
Busoshoku Haki

"Predecessors, you should take it." Before coming to the temple, Xiao Yan looked at Wu Fang respectfully said.

In front of the shrine's gate, twenty-four snake-like females were walking around with a cold face, and the sharp eyes kept looking around. The weapon in his hand seems to be ready to kill the enemy he committed.

Wu Fang smiled and then looked at the eyes. The next moment, the twenty-four snakes and daughters fell to the ground.

"Qing Lian's heart fire is inside, go in." After solving the snake girl, Wu Fang swept his eyes Xiao Yan Xiao Xun went ahead.

At the moment when the temple door was pushed open, the bitter cold rushed.

"It's so cold." Xiao Xuner couldn't help but shudder, and the first time he ran the body to fight cold.

The temple is very empty, and there is a hollow pool in the middle. The small pool is filled with crystal clear water, and the white mist is on the surface of the water.

Even with a few meters of distance, you can still feel the extreme cold temperatures.

"In order to reverse the negative physical disadvantage, the successful refining of Qinglian heart fire, this Medusa is really a horrible handwriting." Dust squinted and said, "A small bottle of ice cold springs will set off a field." A small sensation, but she directly found a spring."

"Predecessors, you are not saying that Qinglian is in the fire here? Why didn't I see it?" Xiao Yan looked at Wu Fang inexplicably.

Wu Fang smiled lightly: "Is it not in front of your eyes?"

"In front of you?"

Wen Yan, Xiao Yan is a glimpse, then follow the direction of Wu Fang's fingers and walk down to the cold pool to look down.

This look, Xiao Yan directly sucked a cold breath, the cold pool turned directly into the ground a few meters in a bucket shape, the more down the wider.

After quelling the shock in the heart, Xiao Yan's gaze stayed in the lotus seat carved out of the strange crystal in the center of the cold water.

At this time, on the lotus seat, there was a blue flame that was tumbling violently.

"Predecessors, I saw Qinglian heart fire!" Xiao Yan's eyelids suddenly shrank into the size of the needle tip, in the dark scorpion, a craving called the craving, breaking through the heavy bondage, unobtrusive appearance Above its delicate face.

"There are no fighters, but they dare to step here and find death!"

Suddenly, a cold mixed with the sound of killing is transmitted from the cold water and echoes in the hall.

The cold water suddenly rushed up, only to see a huge green snake under the fire of Qinglian, the green snake's Zhang Zhang mouth, is blowing a snake letter to Wu Fang and his party.

"Do you think that the district fighters can solve a group of snake women who have the strength of fighting spirit outside your temple?" Wu Fang smiled.

"I don't care who you are, don't want to die, just leave the king to leave!" The green snake seems to be bound, unable to get out of bed for a while, can only be threatened by words.

"Xiao Yan, she is now with the Qinglian heart fire, who can not help but who, the strength of the two is in a state of balance. You also join." Wu pointed to the bottom of the pool said.

"it is good!"

With the sound of Xiao Yan's excitement falling, his body twisted into a red flame, and the snoring did not enter the cold water.

"Human, you...who are you? Impossible, you can't be a different fire... Damn, you damn..."

With the addition of Xiao Yan, Medusa was obviously panicked, and there was even a vibrato in the words.

Compared to Medusa, Qinglian's heart fire is a joyful rhythmical beat, and happy is like a child who eats sugar.

However, this joy did not last long, and Qinglian's heart fire swayed wildly.

This kind of temper, even more violently stabbed with Medusa!

It found that this kind of self is like the big snake, and also wants to refine itself!

Qinglian's continually illusory appearance is struggling between the different forces of Medusa and Xiao Yan.

Sometimes it turns into a grimace, sometimes turns into a fire fox, and sometimes turns into a baby look... a thousand changes.

"Humans, this fire is extremely important to the king. If you can leave, you will be treated with a gift of honor when you go to the refining of the king." Medusa spewed out a blue light beam, wrapped in the heart of Qinglian. On the body, I tried to swallow it directly. At the same time, the fascinating voice hopes to convince Xiao Yan to let him go.

"I am very sorry, I have to fix this fire, or I am sorry for the burning fruit given by my predecessors."

In the red-red flame, Xiao Yan reveals some of his body shape, his hands directly hug the struggling Qinglian heart fire, just like snagging, picking up Mars from his body and swallowing it, digesting and digesting.

"You all want to eat this baby, the bad guys are bad guys!"

Suddenly, Qinglian's heart fired in a baby's appearance, and the sound of milky milk came out. The next moment, the baby's figure suddenly rose nearly twice. In a flash, the control of Xiao Yan and Medusa was separated; the red eyes were filled with anger and rubbed their teeth, as if they had been robbed of their love.

As the baby's body size became larger, the temperature of the original chilly spring rose, and the temperature rose at an extremely fast speed. Among them, the spring water appeared a boiling bubble.

"Predecessors, how suddenly did its power soar?" Feel the horrible momentum released by the fire baby. Xiao Yan did not rush to attack, but looked up and looked at Wu Fang above the cold water.

"It is burning the flame of life." Wu Fang squinted and opened his eyes.

"Break this baby, don't bother to think about it!"

The voice of the milk sounds from the milk, and the fire of the Qinglian heart is turned into small arms, and the two palms simultaneously spit out a purple fire dragon.

When a fire dragon hit Xiao Yan, part of it passed from its body, and part of it stayed in its body; another fire dragon rushed to Medusa.

Unlike Xiao Yan, when the fire dragon hit Medusa, it exploded, and the horrible aftermath caused the cold water to overflow the pool, and the earth shook.


The painful mourning sounds in the cold water.

After the explosion, Medusa's breath dropped a bit, and several snake scales on the body surface fell off, slightly miserable.

"This is the end of bullying this baby."

The baby swayed his head toward Medusa, and when he saw Xiao Yan, who was safe and slowly approaching him, he disappeared.

The next moment, his body slammed into the mouth of the pool with lightning, in an attempt to escape.

"Predecessors, don't let it run!" Xiao Yan exclaimed, and the eyes of praying fell on Wu Fang's body.


Just as the baby was about to rush out of the cold pool, Wu's fists suddenly turned black, and then slammed into the baby's head.

Listening to the sound, this fist is not like being on the flame, but actually squatting on the human brain.

Busoshoku Haki hardening, teach all elements of the elementary entity to be a man!