
Detective Devil

nk_2 · Action
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7 Chs

mission save orphan children

So far you have read that Shadow had reached the port to save the children, passing through a large army of goons, he reached near the container in which the children were and to save those children from there peacefully i.e. (without any ruckus) ) He messaged RAY who was an AI character,

RAY immediately sent a ship there and within some time a ship arrived there. People were surprised to see the ship. After all, where did the ship come from? That ship did not belong to anyone else but to NK Technology. After the arrival of the ship, Shadow immediately went towards the cabin,

As soon as he went inside the cabin, suddenly someone pointed a gun at Shadow, Shadow did not understand what to do now, he felt that he had no other option left, he was going to attack them from behind. Meanwhile some people with guns came in front of him,

One of those people said angrily - Who are you and where did you come from? Don't you know?

After remaining silent for a few moments, Shadow said - Sorry Dada, I have come here for the first time. My brother has been arrested by CBI INQUIRY, so he secretly sent me a message asking whether the container needs to be sent from this port to the dealer or not. Then there will be a lot of trouble!

A gunman said - Oye, listen, you cannot come here without a token. Go and get the token from the back street and then come here.

Shadow - Dada, there are many streets here, which street should I go to?

Gunman - Take it from the street next to the container NO - GUOP2356894 and yes, don't move around there too much otherwise you will not survive.

SHADOW was very shocked to hear what else was there, he immediately connected with Ray and started examining those containers with his vision lens, as he was reaching near the token street. He was examining all the containers there with the help of a lens, till now he did not see anything that could turn his doubt into belief.

And finally, as soon as he reached near that container, he saw that there were many guns in the container. Seeing this, he understood that a big arms deal was going to happen, about 3 containers were fully loaded with guns.

Shadow took the token directly from there and while coming back he said something to RAY, he placed an explosion device (a type of small bomb) in those containers with the help of his small drone, he was standing and doing this from a distance, then something happened in front of him. People came, they were also the people who were met in the cabin.

The man with the gun said - What are you doing here? You have got the token, don't leave from here now or you will not survive, and yes remember to go and make the payment in that cabin.

Shadow - Yes Dada

After this, Shadow went straight from there towards the cabin, he immediately made the payment and on arrival, all his three containers were quickly loaded on the ship. By the time Shadow had installed mini cameras in many areas of that port,

As soon as the ship went far away from there, he destroyed all three containers containing guns together. The small bomb planted by him completely destroyed all three containers and he started burning the weapons kept in them. Does anyone understand anything? But by then it was too late, thus all the children were saved.

Shadow was narrating all this to Officer Namrata when the officer said - But MR, where did you keep those children and you destroyed the container full of guns but how did no one even know?

Shadow - You will not understand, Miss Officer, all those children are in the orphanage of NK Trust and now they all have a super dad too, and as far as that arms dealer is concerned, they have come to know that I i.e. Shadow has done all this. But they can't do anything, nor can they complain, nor will they be able to find me because the shadow moves out of its own will and no one else can find it,

Officer - Leave it MR, do you really want to become a dad, then I am ready for that, I also want a baby.

Shadow - Hey Miss, this is what you are saying, you called me for some work, so what was your work, you did not tell me, ok don't tell me, listen to the answer, I don't have much time.

There are only two level illegal cannon factories in our city, one is in the underground under the building of the POLITICIAN party and the other is in the Chang building, about 10 kilometers before Mussidabad Port.

Officer - MR, you know what is in my mind that we can meet now.

Shadow - You know what tomorrow is, I have to prepare for tomorrow, I have to take rest too, otherwise I never agree with you, see you tomorrow.

Officer - Oye, what's tomorrow? Okay, if I remember, let's meet everyone tomorrow. Bye MR.

The call got disconnected. What was it yesterday? What was Shadow's real truth? Was he going to reveal his secret tomorrow? What will happen tomorrow? Where did the story of Shadow and Officer begin? What was Ray? Was Shadow's background something different that no one knew about? Who was Ruvi? Continue