

What would happen if you were brought into a world that hated you from your first breath, your parents abandoning you at birth. How would you feel? Sora is a 12 year old boy who was abandoned by his parents at birth, he was hated by everything around him and the government stopped at nothing to put him back in order. All that Sora wanted was to become the number one magic user in the world. He wanted to be someone that everyone could rely on and someone that protects the ones he cares about the most. How will he be able to overcome the obstacles he faces? How will he be able to save everyone that he holds dear and become the number one magic user? DETHRONED.

Mazou · Fantasy
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98 Chs

The First Mission.

Remi and I stood in the middle of the courtyard, each wielding a sword made out of pure light magic. The blades hummed with energy, ready to be unleashed.

"Are you ready, Remi?" I asked, taking a stance.

She nodded, her eyes blazing with determination. "I'm ready, Sora. Let's do this."

We charged at each other, our swords clashing with a resounding clang. I pushed forward, putting all my strength into my swings, but Remi was quick, dodging and weaving around my attacks. I couldn't help but be impressed by her skill.

She countered with a swift strike, aiming for my side. I managed to block it just in time, but I could feel the impact reverberating through my arm.

We circled each other, looking for an opening. Remi struck again, but this time I was ready. I parried her attack and followed up with a strike of my own. She blocked it, but I could tell she was starting to tire.

We continued to exchange blows, the sound of our swords clashing echoing through the courtyard. Sweat dripped down my face as I pushed myself to keep up with Remi's relentless assault.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I saw an opening. Remi left herself vulnerable for just a moment and I took advantage, striking her sword with all my might. The impact was enough to knock her off balance and I followed up with a powerful swing, knocking her sword out of her hand.

The swords dissipated, leaving us standing in the courtyard, panting and sweating.

"You...you won," Remi gasped, a smile on her face.

I grinned back, feeling a sense of pride in my victory. "That was a great spar, Remi. You're getting better every day."

She nodded, still catching her breath. "Thanks, Sora. You're a tough opponent."

As I extended my hand to help Remi up, the sun bathed the courtyard in a golden glow, casting long shadows on the cobblestones. Williams stood in the distance, a stoic figure observing our spar, his silhouette outlined against the backdrop of the towering castle walls. His eyes gleamed with a mix of awe and intrigue as he spoke, his voice carrying on the gentle breeze.

"That was something else you two," Williams remarked, his words floating through the air like whispers of admiration. "I was mesmerized by the fluidity and grace with which you wielded your swords. Have you guys had training before?" he inquired, a hint of perplexity lining his voice.

A chuckle escaped my lips, intertwining with the ambient sounds of birds chirping and the distant flow of a nearby fountain. "Williams, I can assure you that I have never touched a sword in my life," I confessed, my voice laced with both amusement and wonder.

Remi, her radiant eyes shimmering with confidence, joined the conversation. Her voice, melodic and filled with a tinge of mystery, resonated in the tranquil courtyard. "I, too, have never wielded a sword until today," she revealed, her smile a dazzling display of enchantment. "It feels as though the sword made of my own mana allows me to flow freely with my movements."

Williams' countenance shifted subtly, a ripple of anticipation cascading across his features. "It is time for your first mission," he declared, his tone carrying a weight of significance. "I did not bestow upon you the mundane task of delivering mail. No, I believe that your abilities surpass those of even the most esteemed mages in our kingdom. That is why I am presenting you with this challenge."

Remi and I exchanged determined nods, our commitment to the impending mission radiating like a silent oath. We followed Williams, our footsteps echoing against the weathered stones, as he led us to meet the person we were tasked to escort. Zion awaited our arrival, an air of quiet expectancy enveloping him.

"This mission will demand approximately 2-4 weeks of your time, depending on the trials that befall you during your odyssey," Williams announced, his words hanging in the air like suspended promises.

A gasp escaped my lips, cutting through the stillness that surrounded us. "2-4 WEEKS?" I exclaimed, my voice filled with a blend of astonishment and concern. The weight of missed schooling bore down on me, threatening to overshadow the excitement of the forthcoming adventure.

Williams, a figure of authority, cleared his throat, commanding attention. His voice, infused with a subtle reassurance, reached our ears like a soothing melody. "If the thought of missing your studies troubles you, remember that I, as the headmaster, shall ensure that your absence is accommodated. Fear not, for your education will not suffer."

With those words, the anxiety that had gripped me began to loosen its hold, replaced by a newfound sense of tranquility. And just like that, we found ourselves atop sturdy steeds, provisioned with basic supplies: sustenance to nourish our bodies, currency to sustain us, and garments to shield us from the elements. The horses, their manes flowing like ebony rivers, seemed eager to embark on the adventure that awaited us.

"You haven't introduced yourself," Zion remarked, his gaze fixed upon the enigmatic figure accompanying us.

Oops... it appears I should have spoken up earlier. Allow me to introduce myself properly," Oliver exclaimed, a tinge of regret evident in his voice. "I am Oliver Batherson, a humble soul, and I must apologize for my woeful lack of manners."

I chuckled softly, my lips gently caressing the rim of the glass as I took a delicate sip of water. "No need for such formalities, my dear friend," I replied, a playful glimmer dancing in my eyes.

Oliver, with his age gracefully etched upon his face like the lines of a well-worn map, must have been in his early sixties. His bald head shimmered under the dim light, complementing his spectacles and lean physique. The enigma deepened within me—what had prompted Williams to select us as escorts for this mysterious journey to the captivating Khyuka Empire?

Curiosity getting the better of me, I couldn't help but inquire, "Why would you go to the Khyuka empire?"

A heavy silence hung in the air, as if Oliver's secret rested delicately upon his lips, locked away in the vaults of confidentiality. With a shared understanding, we embarked on our expedition, bidding Williams farewell as we left the protective embrace of the castle and embarked on a path that would lead us to the domain of the Khyuka Empire.