
Devilish Tricks

A devilish trickster named "sion" goes on a quest to become the demon lord, until something goes wrong...

Woundmaker · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 2 - NOOOOOO!!!!!

Belphegor glares at me for a moment, clearly weighing their options. They obviously don't want to be subjected to another round of my punches, but their ego won't let them just back down without a fight.

"Ugh, you're getting on my nerves," they grumble, narrowing their eyes. "But I'm not backing down that easily."

"Okay, then." I say.

Belphegor takes a fighting stance, preparing to face me head-on. They look a bit intimidated by my prowess, but they're still determined to stand their ground.

"Bring it on, you little devil," they say, their voice filled with bravado.

In a flash, I disappear from view and reappear right in front of Belphegor. Before they can react, I throw a powerful punch that connects with a loud CRACK on the side of their skull.

Belphegor's eyes roll back as they tumble backwards, stunned by the force of your punch. They lie on the ground, groaning and clutching at their head.

"Easy peasy." I say.

My friends are all watching with wide eyes, their jaws nearly hitting the ground as they witness my powerful attacks. Belphegor is lying on the ground, looking dazed and disoriented.

"Ugh...what the hell are you, some kind of demon incarnate?" they mutter, their words slurring a bit.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" I suddenly scream.

Just as my friends are recovering from the sight of Belphegor on the ground, a new voice rings out. Everyone turns to see another figure standing there, their eyes glowing with an ominous light.

"Well, well, well," the figure says, their voice dripping with menace. "What do we have here?"

"There's nothing I can do...I'm just too weak." I say.

My friends look at me, alarmed by your sudden change in demeanor. They've never seen me so defeated before.

Meanwhile, the demon known as 111:Sun grins sinisterly, their eyes flickering with malice.

"That's right," they croon. "You are weak. No match for me and my power."

"I'm...feeling...tired..." I suddenly say, as I fall unconscious.

The suddenness of my collapse into unconsciousness takes everyone by surprise. My friends watch in horror as I fall to the ground, completely unresponsive.

111:Sun chuckles sinisterly. "See? Pathetic."


My friends gasp in surprise as I suddenly shoot back upright, as if nothing had happened. They look at me with equal parts shock and confusion.

But 111:Sun merely scoffs. "Don't get your hopes up, kid. You're out of your league here."

I lunge forward with lightning speed and deliver a powerful punch that connects square with 111:Sun's chest. The demon is thrown back by the force of the blow, looking genuinely taken aback.

My friends all gasp again, eyes widening in surprise. They can't believe what they're seeing.

"It's like...something awoke inside of me..." I say.

My friends watch in awe as I stand there, a strange expression on my face. There's something different about me now - a sense of power and determination that wasn't there before.

I look at my own hand in amazement, feeling a strange sensation coursing through your veins. It's as if something deep within me has been awakened

111:Sun grunts as they pick themselves up off the ground, rubbing their chest where I've hit them. They look at you with a mixture of irritation and respect.

"Interesting," they mutter. "It seems you've got some fight left in you yet."

My next punch connects with 111:Sun's body, sending them flying into the nearby buildings with incredible force. The impact is so powerful that it smashes through the walls of each building it strikes, sending debris flying everywhere.

My friends cover their ears as the impact shakes the ground beneath them. When the dust clears, 111:Sun is lying amidst the wreckage, looking wounded and disoriented.

"NAHHHHH, IS THAT 666:Satan, AKA MY DAD?" I suddenly say.

The name rings out like thunder, causing fear to shoot through everyone present. I can literally hear your friends gasp in fearful shock.

As the dust begins to clear, a new figure emerges from the mess of rubble. The man standing before me has an aura so menacing, so evil...that he can only be one person.

666:Satan eyes me carefully, his gaze sharp and calculating.

"Yep, I'm knocked out. BLAAAH" I say, as I fall unconscious again.

