
Detective Devil

nk_2 · Action
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7 Chs

secret of Shadow

Till now we have read that Shadow had saved the children and sent them to their families and he had kept the orphan children in his own orphanage so that those children could be taken good care of them along with providing them proper education for their future with high technology. Along with education, those people could fulfill their dreams!

Although no one knew that many orphan children were kidnapped from the city, Shadow had kept this story a secret but today he decided to tell it to Officer Namrata and solved his case of illegal weapons. Due to which the officer was very happy but the officer was the girlfriend of Detective Shadow, Shadow said while cutting the call

Shadow - Miss all but tomorrow is a very important day for me so I will keep the call.

After this the call got disconnected. Shadow lay down on his bed and fell into a deep sleep after being tired all day.

The next moment he saw a black, deserted night. He was standing near his mom on a deserted road. Tears were coming out of his mom's eyes and in front of him, his dad was lying on the ground and there was blood all around him and there were many people there, among whom he was wearing a golden mask. A person came forward who was wearing a black cloth and had black gloves in his hands and he inserted a knife in the chest of his dad Vikram Rathore. He had a tattoo of a cobra on his hands. Shadow shouted loudly and said - No, Dad, Mom.

Shadow got up and sat on the bed. He was dreaming, but this dream was not a dream but an incident that happened in his childhood. Shadow got up from his bed and went to his lab, but the same photo was lying there in which the strange drawing on the hands of the killer was lying. There was a tattoo of a cobra, seeing which Shadow turned red with anger, he said angrily - Killer Cobra Gag, I will not leave you, your comedown will start from tomorrow.

He started working on his project again because he has not slept properly since the age of 19. Ever since he had this dream for the first time, he wakes up every night and solves cases by becoming Detective Shadow. Now Shadow is 25. He was one year old and in the last 6 years, he was able to sleep only for 6 months and that too when he was with the officer or with Ruvi, he never had that dream.

Shadow was sitting and working on his project Findmark when Ray said - Master, you will leave me behind too, I also do not work 24 hours, you are making me feel embarrassed.

Shadow - Ray You are an AI. Since when did you start feeling EMBARRASS? You started joking a lot. Where did your work reach? Have you found the CODE BAG or not? Do you even know it? Next WEEK I have to launch this project.

RAY - Master, tomorrow is a big day for you, prepare for it, I will crack the CODE BAG, just give me all the data again and I have still not received the report of Miss Aditi, she likes to do everything except work. Yes, you would like to see what Master is doing right now by taking photos of you!

Shadow - RAY You cannot keep an eye on any employee without my permission and you never did this, so where did you learn all these things?

RAY - Sorry Master, but Aditi always keeps looking at you in the office, I feel that you are in danger from her, so I started keeping an eye on her and Master, now you see what she is doing with your photos.

Then Aditi's video started playing in front of Shadow. She was lying on the bed and she had her photo in her hand. Sorry, it was not Shadow's but the CEO's and she was kissing the photo and her pillow also had the CEO's photo on it. Even his bed sheet had Shadow's picture as the real CEO!

Seeing all this, Shadow shouted and said- RAY, you stop all this and complete your work, are you ready for tomorrow?

The next morning at 10 o'clock there was an award ceremony for BEST BUSINESS MAN in Bengaluru. All the big businessmen of India were there. Today, all the people had come to give the award to Bhargav Shetty, CEO of NK TECHNOLOGY. Bhargav's family and some senior employees of his company also attended that function. NK TECK was one of the top 5 technology companies of India in just 4 years, its ranking was at number 4 and its net worth was 8 billion dollars.

Bhargav was able to build a company worth 8 billion in just 4 years because of his intelligence. Everyone was waiting for him, then a Rolls Royce stopped and a young boy came out from the driver's seat. Everyone was surprised to see him. He was handsome but he The CEO was not Bhargava but his ASSISTANCE was Jack.

Assistance Jack immediately opened the back door. A YOUNG 25 year old boy turned out to be fair complexion, height 5.5 feet, a strange twinkle in his eyes, a slight smile on his face, wearing black shorts. He came out of the back door, seeing which everyone went crazy about him. !

Officer Namrata was there handling both guests and security. She came with a bouquet of flowers in her hand to the host of the award ceremony Mr. Vipul Tata and took Mr. Bhargava inside with great respect.

Bhargav's attitude was different from everyone else, as soon as Bhargav entered, everyone stood up in his respect, although many people were also his competitors. Seeing Bhargav, they were surprised that such a young boy had overtaken them all. !

Bhargav looked around once and his eyes fell on his mom, dad, Vishal Shetty and Riya Sharma, with whom Vikas Shetty was his dad's friend and his family, along with them was Ruvi. Seeing which, a different smile came on Bhargav's face.

Bhargav went on the stage and everyone was drinking

I was discussing about the CEO of NK TECK because till now Bhargava has worked on many projects on Government Security which were successful at 100% rate, he had received many awards from the Government.

Bhargava Award and told his success story in front of everyone that how he started NK TECHNOLOGY in the third year of his college. First of all he started developing software. His first software was on gaming which is the most favorite game of this time. He created Spring Play. And we will read further about how many problems he faced.

Bhargava - You all already know my success story that I have never failed in life and perhaps I would never want to fail in the future, I do not like to fail because I have a fund.

Today I am proud that I am working in HIT of India. My dream is not to come to the top technology company of India but to become the top technology company of the world because Success is the journey and Journey never be the end.

With this I will make some important announcement today

Hearing this, everyone was left wondering what was going to happen next. What was Bhargava going to say? Will he tell his secret? Will Bhargava express his love? After all, who was his girlfriend, Ruvi or officer Namrata or manager Aditya? Does Bhargav have anything to say about the launch of the new software? Continue reading