
Queen Medusa

Rumble -

Suddenly, there was a terrifying noise in the sky above the Snake Tribe, and the eyes were shining and the brilliance was shining.

The spread of the sound waves of the battle, squatting on the gravel, makes the sand surface shake a little.

"Predecessors, there have been fights over there." Xiao Yan pointed to the staggered figure in the distance.

"Go, watch the show." Wu Fang's mouth with a smile, leisurely and leisurely steps toward the snake people tribe.

In a short while, Wu Fang and his party came under the wall of the Snake Tribe.

The huge wall that was originally tens of meters high has been destroyed by a spacious passage, like a bombardment of some powerful force. Obviously, this is a masterpiece of Furukawa and others.

At the moment, the battlefield has been quite chaotic. The six people of the Furukawa team did not take a shot except for a black robe masked man. On the side of the snake-man tribe, it is the five chiefs who have stayed in the family.

"Queen Medusa, in the ancient river of the Gama empire, came to your site not to want to fight with the nobility. I just have something to talk with you, please be able to show up!" Furukawa avoids the attack of a snakeman leader After that, with the vindictive sound, the powerful voice is far away.

The five snake-headed sergeants who are fighting have not stopped. From their point of view, they can't wait for the Queen to come forward. With the strength of the Queen, they can easily defeat these enemies.

However, the rolling and drinking sounds, the various buildings of the Snake Tribe are still silent, without any reaction.

"Predecessors, Medusa should not be in the family? The enemy is attacking, she still can't come out to fight."

Xiao Yan looked at Wu Fang on his head, just as his tentative words just fell, and the space above the wall was suddenly distorted.

In the scene that suddenly appeared, the five people of the Furukawa were slightly surprised, and then quickly got out of the battle; obviously, they were still very jealous of Queen Tussaud.

However, the black masked man who walked with Furukawa kept silent from beginning to end and never took a step back.

Above the sky, the afterglow of the setting sun scatters and illuminates the distorted space.

The next moment, a graceful curve of the body, slowly appeared under the gaze of everyone.

The beautiful woman is dressed in a graceful purple robes, the delicate body under the robes, plump and exquisite, like the mature peaches, permeating a faint feminine, a three thousand green silk, casually scattered from the shoulders Between the slender waist and the waist, and under the robes, a purple snake tail appeared, the snake tail swayed slightly, and the enchanting temptation of a wild surname made the inexplicable body a little hot.

"It's really a Medusa, it's really fascinating."

Wu Fang's eyes swept over the nearly perfect petite body, and finally stayed on the beautiful face, and suddenly his heart trembled. It is no wonder that it will be the most beautiful woman in the plane. It is true that it is worthy of the title.

"Queen of Her Majesty!"

The appearance of Medusa, a group of snakes under the black pressure under the battlefield, stumbled, and the voice was full of respect.

"Predecessors, are you going to take her directly and then ask for the whereabouts of Qinglian?" Looking at the glamorous purple robe beauty in the sky, Xiao Yan took a breath and then looked forward to it. Looking at Wu Fang.

"I can't eat hot tofu, it's yours." Wu Fang patted Xiao Yan's shoulder to indicate his calmness.

"Danwang Furu? There is a slight smell." Medusa's voice is enchanted with charm. "I don't know if you are motivated by the four kings and one of the fighting kings to come to my tribe. What is it?"

"The next trip is for the fire in the Tagore Desert."

Furukawa respectfully held a fist to Medusa, although the appearance of the other party seems to be harmonious, it seems that humans and animals are harmless; but he is very clear, that is, this fascinating woman in front of the box will fight two fighting kings The bombardment of the meat sauce was extremely hot.

If it wasn't for the fire and invited the Emperor's colleague, he wouldn't dare to deal with this woman.

"Predecessors, he really came for Qinglian's heart." Xiaoyan blinked when he heard the ancient river.

"I did get a different fire, but no matter how much temptation you give me, I won't give it to you." Medusa's lips are fretting, a tone without any discussion.

"Oh, I know that is the case."

The long sigh fell, and the ancient river looked helplessly to the right side of the masked black robes, "the lord, handed it to you."


The masked black robe nodded slightly, and the next moment of violent anger broke out, and in a flash, the figure disappeared.

At the same time, Medusa's pretty face was gloomy, and in the palm of his hand, the two green energy condensed into a huge green snake. The two green snakes seem to have vitality, and the fierce breath emanates from the body and greets the masked black robes.

"Xiao Yan, let's go." At this moment, Wu Fang faintly read.

"Go?" Xiao Yan stunned. "Predecessors, aren't we coming to take the green lotus heart? Medusa is in the sky! With your strength, three seconds, oh no, one second can put her Take it."

"The Medusa you see now is just an energy body, and she will not be able to dissipate for a long time."

Speaking of this, Wu Fang moved to Xiao Xun's body and smiled and said: "Nizi, whether it is this masked person or Medusa, will have an unspeakable story with your Xiao Yan brother in the future. ""

"Unspeakable story?" Xiao Xun's face is sullen. "Predecessors, what do you mean by this? Is it foresighted to see the future with the smell of domineering?"

I noticed that Xiao Xun's eyes were going to eat people's eyes. Xiao Yan couldn't help but shudder and hurriedly said: "Predecessors, your foreseeable future may not necessarily happen. Now you can't talk about it."

"Haha, I am telling whether it is true or not. You will naturally know it in the future." Wu Fang cast a meaningful look toward Xiao Yan, but he has seen the whole broken person!

The Emperor who was invited by the Furukawa is actually the sect of Yunzong. If it is in accordance with the development of the plot, Xiao Yan and the old man to catch the green lotus before the fire, have already met Yun Yun. However, due to the appearance of his Wu Fang, the rhythm is slightly biased.

"Right, Medusa, who is fighting, is an energy body. Where is the real person now?" Xiao Yan rushed to open the subject.

On the eyes of Xiao Yan's petition, Wu Fang is no longer interested in Xiao Yan, and his fingers are pointing forward: "Is there a building that marks the head of the python? There is the temple of Medusa. At this moment, she is here. It is precisely this reason that the key period of refining the Qinglian heart fire is not going to join the battle."