
Snake Man Tribe

"Do you want to go to war?" Looking at the group of snakes gathered together, Xiao Yan's body flames beat, the temperature in the air instantly rose, and the gravel under his feet creaked.

"A group of small snakes, don't bother."

Along with the voice of Wu Fang, the air stagnate in an instant, centering on itself, and the void swayed, and the place where the singer passed, one by one, the snake man crashed to the ground. The snake man's eyes are hollow and his body is stiff, and the mouth of the big Zhang seems to be frightened.

"Predecessors, they..." Looking at the snake man who lost consciousness in front of him, Xiao Xuner couldn't help but look at Wu Fang, and his eyes were mixed with questioning.

The medicine dust also floated out of the ring, and his cultivation was far more than Xiao Xun and Xiao Yan. It is also because of his thoroughness that he has become more and more wrong.

This 'predecessor' attack still does not release the power fluctuations. As a soul, he can clearly feel that this attack is not a soul-like attack similar to the soul temple. It can be described as a real invisible attack.

The moment the snake man fell to the ground, the "senior man" who talked and laughed in front of his eyes revealed a kind of imposing manner, and gave birth to a courteous king.

This is a kind of pressure, the pressure of the strong!

"Don't look at me with this kind of monster look." Wu Fang swept his eyes and three people. "I just just cast a Haki on them."

"Haki ?" Xiao Xuner whispered softly, and his eyebrows began to rise.

"Different from vindictiveness, Haki is another word on the stars. Haki is divided into three types, which are the Kenbushoku Haki that can strongly feel the power of the surrounding sound. Once this power is raised, the enemy outside the field of vision can be extracted. The location, number, and actions that the opponent will take in the next moment.

See the mastery of this Haki, and even predict the future. Yesterday I found out that you were eavesdropping on our conversation, because it was because of this domineering. "

"Second, Busoshoku Haki, can enhance their own defense, the role is like invisible armor; can also evolve into attack power, can touch the elemental object and attack. In addition to the body, armed color domineering can also be wrapped Strengthen the attack on the weapon."

Speaking of this, Wu Fang's right hand was dark, and then he swung in the arm of Xiao Yan's flame. Suddenly, there was a mourning in Xiao Yan's mouth.

"The third is that the Haoshoku Haki, and this haki of millions of people who have only one talented person, that is, the qualification of the king who stands above the person. You can rely on your own temperament to shock or scare the enemy. ""

Wu Fang recalled the introduction of Haki in [One Piece], saying it word by word. Fortunately, when Xiao Yan crossed the battle to break the mainland, [One Piece] this cartoon has not yet fired on the earth.

"Predecessors, what do you use for these snake people is the Haoshoku Haki?" Xiao Yan has a hot gaze in his eyes. "This Haki, can we cultivate?"

Thinking of the random punches of the opponent's armed color, the arm of his elementalized feeling of pain, Xiao Yan is more and more eager for this ability. With the Busoshoku Haki, does it mean that he can be fat and smashed?

"Different stars, the cultivation system is different. Since you are fighting the mainland, you should cultivate your temper with your heart and develop the burning fruit based on vindictiveness." Wu Fang looked at the distance, "When you broke through the realm, you entered In the world, you will find that although your cultivation system is different, you will end up with the same goal. It is nothing more than the pursuit of eternal life, and will not die."

"The burning fruit you swallowed is the product of that star." Wu added.

"It's a magical place." Xiao Yan squeezed his fists, and there was a bit of perseverance in his expression: "When I break through the battlefield, I must visit this star."


Suddenly, in the quiet desert, several sounds of wind breaking sounded from far and near.

A moment later, six black shadows emerged from the eastern sky, and then slammed through the air. The sharp wind pressure caused by the high speed turned out to be a bunker passage that was 100 meters long in the desert.

In the sky and yellow sand, these black shadows finally stopped in the sky above Wu Fang and his party.

"You are human beings? Why are you here!" In the sky, a rough questioning voice was carried by the grudges and resounded in this desert world.

The next moment, six black shadows swooped down, sharp wind breaking, as if a thunder in the air.

"Predecessors, they seem to be very strong." Xiao Yan squinted at the six people wearing black robes in front of his eyes, his eyes suddenly tightened, showing the color of vigilance.

"A three-stage fighting, a gas-filled eight-segment, and an ordinary person?" A black-robed man swept the Wufang group and frowned, and found his fingers to fall to the ground. A snake man, "These snakes are you killed? No, it's weird, weird!"

"Several of us came to the desert to explore, as they were killed by the third-order reel given by the elders of the family." Wu said with a blank expression.

"It turned out to be the case."

The black robe seems to agree with Wu Fang's statement, and then half-squinted, "This is not the place where you can come, hurry back."

After that, the six black robes no longer pay attention to Wu Fang, screaming in the air, appearing in the sky above the snake people tribe.

"Predecessors, are they all fighting kings?" Xiao Yan vaguely guessed the strength of the black robe.

"Five fighting kings, one fighting emperor." Waiting for Wu Fang to open, the drug dust is the first to confuse Xiao Yan.

"What? There are also the Emperor! What are the purpose of their coming to the Snake Tribe?" Xiao Yan's words are shocked, five fighting kings, one fighting emperor, these lineups are already in the Gama Empire. power!

"Looking at their lineup is obviously to find the Queen of Medusa." Dust faint.

"Looking for Queen Medusa? Is it that they are like us, but also for the sake of Qinglian?" Xiao Yan has awakened.

The dust of the palm of the hand gently caressed the beard and smiled. "One of them has a strong sense of soul and should be a refining pharmacist."

"Chemistry pharmacist?" Wen Yan, Xiao Yan first is a stunned stunned voice: "The king of refining pharmacists? How many products?"

Chad Xiao Yan's face was incredible, and the medicine dust smiled: "The refining pharmacist of the fighting king's strength is also a six-product pharmacist."

"Six products? As far as I know, there are only one person in the entire Gama Empire, six pharmacists!" When it comes to this, Xiao Yan's eyes gradually twitched, and he took a long breath and sighed for a long while. : "He should be the elder of Yunzong Zong, Furukawa!"

"Xiao Yan, it seems that your connection with Yunzong has not been cut off. Come to take a green lotus heart, you can meet them." Wu Fang could not help but joking.

"No matter who he is, I want to take my fire!"

Wen Yan, Xiao Yan's face changed slightly, his fist clenched fiercely, but he ate the man who burned the fruit, and the fire could only exert his true strength in his hands. Anyone who wants to stop him from getting a different fire is his enemy, let alone this person is the Danwang Fuhe of Yunxiaozong.

"I have the ambition." Wu Fang praised Xiao Yan for a thumb, really worth noting from our China.