
Detective from The Future

Police Constable Han Bin accidentally obtained a future police badge. Learned future criminal investigation skills, repeatedly solved strange cases, maintained justice, and became a generation of police legend…

GSM1777 · Urban
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41 Chs

Detective from The Future Chapter 22: Find people by car

After everyone split up.

Li Hui patted Han Bin on the shoulder: "Binzi, I have decided."

"Decide what?"

"I want to rent a house in Huayuan Community," Li Hui said.

"Okay, you can drive your car to and from get off work in the future." Han Bin said.

"Let's say it first, let's consider carpooling, and the gas cost is half of yours." Li Hui said.

"Stingy." Han Bin hummed.

"It can't compare with you, I have to save to buy a house." Li Hui said.

"It turns out that your kid made the idea of ​​being a neighbor with me just to save gas?" Han Bin said.

"That's not the case." Li Hui scratched his head, his eyes rolled, and said: "I just want to go to your house for a meal occasionally, so that I can listen to the teachings of Han Suo."

"Then you can listen." Han Bin smiled.

When Han Weidong was young, he also worked as a criminal police officer, solved some cases and made meritorious services, before he was transferred to the police station as the director.

In his words, if he has been working at the police station, he may still be a grassroots policeman.

Han Weidong is very proud of his experience as a criminal police officer. Whenever he drinks alcohol, he will remember those experiences of that year, and Han Bin will almost memorize his experiences.


The two left the yard, surrounded by people outside the cordon at the door.

Some are neighbors, some are passing by, watching the excitement.

Li Hui glanced at everyone and said, "Dear handsome guys, beauties, uncles and aunts, I am Li Hui from the Criminal Police Team. I want to ask you something."

"Comrade police, is Xing Jianbin dead?" said a short, fat man.

"Yes." Li Hui replied and asked, "Do you know him?"

"We are neighbors, I live next to it." The short chubby man said.

Li Hui nodded and continued: "Did you see suspicious people or vehicles haunting Xing Jianbin's home between 8 and 12 last night?"

"I didn't see it."

"I won't go out tonight."

"I didn't pay attention."


The crowd onlookers said.

Han Bin has been observing the crowd. He found that after Li Hui asked, the short and fat man's eyes were widened and his eyelids and eyebrows were slightly raised. This was a typical expression of surprise.

Saying that Xing Jianbin was dead, the short fat man was not surprised; instead, he asked if there were suspicious vehicles and people, and the short fat man looked a little surprised.

Han Bin felt that there was a problem.

"Brother, what do you call it?"

"Xing Ziqiang." The short fat man said.

"How is your relationship with Xing Jianbin?" Han Bin said.

"Very good." Xing Ziqiang touched his nose subconsciously.

Touching the nose is a common form of lying.

First surprised, then lied, Han Bin felt that this man named Xing Ziqiang had a problem.

"Xing Ziqiang, come in with me, I have something to ask you." Han Bin said.

"Comrade police, why are you looking for me?" Xing Ziqiang took a step back.

"Come in." Han Bin said beyond doubt.

Xing Ziqiang hesitated and followed Han Bin into Xing Jianbin's yard.

Li Hui also followed in and asked, "Binzi, what's wrong?"

"This person has a problem." Han Bin said.

"Comrade police, you can't wrong the good guys. I usually don't even dare to kill chickens. What can be the problem?" Xing Ziqiang said.

"Last night, between 8 o'clock and 12 o'clock, where were you?" Han Bin said.

"I went out to drink with my friends at 7 o'clock last night, can they prove it for me?" Xing Ziqiang said.

"When are you back?" Han Bin said.



"Eleven o'clock, come back around eleven." Xing Ziqiang said.

Li Hui smiled: "So, you still have no alibi."

"Li Hui, go ask Li Yu, how is Xing Ziqiang's relationship with Xing Jianbin?" Han Bin said.

"Don't don't, I admit that I lied." Xing Ziqiang waved his hands.

"Why lie?" Han Bin said.

"My relationship with Xing Jianbin is not good. He used to engage in MLM and defrauded me of money and made me lose tens of thousands. I wish he died sooner." Xing Ziqiang said.

"If the relationship is not good, then the relationship is not good, why should you lie?" Han Bin said.

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid you doubt me." Xing Ziqiang said.

"Inspector Li just asked, why are you so surprised?" Han Bin said.

"Last night, when I came back, I saw a car parked next to Xing Jianbin's house, so I was surprised." Xing Ziqiang said.

"Since you saw it, I asked you, why didn't you tell me?" Li Hui angrily asked.

"I don't want to make trouble for myself, Xing Jianbin is dead, and I don't want to help." Xing Ziqiang said.

"It's because of someone like you that criminals can get away with it. If he can kill Xing Jianbin today, he may kill you tomorrow." Li Hui pointed to Xing Ziqiang's nose with his hand, and taught.

"I know I was wrong, and in the future, I must cooperate with police comrades." Xing Ziqiang said with a fat face in tears.

"What's the license plate number?" Han Bin said.

"I drank alcohol last night, so I took a look and couldn't remember." Xing Ziqiang said.

"What car?"

"It looks like a van."


Xing Ziqiang recalled for a moment, and said: "Yes, it's a van."


"Silver gray."

"Are there other characteristics?"

"The rear glass of that van seems to be affixed with an advertisement." Xing Ziqiang said.

"What's the word?"

"Can't remember." Xing Ziqiang said.

"Follow us to the bureau and make a statement." Li Hui said.

"Yes." Xing Ziqiang said in a hurry.


"Team Zheng, Team Zeng, on our side, we found new clues." Han Bin said.

"What clue?" Zheng Kaixuan said.

"The victim's neighbor Xing Ziqiang returned from drinking last night and saw Xing Jianbin's home, listening to a silver-gray van with advertisements on the rear glass." Han Bin said.

"When did you find it?"

"About eleven o'clock in the evening." Han Bin said.

"Well, this clue is important. When Zhao Ming retrieves the nearby surveillance system, he can conduct targeted investigations, and perhaps find the trace of the suspect." Zheng Kaixuan said.


After returning to the branch.

Zhao Ming, Han Bin, and Li Hui went directly into the monitoring room and started looking for people by car.

Zhao Ming is responsible for the investigation, surveillance videos of surrounding shops and the people's own homes.

Han Bin and Li Hui, who were transferred from the traffic police monitoring center, were responsible for monitoring the intersection near the crime scene.

Speaking of criminal police, many people's first impression is exciting and thrilling. In fact, most of the work of criminal police is very hard and boring.

Inspection and monitoring is a typical boring job.

Han Bin's eyes must always be fixed on the monitor, not a car, not every detail.

The night is dim and the surveillance shots are not clear. You must look carefully. If you are distracted, you may miss the key to solving the case.

"I found something here." Zhao Ming shouted.

Han Bin leaned over and said, "Did you find a suspicious vehicle?"

"Brother Bin, take a look, this car, is it the one the witnesses saw?" Zhao Ming said.

Han Bin looked at the video, the sky was a bit dim, and the silver-gray car could be vaguely identified. The video continued to play, and the silver-gray car's rear window was photographed, and some writing could be vaguely seen.

"Where does this car go?" Han Bin asked.

"The direction leaving Xing Jianbin's house is a small road, which should be deliberately avoided road surveillance." Zhao Ming said.

Han Bin glanced at the time, half past eleven.

"Just right!"