
Detective from The Future

Police Constable Han Bin accidentally obtained a future police badge. Learned future criminal investigation skills, repeatedly solved strange cases, maintained justice, and became a generation of police legend…

GSM1777 · Urban
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41 Chs

Detective from The Future Chapter 23: Sun Qifeng

Three o'clock in the afternoon.

Criminal Investigation Team Three, Office Two.

The crowd sat together.

Zheng Kaixuan held a thermos cup, drank a sip of tea, and moistened his throat: "Everyone summarizes and follows up."

"Team Zheng, we have found the suspicious vehicle and sent the license plate number to the traffic police monitoring center to retrieve the suspect's information." Han Bin said.

"Where is Zhao Ming?" Zeng Ping said.

"He went to the traffic police monitoring center, ready to find the traces of the suspected vehicles from the road monitoring." Han Bin said.

"Is there any news?" Zheng Kaixuan said.

Han Bin shook his head:

"The suspect has certain anti-reconnaissance capabilities. He did not appear in the road monitoring near Xing Jianbin's home. Instead, he chose to take a small road. We were monitoring a street shop and found the trace of the suspect vehicle. The current track is unknown. Monitoring and tracking, it will take some time to investigate."

"You can't escape the temple if you escape the monk." Zheng Kaixuan nodded and continued:

"The forensic doctor has already issued a report. The specific time of death was around 11 o'clock last night. The suspect strangled the victim with a rope-like tool, and then hung the victim, disguised as hanging himself."

"I think Li Yu's suspicion can be ruled out. She is a woman and it is difficult to hang the body." Tian Li said.

"It's also possible that a gang committed the crime." Han Bin said.

"The victim is relatively short, a burly man, enough to hang the corpse." Li Hui made a gesture, making a strong gesture.

"Tian Li, how is your investigation going?" Zheng Kaixuan said.

"Xing Jianbin has two MLM cases. The first time he was a small boss, and he was not for a long time; the second time he was arrested as a core member of the MLM and sentenced." Tian Li said.

"Among these pyramid schemes, is there anyone who hates him more?" Zheng Kaixuan said.

"This hasn't been checked yet, but I asked for a list of MLM personnel, which can be checked further, but there are a lot of people and the checking is more difficult." Tian Li said.

"At present, it seems that it is more reliable to find people by car." Zeng Ping said.

"I'll call the traffic police monitoring center and urge them." Zheng Kaixuan finished speaking, got up and left.


ten minutes later.

Zheng Kaixuan walked into the office with a newly printed document.

"Oda, put this on the projector." Zheng Kaixuan said.

Zeng Ping took a look and said with a thumb: "Team Zheng, you still have the most face."

Zheng Kaixuan waved his hand: "It's a coincidence."

Owner: Sun Qifeng.

Nationality: Han

Age: 28 years old

Height: 179cm

Address: Qindao City, Huilongguan Community, Room 4-201.

There is also an ID photo of Sun Qifeng.

"Sun Qifeng, this name, I really want to have a little impression." Tian Li muttered, and took out a document from the bag on the side.

"Here, Sun Qifeng is also a MLM employee. He was arrested with Xing Jianbin last time, but he was just an ordinary MLM employee and was soon released."

"Bang!" Zheng Kaixuan slapped the table and said, "Yes, this is right."

"Team Zheng, I suggest that we don't wait for Zhao Ming's news and search the suspect's home directly. Maybe we can still catch turtles in an urn," Zeng Ping suggested.



Huilongguan community belongs to relocation housing.

Originally there was a property company, but after a conflict with the owner, he was driven away by the owner, and the owner's committee was established.

The third criminal investigation team went to the industry committee first, leaving Tian Li to check the surveillance. The others went to room 4-201 to set up control, and the person in charge of the industry committee asked to open the door.

The head of the industry committee is surnamed Zhou, a middle-aged woman.

Sister Zhou is very enthusiastic. As soon as she heard that she was going to catch the bad guy, she readily agreed to help.

In her words, most of the people living here are people from their villages, and people from the villages cannot tolerate bad people in the community.

Sun Qifeng is not the owner of the house, but the tenant.

Sister Zhou took Han Bin and the group to the room where Sun Qifeng was renting and knocked, but no one responded.

Called a few more times, but no one answered.

Zheng Kaixuan decided to break in directly.

Li Hui took the door knocker and knocked **** the door.





After several consecutive hits, the door lock was broken and the door broke into.

The members of the second group searched the room vigilantly, but did not find Sun Qifeng.

Everyone relaxed, but at the same time a little lost.

"Everyone, search to see if the suspect has left any clues." Zheng Kaixuan ordered.

"Team Zeng, there is a bucket of leftover instant noodles, which may be left by the suspect." Li Hui stretched out his hand, touched the bucket, and said, "There is no temperature."

Zheng Kaixuan walked over and observed and found that there was a heat preservation pot next to him. He opened the lid and tested the temperature. He said, "The water temperature of the heat preservation kettle is not high. It is estimated that the time will not be short. It is probably last night leftover."

"In other words, the suspect may not come back after committing the crime." Zeng Ping said.

"Team Zheng, I found a rope here." said Ruben of the technical team.

Zheng Kaixuan took it over, observed it, and said, "Pretend it and identify the material of the rope to see if it is the same as the one that killed the victim."

"Team Zheng, the photo in the bedroom is the same person as Sun Qifeng's ID photo." Zeng Ping said.

"it is good."

Seeing that everyone had a reward, only Han Bin squatted next to the shoe cabinet as soon as he entered the door, holding the soles of the shoes and looking at it.

"Han Bin, what did you find over there?" Zheng Kaixuan said.

"From the wear traces of the shoes, we can get the age and height of the suspect, which are basically consistent with the information on the document." Han Bin said.

"From the current clues, Sun Qifeng's suspicion is getting bigger and bigger, and he has to be found as soon as possible." Zeng Ping said.

"Go to the industry committee and see if there are clues on Tian Li's side." Zheng Kaixuan waved his hand and walked out of Sun Qifeng's house.


Industry committee monitoring room.

Tian Li was checking the surveillance and saw Zheng Kaixuan and Zeng Ping coming in and hurriedly got up: "Team Zheng, Team Zeng."

"Did you find Sun Qifeng's whereabouts in the surveillance?" Zheng Kaixuan said.

"I checked the surveillance last night. At around ten o'clock last night, Sun Qifeng drove the van and left from the gate of the community." Tian Li said while moving the surveillance, and continued:

"After zooming in on the camera, you can see the approximate appearance of the driver, which basically matches Sun Qifeng's appearance."

"Leaving the community at ten o'clock, the incident occurred at about eleven o'clock, and Sun Qifeng was in time for the crime." Zeng Ping said.

"Has Sun Qifeng ever returned to the community?" Zheng Kaixuan said.

"I have been checking the gate monitoring of the community, but did not find Sun Qifeng's van returning." Tian Li said.

"Before, we used a car to find people, but now we can be sure that Sun Qifeng himself was driving, which is consistent with our judgment. He is also a MLM and meets the conditions for acquaintances to commit crimes. He also drove to the scene during the time of the crime. "Zeng Ping said.

"Basically we can be sure of his suspicion." Zheng Kaixuan said.

"Sun Qifeng has never been home. After the robbery murdered, he might flee the city directly. Do you want to search the whole city?" Zeng Ping said.