My friends watch in horror as I suddenly collapse once again, falling to the ground as if struck down by some invisible force.

666:Satan looks down at my prone figure, a small smirk playing at the corners of his lips.

"Pathetic," he mutters, his voice dripping with contempt. "This is the child I fathered? Weak and useless."


Before my friends can react to my sudden revival, I jump back up, a determined look in my eyes. You look at 666:Satan with a mixture of defiance and determination.

666:Satan eyes me with a mixture of irritation and surprise. He clearly didn't expect me to recover so quickly.

"You're tougher than you look, I'll give you that," he says, narrowing his eyes.

"WATCH THIS, DAAAAAD!!!" I say, as I try to punch him.

My punch connects with 666:Satan's stomach, but instead of a powerful impact, a loud giggle escapes his lips. 

My friends look on in stunned silence as the king of all creation, the embodiment of tricks himself, suddenly bursts into laughter.

"Haha! What is this? A tickle attack?" 666:Satan cackles, his eyes filled with amusement.


My friends watch in disbelief as 666:Satan continues to evade MY attacks with incredible ease. He seems to be toying with ME, like a cat playing with a mouse.

666:Satan cackles with glee, enjoying your frustration.

"What's wrong, kiddo? Can't catch me?" he taunts, dodging another punch with a mocking grin.

With a surge of power, I tap into a new ability - time stop. In an instant, everything around me comes to a standstill.

Everyone and everything is frozen in place, completely motionless. Even 666:Satan is frozen in mid-taunt, suspended in time.


My friends look at me in stunned silence as I realize what just happened. I've somehow managed to stop time itself - a power that was passed down to me by the king of creation and tricks himself.

666:Satan is still frozen in place, his taunting expression trapped eternally.

Time rewinds itself and begins running in normal speed again. Before anyone can react, my punch connects with 666:Satan, sending him flying backwards into the wreckage of buildings.

My friends all gasp in shock, unable to believe what they just witnessed.

666:Satan coughs and sputters, looking up at you from the rubble with a mixture of surprise and irritation.

666:Satan slowly gets to his feet, brushing off the debris from his clothes. He looks at me, his expression a mix of irritation and begrudgingly impressed.

"You've certainly got some tricks up your sleeve, kid," he mutters, a hint of annoyance in his voice.


My friends watch as I struggle to land a hit on 666:Satan, my frustration clearly reaching its breaking point.

666:Satan simply continues to dance around my attacks, his moves almost graceful in their ease and precision.

"Aww, don't cry now," he taunts, his voice dripping with mock sympathy. "I'm not even breaking a sweat here."


My friends look on in sympathy as I look increasingly frustrated and defeated. 666:Satan smirks, clearly enjoying the torment he's causing.

"Come on, kid," he says, his voice dripping with mockery. "You can't just give up now, can you? Where's that fire, that determination you had earlier?"

I focus my energy and activate my time stop ability once again. Everything around me freezes in place, just as before.

666:Satan is frozen in the middle of his taunt, his expression stuck in a perpetual smirk. My friends are also frozen, mid-gasp.

With a final surge of determination, I wind up and deliver a powerful punch to 666:Satan's frozen form. The impact of the blow is amplified by the time stop, making it even more devastating.

When time resumes, 666:Satan is hurled backwards into the wreckage, looking winded and stunned.


My friends just stare at me in confusion and disbelief as I realize that your father, 666:Satan, has been playing mind games with me this entire time.

666:Satan slowly rises to his feet, a smug look on his face.

"Caught on finally, have you?" he asks, his voice dripping with mockery. "Took you long enough, kiddo."


My friends look on in sympathy as I struggle to come to terms with the revelation. 666:Satan grins, clearly enjoying the fact that he's got me shook.

"You really thought you were standing a chance against me?" he asks, his voice filled with derision. "I could've ended this encounter a dozen times already if I wanted to. I was just playing with you, like a cat plays with a mouse."

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" I scream.