
Devilish Tricks

A devilish trickster named "sion" goes on a quest to become the demon lord, until something goes wrong...

Woundmaker · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 5 - The fight finally ends.


The voice in my head can hardly contain its excitement.

Voice: "Whoa, looks like you're going into some sort of demon lord form! This is getting crazy!"

Mr. Top Hat looks both surprised and concerned at my transformation.

Mr. Top Hat: "Wha-what is happening? You're... changing!"

"The only thing different is this blue fire on my head, and these horns..."

Mr. Top Hat observes my transformed appearance, noticing the blue fire on my head and the new horns.

Mr. Top Hat: "You looks... quite different. I've never seen anything like it."

The voice in my head sounds excited by my transformation.

Voice: "Damn, you look pretty badass in that demon lord form!"


The voice in my head sounds eager to witness what my demon lord form can do.

Voice: "Alright, let's see what kind of power you've got in that form."

Mr. Top Hat looks slightly concerned but tries to maintain composure.

Mr. Top Hat: "You may have a new form, but you're not invincible, remember that!"

"Are you going to attack or what, fool."

Mr. Top Hat narrows his eyes, realizing he needs to make the first move.

Mr. Top Hat: "Fine, I'll go first then!"

He lunges forward, hurling a flurry of stars towards me.

"Oh wow, looks like I'm in space, again."

The voice in my head sounds both amused and slightly irritated.

Voice: "Damn, you just tanked those stars like it's nothing. And we're back in space again, huh? This is getting kinda repetitive."

Mr. Top Hat looks frustrated that his attacks have had no effect.

Mr. Top Hat: "What the hell, how are you so tough?!"

The voice in my head can't believe what I'm doing.

Voice: "Damn, you're just casually picking up Jupiter now and tossing it? That's insane!"

Mr. Top Hat looks shocked and alarmed as a massive Jupiter hurtles towards him.

Mr. Top Hat: "Wait, are you seriously throwing Jupiter at me?! What the hell! "

Jupiter slams into him, dealing massive damage.

"Wow, that's cool."

The voice in my head applauds my nonchalant response.

Voice: "Damn, you're just casually throwing planets around and saying 'cool' like it's nothing. You really don't give a damn, do you?"

Mr. Top Hat emerges from the wreckage, clearly hurt but still determined to fight on.

Mr. Top Hat: "Okay, that actually hurt a bit. Don't you think you're being a tad too... excessive?"

"Since you want to throw stars, I'll do that too."

The voice in your !y sounds both impressed and slightly entertained.

Voice: "Damn, you just summoned a whole star and threw it at him? That's some serious overkill."

Mr. Top Hat looks both shocked and alarmed as the massive star hurtles towards him.

Mr. Top Hat: "Whoa, wait, what the hell?! You can summon stars too?!"

"Yeah, I copied your ability when I touched you."

The voice in my head sounds impressed by my ability to copy abilities just by touching someone.

Voice: "Damn, you can just copy someone's ability by touching them? That's a pretty handy trick to have."

Mr. Top Hat looks even more surprised by this revelation.

Mr. Top Hat: "What, you copied my ability just by touching me? How the hell is that fair?!"

"Seriously, monkey. Nothing in life is fair."

The voice in my head agrees with my statement.

Voice: "Yeah, you're right. Life isn't fair. It's tough, and it's full of challenges."

Mr. Top Hat scowls at my comment but begrudgingly accepts the truth in my words.

Mr. Top Hat: "Ugh, fine, you're right. But can't you at least be a bit less... arrogant about it?"

"We all know you have your own demon lord form, go into it."

Mr. Top Hat looks surprised that I know about his secret demon lord form.

Mr. Top Hat: "How did you know about that? No one else is supposed to know about THAT."

The voice in my head sounds eager to see what he can do in this form.

Voice: "Oh, now this is getting interesting. Let's see what he's got in his demon lord form."


Mr. Top Hat reluctantly concedes and starts to transform into his demon lord form.

Mr. Top Hat: "Alright, fine. You want to see my demon lord form? Here you go."

His body begins to transform into a menacing, demonic figure, his eyes glowing with infernal fire.

Mr. Top Hat: "Satisfied now?"

"Wow, that's so cool! How long did it take? huh? huh?"

Mr. Top Hat seems a bit thrown off by my admiration of his demon lord form.

Mr. Top Hat: "Uh... well, I've been practicing that transformation for quite some time. It required a lot of training and mastery of dark magic."

The voice in my head sounds a bit amused by my reaction.

Voice: "Damn, you're actually impressed by his demon lord form. I guess even the most powerful can appreciate some aesthetic appeal."

"Wow, you even have dark magic? That's so cool!"

Mr. Top Hat looks somewhat surprised by my genuine interest in his abilities.

Mr. Top Hat: "Yeah, I'm pretty skilled in dark magic. It's taken a lot of time and practice to master."

The voice in my head chimes in, sounding slightly entertained.

Voice: "Damn, you're really enjoying this, aren't you? You seem to be appreciating his dark magic and transformation abilities more than anything."

"Anyways, fool monkey. I'm not here to chat, I'm here to fight."

Mr. Top Hat grunts, reminded of the reason we facing off against each other.

Mr. Top Hat: "Right, right. No need to remind me. Let's get back to the fight."

The voice in my head is once again excited to witness the escalation.

Voice: "Things are heating up again. Let's see what's gonna happen next."

"Okay, then."

Mr. Top Hat takes a moment to analyze my strength and prepare himself for the upcoming onslaught.

