
Detective Devil

nk_2 · Action
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7 Chs

cobra killer gang

Seeing Bhargava, all the seniors sitting in the ceremony were shocked, everyone's eyes were filled with tears as soon as he said that he is going to take two important decisions today, one of which is a very important decision of his life.

Hearing this, the ground slipped under the feet of everyone, Bhargava started speaking.

Bhargava said - that he is establishing his branch office in total 8 countries along with US UK and apart from that he will provide security to the government there along with big companies there.

For the second important decision, he invited someone on the stage and he was none other than Ruvi. Hearing this, Ruvi was suddenly shocked because both of them loved each other since childhood but their parents did not know this.

Both of their families were shocked more than Ruvi, Ruvi's face turned red with shame and she bowed her head down because she came to know that Bhargava has planned some stupid idea.

Then Bhargav came down from the stage, holding Ruvi's hand and started taking her away. Ruvi looked at Bhargav angrily but then her mom Ruhi looked at Ruvi and said - Ruvi, go, don't make Bhargav feel EMBERS, you must have planned something good.

Ruvi was left with no option, she went on the stage, while leaving she said in a very low voice - Bhargav, please don't do anything stupid, I will tell this to my family.

Bhargav said with an evil smile, - Ruvi, don't worry, everything will be fine.

As soon as Bhargav reached the stage, he touched his watch and suddenly started showing many pictures in the air, in which Bhargav Ruvi was seen having fun, which was a childhood picture.

Bhargava suddenly said - Ruvi, we both grew up together since childhood and always paid attention to each other and our friendship gradually turned into love. Do you want to spend your life with me, Will You Marry me, Ruvi.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked. The officer was sad but she knew it all. Apart from that, many girls' hearts were broken. Apart from the daughters of many big businessmen, there were some actresses in that ceremony, whom Bhargava liked in his heart. her intentions were foiled

But instead of being happy, Ruvi was worried about what he would tell his work dad!

After some time, it was evening time, Ruvi was sitting in the car with Bhargav and was attacking Bhargav with angry words, that is, Ruvi was venting her anger on Bhargav. The car was standing in front of both of their houses. Bhargav was on his cheeks. But placing his hand he said,

Bhargava - My dear Ruvi, don't be so worried, everything will be fine, you are at my house, my mom understands me very well, she will convince your mom.

Before they could get down from the car, mom and dad came along with uncle and aunt. Ruhi aunty said angrily - Will you both get down from the car or will Aarti bring a plate to get you down?

Bhargav suddenly heard the sound and immediately opened the gate and said - Sorry aunty, I was making Ruvi feel light.

Ruvi immediately got down from the car and bowed her head and said - Sorry Mom, I could not tell you that.

Ruhi says something like that. Riya said to me, both of you come inside.

What was to happen after that was as per Indian family tradition,

Bhargava and Ruby were standing in the courtroom like victims and their families in the form of the four chief judges of the Supreme Court were sitting there. The victims were admitting their mistake one by one.

Then the judge i.e. Ruvi's mom Riya said - Ruvi how can you two do like this, Bhargav is like your elder brother, I do not accept this relationship, and Bhargav you listen, from today you both will not meet each other.

Meanwhile everyone started looking at Ruvi, Bhargava said - Aunty, what are you saying, how can this happen, we both love each other very much and I am settled, I will keep Ruvi happy, if you don't agree then I will be with Ruvi SECRETLY. I will get married,

Hearing this, all four people started laughing loudly. Bhargava's mom said, Ruhi, now stop troubling both of them, it's enough now, you see how both of their faces have fallen.

Ruhi said laughingly - First you would have let me finish, then you would have said what I was saying, "After today Bhargava, both of you will not meet each other until at least you get married."

Ruvi - True mom, you agreed. I can't believe it. Okay, when are we getting married or when is our engagement?

After listening to Ruvi, Ruhi said - We all already know all this, about a year ago, we were waiting for both of you since then, when will you both tell us all this?

Ruvi - But mom how did you know?

Hearing this, everyone started laughing loudly. Riya suddenly said - Leave it, it will be better if both of you don't know all this.

Ruhi silenced Riya and said - What are you talking about, sister-in-law, she should know how we came to know about this, how did we come to know?

Ruhi - Do you both remember that a year ago, Valentine's Week was going on? On 13th February at 5 pm, I had come out after one of my operations. Ruvi was also with me and she was early. I quickly went and did a little make-up and quickly started leaving from there. I felt something odd. I followed her and saw that Bhargav had pressed Ruvi to the wall and placed one of his hands next to Ruvi. I thought both of

them started fighting again but When the fight started, my eyes were wide open and my mouth was wide open

Like I was dreaming that you two were kissing.

After hearing this, Ruvi and Bhargav looked at each other and exchanged gestures. Both were feeling very shy. Bhargav suddenly stood up and said - Sorry, I remembered some work, I will meet you tomorrow, I have to go to office now.

Riya - Bhargav son, do it tomorrow, let's have dinner together today.

But then Bhargav had left. Riya said angrily - Ruhi, I had agreed not to tell, now look.

Bhargav went to his villa which was just behind his house and was worth around 90 crores because it was not only Bhargav's base but also Shadow's base. Bhargav was the detective Shadow.

Bhargav went to his room and placed his hands on a wall and suddenly the wall disappeared and in its place a lift came which directly brought Bhargav to Shadow Base. This was the same lab which you did not know about. Because I did not tell you, now I am telling you that it was about 500 meters underground and it was beyond anyone's control to track it.

Shadow started his work, he started researching about the strange tattoo of the same cobra but he was not able to find anything because he was making a search engine which could trace the person through any mark or tattoo. This tattoo is made in the body but Bhargava was failing for about 3 years. He had created the most powerful AI RAY but still he could not reach his goal.

He had not been able to find the person he was looking for, he would sit for hours every day and work on that project but he was failing every time.

After 5 days, Bhargav was successful in creating a search engine which could find anyone with the help of tattoo. Bhargav immediately searched the picture of that strange tattoo and found it. There were only 15 people with that type of tattoo in the world. And at this time only 10 people were present in India; one was the CEO of BELLITECH who had a big size tattoo on his body and the remaining 9 people had the same tattoo on their hands, that too in a small size.

Started searching for Bhargav. According to his source, his family belonged to the North Indian city of Lucknow and his real dad was ips Vikram and he was murdered in Hyderabad. Bhargav came to know about his past 4 years ago but some parts of his past were not revealed. Does he remember Bhargav's real name? Did he even know this, nor did he know how his parents behave?

It was 3 o'clock in the night, Bhargav started laughing loudly, laughing loudly he said, Cobra Gag, after all I have found you, after all I have been trying to find you for the last 4 years, how come I don't find you, all those men with that tattoo. Took out the address and went out to search with my assistant.

After searching for about three days and talking to everyone, Bhargav reached Mirzapur city of Uttar Pradesh where there was a secret Cobra gang base but the leader of the Cobra gang was not a common man. Will Bhargav be able to find him?

What was going to happen next? Was he the same killer who murdered Bhargava's real parents? After all, what connection did the people of Cobra Gang have with the murderer of his parents

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