say bluntly.

My friends immediately perk up at this revelation. Connor grins and nudges me with his elbow.

"Ohohoh, who's the lucky girl?"

"Cecily Valentine." I say.

My friends exchange knowing glances and grins at the mention of Cecily's name.

"Cecily Valentine, huh? She's pretty cute," Mia says with a smirk.

"And smart," Connor adds. "And talented. And popular."

"I want that last name so bad..." I say.

My friends chuckle as they understand the implication of my statement.

"You want her name, or do you want the person attached to it?" Connor teases, winking.

"I want both." I say.

My friends burst out laughing at my response. They clap me on the back and give me a playful shove.

"Someone has it bad," Mia jokes, grinning widely.

"I just gotta out this letter in her locker..." I say.

I hold the letter in my hand, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. my friends surround me, watching as I approach Cecily's locker.

"You got this, man," Connor says, giving me an encouraging pat on the back.


I take a deep breath and place the letter carefully into Cecily's locker. my heart is pounding in my chest as I close the locker door and turn to face my friends.

They are all watching me with grins on their faces. Mia is bouncing on her toes, and Connor looks almost more excited than I am.

"So... now we just wait and hope she says yes," Mia says, her voice filled with anticipation.

"OH SHIT!!! SHE'S RIGHT NEXT TO ME!!!" I scream.

I feel my stomach drop as I realize that Cecily is now standing right next to me and my friends. She is talking to some other students, completely oblivious to the fact that I'm are standing there.

my friends all turn to look at me, their eyes wide and panicked. Mia hisses whispers urgently.

"What do you do now?!"

"I gotta act like a man, and actually give it to her." I say.

My friends nod in agreement, and they all nudge me forward. Cecily and her friends continue their conversation, completely unaware of your approach.

With a deep breath and a clenched fist, I step up and tap Cecily on the shoulder. She turns to look at you, a pleasant smile on her face.

"Hi, Lake," she says, her eyes meeting yours. "Did you need something?"

"Yep, I can't do it." I say.

My friends all groan in disappointment, and Connor facepalms in frustration. Mia rolls her eyes and shoves me forward again.

"Come on, man! This is your chance!" she whispers urgently.

"Yeah, here." I say.

Cecily takes the letter from my outstretched hand, her eyes widening in surprise.

"What is this?" she asks, her voice soft and curious.

"It's literally a pink letter, I made it obvious." I say.

Cecily looks down at the letter, noticing its distinct pink color. She chuckles softly.

"I know that, dummy," she teases with a small smile. "I meant, what's inside it?"

"You gotta read it yourself..." I say.

Cecily holds the letter in her hand, looking down at it with curiosity. After a moment, she carefully opens it and reads the contents. Her expression is unreadable as she takes in the words.

My friends are all watching eagerly, holding their breath in anticipation. Mia is practically vibrating with nervous excitement.

After what feels like an eternity, Cecily looks up from the letter and meets my eyes. Her expression is still unreadable, and for a moment, my heart sinks in disappointment.

Then, much to everyone's surprise, a small smile tugs at the corners of her lips.

"Give me a answer." I say.

Cecily grins at my impatience, clearly enjoying the moment.

"Alright, alright," she says. "Do I have to spell it out for you?"

"Yeah you do, bitch!" I say.

Cecily takes a step closer, her smile growing wider as she looks up at me.

"I like you, dummy," she says bluntly, still grinning. "It's a "yes," okay?"


J let out a whoop of triumph as my friends erupt with cheers and laughter.

"Heck yeah!!" Connor shouts, grinning widely.

Mia punches me playfully on the arm. "Took you long enough!"

My celebration is interrupted as I hear a familiar voice behind you. Turning around, I see a figure standing there with a menacing grin on their face.

Connor, Mia, and Cecily all freeze as they recognize the figure - it's the villain known as 444:Belphegor!

"Well, aren't you all having a fun little party?" Belphegor drawls, their smile widening as they look around at my group.

My friends are all tensed and nervous, their playful demeanor replaced by caution and concern. Even Cecily is eyeing Belphegor warily.

"NOOOOOOOOO!!!" I scream.

Belphegor chuckled darkly, obviously enjoying the effect their presence was having on my group.

"Ah, such delicious fear," they say, taking a step closer. "I just love interrupting moments like this."


Belphegor's grin widens at my exclamation, clearly amused.

"Oh, someone's done their research," they say, their voice dripping with mockery. "But you're right. I do so enjoy causing havoc, especially to innocent little schools like this one."

"You don't wanna fight, A guy who punches walls...for fun." I suddenly say.

My friends goggle at me in speechless shock as I utter those words. It's not something they ever expected to hear from me.

Belphegor, however, seems unimpressed. They let out a dry laugh.

"Oh, really now?" they say, crossing their arms across their chest. "You punch walls for fun? And you think that scares me?"

"YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT!!!! I'M A DEVILISH TRICKSTER!!!" I suddenly claim, and say.

My friends are completely stunned into silence, their eyes wide with shock. They can't believe the words that just came out of my mouth.

Even Belphegor is taken aback, their eyes narrowing as they regard you with a new sense of caution.

"A...devilish trickster, you say?" they murmur, their tone now tinged with uncertainty.

"And, I'm feeling kinda funny. I might...punch a wall, or 2." I say.

As I declare my impending punching of a wall, my friends all scramble away from me, looking both terrified and concerned. Belphegor, however, remains in place, a look of disbelief on their face.

"You...you're actually going to punch a wall?" they ask, their voice laced with skepticism.

"Nah, I mean...you." I say.

With a single, powerful punch, I send Belphegor flying backwards into the wall. The impact is so forceful that it shatters the wall behind them, sending debris flying everywhere.

My friends all gasp and duck away from the flying rubble, their eyes wide with shock and fear. Belphegor, meanwhile, is left dazed and stunned, lying in the rubble of the decimated wall.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." I say.

My friends are all silent, frozen in shock. They can hardly believe what they've just witnessed. Belphegor groans and stirs, slowly sitting up amidst the rubble. They look at me with disbelief and newfound caution.

"You...you're definitely stronger than I thought," they mutter, wincing as they touch their bruised face.

"Nahhh, I ain't done, fool. I still need to punch a second walp" I say.

I move with lightning quickness, grabbing Belphegor and launching them into the air. Before they can react, I follow up with a devastating punch to their gut as they descend, sending them crashing into another wall.

The impact is just as powerful as before, and the wall behind them shatters into rubble. Belphegor lands with a thud on the ground, groaning in pain.

My friends all watch in awe and horror, their eyes flicking between you, Belphegor, and the shattered walls surrounding you and them.

Belphegor struggles to their feet, their face now bruised and bleeding. They look at me with a mixture of fear and irritation.

"Alright, alright, you made your point!" they mutter. "I get it, you're strong!"

"What a bitch!!!" I say.

Belphegor glares at me with a mixture of anger and frustration. They're clearly unaccustomed to being overpowered in such a way, and my display of strength has clearly shaken them.

"Watch your mouth, you little brat," they snap, their voice hoarse from the impact of my punches.

"Do you want a another devilish trickster punch?" I say bluntly.

Belphegor glares at me for a moment, clearly weighing their options. They obviously don't want to be subjected to another round of my punches, but their ego won't let them just back down without a fight.

"Ugh, you're getting on my nerves," they grumble, narrowing their eyes. "But I'm not backing down that easily."