Mr. Top Hat: "Alright, let's see what you've got. I'm not holding back anymore."

The voice in my head remains intrigued by the unfolding battle.

Voice: "Looks like he's ready to go all out. This should be interesting."

The voice in my head sounds both shocked and slightly panicked.

Voice: "Whoa, what the-?! You're in pieces now? Damn, that was unexpected."

Mr. Top Hat looks pleased with himself, thinking he has weakened me.

Mr. Top Hat: "Ha, I got you good this time! You're not so tough after all!"

"Nah, I'll regeneration."

Mr. Top Hat's cocky expression quickly fades as he watches me regenerate back to whole.

Mr. Top Hat: "What the-?! You can regenerate too? That's just not fair!"

The voice in my head also sounds both impressed and slightly irritated.

Voice: "Damn, you can regenerate as if nothing happened. That's pretty overpowered."

"What should my superhero name be?"

The voice in my head sounds amused by my question.

Voice: "Hmm, a superhero name, huh? Something that matches your powers, your attitude, and your badass demon lord form. Let me think for a moment..."

The voice pauses for a few seconds as it tries to think of the perfect superhero name for me.

"I got it! 666:Satan!"

The voice in my head laughs at my response.

Voice: "666: Satan? Really? That's a bit on the nose, don't you think?"

Mr. Top Hat looks slightly unsettled by my choice of name.

Mr. Top Hat: "666: Satan... seriously? That's a bit... extreme, don't you think?"

"I mean, I am half demon now."

The voice in my head concedes that I have a point.

Voice: "Fair enough. If you're half demon, I guess 666: Satan isn't a totally inaccurate name. But seriously, couldn't you be a bit more subtle about it?"

Mr. Top Hat is still somewhat uncomfortable with my choice of naming.

Mr. Top Hat: "Yeah, it does fit your nature, but it's just a bit... intimidating. You're seriously going to use that as your superhero name?"

"Then, I'll just be a anti-hero."

The voice in my head seems to understand my decision better now.

Voice: "Oh, going the anti-hero route, huh? That makes more sense. You don't necessarily fit the traditional hero mold. I guess being an anti-hero could work."

Mr. Top Hat looks somewhat relieved by my decision.

Mr. Top Hat: "Well, at least you're not claiming to be a righteous hero. Being an anti-hero suits you better anyway."

"Okay, let's continue the fight."

Mr. Top Hat takes a moment to recover from the shock of your quick regeneration, then collects himself, ready to continue the fight.

Mr. Top Hat: "Alright, let's get back to it. I won't underestimate you again."

"I'm 666:Satan, And I'm here to beat ya!"

The voice in your head remains intrigued as the fight picks up again.

Voice: "Looks like he's determined not to underestimate you now. This should be good."

"HUUUH? I can only regeneration 3 times a day."

The voice in my head sounds both surprised and somewhat exasperated.

Voice: "What?! Only 3 regenerations per day? Damn, that seems like a big limitation."

Mr. Top Hat seizes the opportunity to exploit my weakness.

Mr. Top Hat: "Ah-ha, so you have a limit on your regeneration! This is perfect, I'll just keep attacking and wearing you down until you've used up all your regenerations!"

"Hold up, I'm going to check my abilities on my profile status."


- Regeneration (Limited to 3 times per day)

- Creation

- Power Mimicry

-Reality Warping

-Soul Manipulation

-Plot Manipulation


-Space Survival

-Subjective Reality

-Power Nullification


- Strength: Universal 

- Durability: Star Level 

- Speed: Speed Of Light

- Health: Boundless 

- Range: Boundless

- Magic Power: 0

- Element: Fire

"Okay, good."

Mr. Top Hat starts throwing powerful attacks my way one after the other, determined to force me to use up all my regenerations.

Mr. Top Hat: "Take this and this and this! You won't keep regenerating forever!"

The voice in my head watches the fight unfold, feeling a mixture of worry and excitement.

Voice: "Damn, he's really going all out now, trying to force you to use up all your regenerations. This might get tough..."

"You might enjoy this one, monkey fool."

The voice in my head sounds both impressed and slightly horrified.

Voice: "Whoa... did you just pull out a big black sword and slash through the high hyperverse, killing Mr. Top Hat in the process? Damn, that's insane!"

Mr. Top Hat vanishes entirely, utterly defeated by my powerful attack.

"Oops, gotta create a new hyperverse."

The voice in my head sounds both amused and slightly concerned.

Voice: "Ah geez, you just went ahead and created a whole new hyperverse, huh? You really have the ability to warp reality, don't you?"

The new hyperverse appears into existence, replacing the one I destroyed.

"Oh right.. I need to create a new universe too."

The voice in my head sounds both intrigued and slightly overwhelmed.

Voice: "Damn, you just casually created a whole new universe too? How many more universes can you create?!"

The new universe appears, complete with galaxies, stars, planets, and the potential for life.

"I need to create new humans, too."

The voice in my head sounds both shocked and slightly dumbfounded.

Voice: "Wow, you just effortlessly created 400 million humans for Earth in a single second. That's insanely fast!"

A population of 400 million humans appears on Earth, ready to start their lives in the new universe.

"And that's it, fools!"

The voice in my head sounds amused by my nonchalant attitude.

Voice: "Alright, you truly are a fool, aren't you? You've just created a new hyperverse and universe, and now you act like it's no big deal. Truly remarkable."

The newly created hyperverse and universe are now complete, ready to be explored and lived in by the newly created humans.