
Detective from The Future

Police Constable Han Bin accidentally obtained a future police badge. Learned future criminal investigation skills, repeatedly solved strange cases, maintained justice, and became a generation of police legend…

GSM1777 · Urban
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41 Chs

Detective from The Future Chapter 24: Search the whole city

Zheng Kaixuan reported to the branch leadership and applied for the whole city to search for Sun Qifeng.

The second group of the third criminal investigation team, as a case handler, also participated in the search mission.

Tian Li stayed in the monitoring room of the Huilongguan Community Property Committee. Although the suspect might not come back, one person remained on guard.

Han Bin and Li Hui went to the traffic police monitoring center and checked the road monitoring with Zhao Ming.

Zheng Kaixuan and Zeng Ping, together with the police from the police station, set up chucks on the main road for investigation.

The bus station and train station also issued wanted warrants for the suspect.

In order not to cause panic among the people, the entire operation is tight and loose, which can also reduce the vigilance of suspects and facilitate arrest.

Ten o'clock in the evening.

Traffic police monitoring center.

Han Bin and Li Hui came to the monitoring room with instant noodles and ham.

Zhao Ming just met his relatives and said, "You are here, and my eyes are almost looking at flowers."

"Let's take a break and eat something." Han Bin said.

Zhao Ming tore open the instant noodles, took some hot water, and said, "This Sun Qifeng, it seems to have disappeared. I have been checking the surveillance from the incident to the present, but there has been no clue. You said, where can he go? ?"

Han Bin had been busy for a day, and had no place to eat, so he soaked himself a bucket of instant noodles: "Sun Qifeng's car, the last time it appeared under surveillance, was on a small road near the victim's house, but just walked on the small road. Can't leave Qindao City by car."

"In other words, the suspect is likely to hide." Li Hui said.

"It's not ruled out, the suspect changed transportation." Han Bin said.

"If Sun Qifeng abandons the car and leaves, the search job will be even more difficult." Zhao Ming said.

"I think we should still find people by car. If Sun Qifeng doesn't change trains, we will naturally find Sun Qifeng; if we change to other vehicles, we can also adjust the search direction in time." Han Bin said.

"Why don't you report to Team Zheng and search near the path where you found the van, maybe you will have a clue." Zhao Ming said.

Han Bin glanced at his watch and said, "It's already past eight o'clock, and it's completely dark. We are unfamiliar with people and the search is too difficult. It is difficult to find if you just leave the car in the ground."

"That's right, then wait until tomorrow morning to report." Zhao Ming said.

"If you were Sun Qifeng, in which direction would you run?" Li Hui said.

Han Bin thought for a moment, then shook his head: "Based on the clues I know so far, it's hard to guess."

The three of them finished their instant noodles, and then went into intense work...

One hour, two hours, three hours...

Having been staring at the monitor, Han Bin was a little tired and yawned several times.

I couldn't help it, so I squinted on the table for a while.

I don't know how long it has passed, but Han Bin was awakened by a shout.

"Look, does this car look like Sun Qifeng's?" Li Hui shouted.

Han Bin straightened up, yawned, and glanced at the watch on the wall. It was already two o'clock in the morning.

"What did you find?" Han Bin said.

Li Hui pointed to the screen, "Does this car look like a suspected vehicle?"

Han Bin took a look. The car is of the same style and color, but there is no advertisement on the rear glass, and the license plate number is not very clear.

"Look for the surveillance at the next intersection. It's better to be clearer and you can see the license plate." Han Bin said.

Li Hui turned to the surveillance at the next intersection. The three of them stared at the screen carefully. Not long after, they found the van again. This time the license plate number was very clear, Lu B.N6572.

"That's it!" Zhao Ming said excitedly when he patted the table.

"This kid actually tore up the advertisement on the back of the car. No wonder it's hard to find." Li Hui muttered.

"When is this monitoring?" Han Bin asked.

"About one o'clock in the morning."

"It's been an hour from now." Han Bin said.

"The van runs from east to west, at the intersection of Qiming Road and Kaiping Street. It is a 40 to 50-minute drive from us."

"If there is no traffic jam at this time, I guess I can get there in half an hour." Han Bin said.

"But the suspect is also running and won't wait for us." Li Hui said.

"Report to Team Zheng."


Zheng Kaixuan was very happy after learning the news, and immediately issued a task adjustment.

Zhao Ming stayed in the monitoring room and continued to track the suspect's vehicle.

Han Bin and Li Hui drove the van that chased the suspect.

Zheng Kaixuan and Zeng Ping led support.

"Brother Bin, Brother Hui, I also want to chase the suspects, or you can change them for me." Zhao Ming smiled bitterly, and he felt that his eyes were already swollen.

"This is the order of Team Zheng. You kid stayed honestly and reported to us the latest developments of the suspected vehicle. Sun Qifeng was caught, and your contribution is indispensable." Li Hui smiled.

Han Bin stretched out his hand, patted Zhao Ming on the shoulder, and left the monitoring room.

"Hey..." Zhao Ming sighed and sat down on the chair: "When you see it, you will be tall!"

Han Bin and Li Hui got into the car and drove in the direction of the suspected vehicle.

"Binzi, you said an hour has passed, can we catch it?" Li Hui said.

"As long as Zhao Ming has found the latest trace of the car and determined the direction of escape, he can notify the local police and set up a card to intercept in advance. There should be no problem." Han Bin said.

After a while, Zhao Ming called: "Brother Bin, the suspect's vehicle has entered the constant line."

"On the other side of the constant line, there is a mountainous area. There are many trees and luxuriant trees. It's hard to find in the forest." Li Hui said.

Han Bin and Li Hui drove, galloping all the way.

When driving into the constant line, Zhao Ming's call came again.

"Brother Bin, the suspect's vehicle did not show up on the surveillance system after passing the intersection of Constant Line and Dazhang Village. It is very likely that it was hidden nearby." Zhao Ming said.

"The suspect's vehicle finally appeared in the surveillance, when was it?" Han Bin said.

"Two thirty." Zhao Ming said.

"It's three o'clock now."

"The suspected vehicle did not appear in the surveillance for half an hour, and it is likely to be hidden again." Li Hui guessed.

"Watch the surrounding vehicles."

Han Bin checked the glare flashlight, which is a must for fighting at night.

He took out a Type 64 pistol and filled it with seven bullets. This time it was a homicide. The murderer was cunning and vicious, and he must be prepared for battle.

The car drove for another half an hour.

"Binzi, the intersection of Constant Line and Dazhang Village is ahead. Pay attention to the surroundings." Li Hui slowed down.

"After this intersection, Zhao Ming no longer found the suspected vehicle. The constant line belongs to the main road. Every section of the road is monitored. The suspected vehicle either drove off the main road or abandoned the vehicle and fled." Han Bin guessed Tao.

After driving not far, Li Hui shouted: "Binzi, there is a van parked on the left side of the road ahead."

Han Bin looked at it, conforming to the characteristics of the suspected vehicle, unfastened his seat belt and loaded the pistol.
