

What would happen if you were brought into a world that hated you from your first breath, your parents abandoning you at birth. How would you feel? Sora is a 12 year old boy who was abandoned by his parents at birth, he was hated by everything around him and the government stopped at nothing to put him back in order. All that Sora wanted was to become the number one magic user in the world. He wanted to be someone that everyone could rely on and someone that protects the ones he cares about the most. How will he be able to overcome the obstacles he faces? How will he be able to save everyone that he holds dear and become the number one magic user? DETHRONED.

Mazou · Fantasy
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98 Chs

Phase One (2)

The Voidwalker looked at him and said, "Williams, I didn't expect you to show up."

"Neither did I, but I can't let you have the crystal." Williams said.

"You won't stop me, Williams, I will take that crystal from Sora no matter what." The Voidwalker said.

"I won't let you hurt Sora." Williams said.

"Fine, then I'll just kill you both." The Voidwalker said as he activated his aura again.


He gave me a warm smile of reassurance. "Sora, I can hold my own, trust me."

I couldn't believe what I was seeing, he had a confident look on his face, like he knew exactly what he was doing.

"You're not going to stop me, Williams." The Voidwalker said as he charged towards Williams.

Williams stood there calmly, he didn't even move an inch as The Voidwalker came charging towards him. He raised his hand and a barrier appeared in front of him. The Voidwalker slammed into it and bounced back.

"What? How is this possible?" The Voidwalker asked.

Williams smiled and said, "You're not the only one who has powers, Voidwalker."

"What do you mean?" The Voidwalker asked.

"I've been gifted with a power that's similar to yours." Williams said as he activated his aura, which was blue.

"It can't be... You have Oblivion Magic?!" The Voidwalker asked.

"Not quite, I would say it's the opposite, however, they are intertwined. I use Infinity Magic." Williams said.

"I don't believe this... You have the power to destroy the entire universe?!" The Voidwalker asked.

"Yes, and I'm not afraid to use it." Williams said as he unleashed his full power.

The Voidwalker looked at Williams and said, "How is this possible? How could you have such powerful magic?"

"It doesn't matter how or why, all that matters is that I'm stronger than you." Williams said.

The Voidwalker laughed and said, "That's impossible, you can't be stronger than me. I WAS GIFTED THIS DIVINE POWER BECAUSE THE GOD OF WRATH HAD HIS PLANS FOR ME, HE GAVE ME A CHANCE TO CLEANSE THIS WORLD!"

Williams eyes widened as he began to see his barrier begin to break. "How is he breaking through my Infinity Barrier, that's impossible."

"You underestimate me, Williams. I was given this power by the God of Wrath himself, there is nothing you can do to stop me." The Voidwalker said as he broke through the barrier and hit Williams with a punch in the stomach.

Williams flew back and crashed into the wall. The Voidwalker smirked and looked at me.

"Now, where were we, Sora?" He asked.

"Why are you doing this? What's the point of all of this?"

Before we could continue the conversation Williams stood back up and charged towards The Voidwalker. He punched him in the chest and The Voidwalker flew back. Williams followed up with another punch and sent him flying again. The Voidwalker slammed into a wall and fell to the ground. He got up and smiled.

"Williams, your magic won't be enough to get rid of me." He said.

Williams gritted his teeth. He knew that The Voidwalker was right. There was no way for him to defeat The Voidwalker, not in his current state.

"I'm not giving up." Williams said.

The Voidwalker chuckled and said, "You think you can beat me? I'm sorry, but it's not going to happen."

The Voidwalker activated his aura once again and charged towards Williams. He threw a punch at Williams, but Williams blocked it and countered with a punch to the face. The Voidwalker stumbled back and Williams tried to punch him again, but The Voidwalker caught his fist.

"It's time for me to end this." The Voidwalker said as he grabbed Williams by the throat and slammed him into the ground.

Williams coughed up blood and looked up at The Voidwalker.

"You... You're nothing... but a monster." Williams said weakly.

"I'm not a monster, I'm just trying to do what's right." The Voidwalker said.

There was nobody around to help us, it was just me and Williams to fend ourselves against The Voidwalker and if I didn't do anything Williams was going to die. I have to save him. I have to fight him.

"I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU, VOIDWALKER!" I yelled as I ran towards The Voidwalker.

I kicked him in the stomach, which caused him to let go of Williams. He looked at me with a surprised look on his face.

"I didn't think you would come here to help, Sora."

I smiled and said, "Williams, are you okay?"

Williams nodded his head as he got back up to his feet.

I opened my palm and formed a condensed ball of light magic and fired it straight at The Voidwalker catching him off guard and gashing his cheek. I continued firing at him, and he kept dodging each shot.

"Williams, do you have any plans on how to defeat The Voidwalker?" I asked.

"No, I don't have a plan." Williams said.

"We need to come up with one fast because he is getting closer." I said as I looked at The Voidwalker who was slowly making his way towards us.

Williams thought for a moment and then said, "We could try to use our magic together."

"What can your infinity magic do?" I asked.

"It's more for the defensive side as all of the offensive attacks could erase the entire world, there's not much offense I can do with my Infinity Magic." He replied.

The Voidwalker conjured a sword made of oblivion magic and charged at us once again. I raised my hand and fired another condensed ball of light magic, but he deflected it with his sword. He ran towards me and swung at me, but I jumped back and dodged.

"Not bad, Sora, you've gotten better since the last time we fought." The Voidwalker said.

I smirked and said, "It's been awhile since we fought, hasn't it? I think it's about time for round two."

The Voidwalker chuckled and said, "Round two, huh? Well then, I'll gladly accept your challenge."

I fired another condensed ball of light magic at him, but he easily dodged it and fired a beam of oblivion magic at me, hitting me in the shoulder. I winced in pain and fell to the ground.

"Sora, are you alright?" Williams asked as he rushed over to me.

"I'm fine." I said.

"You can't win this fight, Sora. You're just not strong enough." The Voidwalker said.

I glared at him and said, "I won't give up. I will beat you."

"We'll see about that." The Voidwalker said.

I gritted my teeth and prepared to attack him again. I put my light roots in the ground at an attempt to grab him, but he jumped back and dodged it. He fired another beam of oblivion magic at me, but I jumped out of the way and fired a beam of light magic at him. The Voidwalker dodged the beam and threw his sword at me. I tried to dodge it, but it hit me in the leg. I screamed in pain as I fell to the ground.

"Sora!" Williams yelled.

"Stay out of this, Williams!" I yelled as I tried to get up.

"INFINITY BARRIER!" A barrier was put around me to prevent me from fighting anymore.

I looked up and saw a familiar face. "Williams, let me out of this barrier!"

"I can't let you do that, Sora. This is for your own good."

"But-" Before I could finish my sentence I heard a loud explosion.

"What was that?!" Williams asked.

"That's what I'd like to know." The Voidwalker said.

The three of us looked towards where the sound came from and saw someone standing in front of us. They had long dark green hair and a black cloak with red outlines on it. Their eyes were completely white and they had a scar across their right cheek.

"Who are you?" I asked.

They didn't answer, instead they looked at The Voidwalker and said, "You've caused a lot of trouble for everyone in this kingdom, Voidwalker. I have come to end you once and for all."

"What? Who the hell are you?" The Voidwalker asked.

"I am one of the Elite Ten in the Xuidian Kingdom. My name is Astrid." The woman said.

"Astrid?" Williams asked.

"Yes, that is my name." The woman replied.

"I've heard of you, you're one of the strongest warriors in the kingdom." Williams said.