

What would happen if you were brought into a world that hated you from your first breath, your parents abandoning you at birth. How would you feel? Sora is a 12 year old boy who was abandoned by his parents at birth, he was hated by everything around him and the government stopped at nothing to put him back in order. All that Sora wanted was to become the number one magic user in the world. He wanted to be someone that everyone could rely on and someone that protects the ones he cares about the most. How will he be able to overcome the obstacles he faces? How will he be able to save everyone that he holds dear and become the number one magic user? DETHRONED.

Mazou · Fantasy
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98 Chs

The First Mission (2)

The initial days of our journey passed by without much incident. We traversed through lush forests, crossed meandering rivers, and made our way through quaint villages. Oliver, it seemed, was a man of few words, often lost in his own thoughts. Although we tried to engage him in conversation, his responses were curt, and he frequently changed the subject.

As we pressed on, a group of bandits suddenly emerged near a narrow pass, their presence menacing and their intentions clear. They demanded our valuables and threatened us with their crude weapons. Remi and I exchanged glances, preparing ourselves to defend against any aggression.

To our surprise, Oliver stepped forward, radiating an air of calm authority. He began conversing with the bandits in a language unfamiliar to us, his words carrying an unwavering firmness. Astonishingly, the bandits heeded his words, their hostility dissipating as they withdrew.

Curiosity piqued, I couldn't help but ask, "What did you say to them?" I marveled at Oliver's ability to defuse the tense situation.

A mysterious smile played upon his lips. "Let's just say I have some unexpected connections. It's best not to dwell on it."

Our journey continued, and with each passing day, we grew more intrigued by Oliver's background and his purpose in the Khyuka Empire. We faced various challenges along the way, from encountering wild creatures in dense forests to navigating treacherous mountain paths. We even weathered a fierce storm, seeking refuge in the shelter of a cave.

Through it all, Remi, Oliver, and I formed a strong bond. We relied on one another for support and protection, gradually learning to trust each other's skills and abilities. Remi honed her magical prowess, refining her mastery over the arcane arts, while I sharpened my combat techniques, growing more adept with every confrontation. Zion, however, remained somewhat distant from us, his thoughts concealed behind a stoic façade.

As we neared the borders of the Khyuka Empire, Oliver finally opened up to us, shedding light on his true purpose. He revealed that he had been entrusted with a vital mission—to negotiate a trade agreement between our kingdom and the empire. The journey itself had been a test, an observation of our skills, resilience, and integrity. Williams had handpicked us, believing that we possessed the qualities necessary to accomplish this crucial task.

"The Khyuka Empire is a formidable nation," Oliver explained, his tone laced with seriousness. "Yet, they remain wary of outsiders. It is our responsibility to foster trust and establish a mutually beneficial relationship."

The once-pleasant journey we embarked upon suddenly veered into chaos and violence. The gratitude I had intended to express was abruptly silenced by a deafening explosion that shattered the tranquility of our surroundings. The carriage we traveled in was reduced to a twisted wreck, hurling us to the unforgiving ground below.

The air filled with the cacophony of ambush—the clash of weapons, the cries of attackers, and the screams of the wounded. Amidst the billowing smoke, my vision blurred, assaulted by the acrid tendrils that stung my eyes.

Zion's grip tightened around my trembling form, wrenching me back from the abyss. His eyes blazed with an intensity mirroring my own inner turmoil. "GET UP!" he thundered, his voice a desperate plea tinged with primal fury.

Struggling to rise, I forced my senses to pierce through the disorienting chaos that surrounded us. We were trapped, encircled by a horde of assailants, their menacing expressions and gleaming weapons painting a grim picture. Among them, a figure stood out, drawing my gaze like a magnet. I

fixed him with an enraged stare and demanded, "Who do you think you are." My voice brimmed with defiance and contempt.

He chuckled, a malevolent amusement dancing on his lips, relishing in the mayhem he had sown. "Who knows?" he sneered, his smile a sinister mask. "All I know is that I've been tasked with taking this man's life." With a wave of his hand, he revealed Oliver, bound and defenseless, a razor-sharp blade poised against his vulnerable throat.

My heart sank, the weight of the dire situation settling heavily upon my shoulders. Panic threatened to consume me as I frantically searched the chaotic scene for a familiar face. "Zion... Have you seen Remi?" I implored, my voice trembling with fear and longing.

Zion's eyes darted anxiously, desperately scanning the chaos for any sign of our missing companion. "DAMN IT! Sora, it's just you and me now. Please, for once in your life, work with me," he pleaded, his voice tinged with raw vulnerability.

Summoning every ounce of resolve within me, I summoned my ethereal blade, its radiant light cutting through the encroaching darkness. Surveying the overwhelming odds arrayed against us—scores of bandits poised to strike, their eyes brimming with malice and bloodlust—I steeled my resolve.

A surge of adrenaline coursed through me as I faced the overwhelming number of bandits closing in on us. Fear threatened to consume me, but I couldn't allow it to take hold. Locking eyes with Zion, we shared a resolute determination.

"Zion, let's show them what we're made of," I said, my voice unwavering despite the gravity of the situation. "We fight together, side by side."

Zion nodded, his expression serious. "No room for errors, Sora. We have to trust each other and watch each other's backs."

As the bandits closed in, their malicious grins and clashing weapons creating a cacophony of danger, we charged forward in unison. Our swords gleamed with radiant power as we unleashed a flurry of strikes, parries, and counters.

The clash of steel and the chaos of battle filled the once-serene surroundings. The bandits, driven by their sheer numbers, fought recklessly, but Zion and I moved as a synchronized duo. We anticipated each other's movements, seamlessly transitioning between offensive and defensive maneuvers.

Energy crackled in the air as I released bursts of light, illuminating the battlefield with dazzling flashes. I spun, executing swift slashes that found their marks with precision. The bandits faltered under the relentless assault, some falling to the ground, while others recoiled in disarray.

Zion fought with unwavering determination, his every strike infused with power. He displayed agility and grace, deflecting incoming attacks and retaliating with decisive force. Together, we formed an indomitable force, pushing back the bandits and carving a path through their ranks.

Amidst the chaos, I caught glimpses of Remi, valiantly holding her own in a distant corner, her determination shining through. I knew she could withstand the overwhelming odds. We had to reunite, to stand united.

"Zion, we need to reach Remi!" I shouted above the clamor, my voice barely audible amidst the clash of weapons.

He nodded, his eyes fixed on the path ahead. Renewed determination surged through us as we fought our way through the remaining bandits, evading their desperate strikes and delivering decisive blows. Our swords wove through the chaos, creating a whirlwind of light and steel.

Finally, we broke free from the encirclement,

our swords gleaming triumphantly. We raced toward Remi, navigating the remnants of the battle. As we reached her, relief and pride swelled in our hearts. Remi stood strong, her face flushed with determination, ready to fight by our side once more.

With our trio reunited, we stood tall, a beacon of resilience amidst the chaos. We locked eyes, sharing an unspoken bond, united in our resolve to overcome any obstacle. The battle was far from over, but together, we formed an unstoppable force, pushing back against the encroaching darkness and bracing ourselves for whatever challenges lay ahead.