
Destiny intertwined

In an ancient city, the fates of people of various backgrounds and destinies are intertwined. A baby is left in front of the church, destined to face the difficulties of the world. A dying girl, her last desire for life flashed in her eyes. As for a non-commissioned officer, the fortress he was guarding was burned down by fire, and he had almost nothing in his heart. Under the sunset, these souls with intertwined fates met on the streets of the city, creating a singular point in Ina's life journey. Their meeting was not accidental, but an arrangement of fate. They were destined to change each other and face the challenges and tests in life together. However, fifteen years later, the city once again fell into flames and was engulfed in flames. Under the burning flames, a half-elf sergeant stared silently, his heart filled with complex emotions and struggles. "If you had expected this day... Lake, would you still lend a helping hand on that day like you did in the past?" Ina confided in loneliness, in the wilderness, where no one responded. This is a story full of twists of fate and inner struggles. It is a profound exploration of encounters and separations, choices and consequences in life. In the raging flames of the fire, they will face their inner truths, as well as their thoughts about the past and the future.

DaoistL6lG2g · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 25 Giant Wolf

The thing behind him was horrifying.

Ina couldn't care about unnecessary things and dodged to the side.

In an instant, a white crystal as thick as the trunk of a giant tree was directly connected to the rotting corpse, and the tree trunk behind it was pierced to pieces.

The silver light shattered, and the eggshell-shaped shield shattered into glass-like fragments. Obviously, the shield technique was not as lucky as its owner.

"It's so cold, ice?" The remains of the giant crystal splashed onto the white-haired girl's face.

But at this moment, there was no room for Ina to be distracted for a moment.

The wet mud that oozes water when you step on it, and the unique moss-covered stones in the wet mud, constitute the most natural fatal trap in this forest.

Before Ina had time to figure out the situation, she fell down the mountain like a tumbling wine barrel before she landed firmly.

The sharp protruding stones tore open her brown-black jacket and shirt, scratching her skin.

Ina tried to grab any branches, bushes, and even boulders she could reach, but under the nearly semi-vertical slope, nothing happened except for leaving traces of bright red blood.

The girl's petite body was not able to stop until it rolled down to an exposed stone wall 70 to 80 meters away from the trunk of the corpse.

"It hurts, damn, it hurts, damn it." Ina struggled to get up, and her originally fair and delicate face had been cut with several bloody cuts.

The coat, shirt, and trousers were all filled with mud and dead leaves that smelled of rotting plants and earth. The long hair, which was originally as white as snow, was now white and black, very messy.

The bleeding wounds on her hands were covered with mud, as if fine salt had been sprinkled on them. The stinging sensation made her almost unable to hold onto anything at this moment.

The violent wind pressure struck again, giving Ina no time to think. The magic power flowed, and she stood up and retreated. The white-haired girl seemed to be pulled by a tight rope.

In an instant, the body was separated from the platform by several meters.

The shadow of the gray-black beast fell, and the huge claws that were the first to get there, with the arrogant power of the gray beast, dug a pit into the steel-hard rock wall.

The staggering destructive power of the ferocious beast made Ina's hair stand on end, and she shouted in her heart that something was wrong.

At the same time, she also saw clearly the predator that came with bad intentions.

A giant wolf with a height of 1.8 meters and a length of more than 4 meters with gray and blue hair, a third-level magic beast, a blue-feathered forest wolf.

Just from the height of his four feet on the ground, he is one animal head taller than Ina!

The giant wolf did not pursue the victory as before, and did not even make the forward movement of sinking its forelimbs in order to kill prey at any time during the battle.

He just stared at his prey naturally and was incredibly arrogant.

Ina couldn't understand that much and clenched the brass dagger in her right hand.

When she rolled down just now, her sword landed somewhere.

The only thing she could rely on was the dagger in her hand. Due to the injury, she could not perform her skillful acrobatic blade-turning skills.

This means that she has lost a certain degree of agility in attacking. The remaining attacks will only penetrate the flesh with a knife, and probably can only penetrate the flesh with a knife!

Ina lowered her body slightly, bowed her body and held the dagger in front of her. Sitting back and waiting for death was not what she would do.

"Third-level monsters... In terms of pure strength, I have no chance of winning... To meet someone of the same level is really an unpleasant hunt."

The white-haired girl quickly filtered out the strategies that could break the situation while thinking aloud in order to calm her mind. In this situation, calmness is often the best way to deal with it.

But there was something strange in my heart.

Suddenly, two clear rays struck the girl's head like crossbow arrows!

"Shield Technique" Ina was absolutely not slow. The light shield was constructed in an instant, and the rays that were close at hand immediately shattered into countless tiny ice shards, scattered in the air like broken stars.

The giant wolf suddenly moved without any warning, just like a skilled assassin. In just a moment, the claws that could tear the heavy armor of the knights were close to her eyes.

Ina was so panicked by the unexpected feint attack that she had no time to react. Fortunately, her surging magic power far exceeded that of the same level, and it was no mere talk.

The vivid barrier suddenly shattered into spider web-like cracks. It resisted the slap of the beast's claws and flew out sideways, carrying the girl.

Seeing that the move failed, the giant wolf didn't give up. It sank and twisted its waist, and then pounced on Ina, who had just landed.

The powerful impact awakened his chaotic thoughts. Facing the giant wolf approaching again, the fear of death and the desire to survive took over his blank mind.

That seemingly delicate body is actually much faster than any wild beast. The power of a person of this rank suddenly appears.

The magic power gathered under her body, and she saw Ina tap her toes a few times, one person and one wolf, and they pulled away again.

The ineffective return made the giant wolf stunned, but when it came to life and death, a few seconds were enough for Ina to forcefully suppress the tension in her heart.

The green pupils were slightly condensed, as if they contained an edge.

With a short and gentle chant, the magic power gathered and transformed, high temperature burst out from her hands, and small bright orange and ginseng red fireballs condensed in her hands.

"Small Fireball Technique"

"Boom!" Scorching flames exploded on the giant wolf's forehead. The burned part of the wolf fur burned his animal pupils, temporarily depriving him of his vision.

The intense pain caused the giant wolf to lose its original composure, and he began to claw, crawl, and bite like crazy. His low, angry growl made Ina's heart beat faster a few feet away.

Taking advantage of the confusion of the wolf, Ina lowered her voice and chanted, while taking dozens of steps back to behind four birch trees.

"Primary physical strength enhancement!"

When the chant ended, Ina took a deep breath, and unlike her quiet retreat just now, she shouted hysterically.

With his voice and his remaining sense of smell, the giant wolf, deprived of his vision, locked onto the girl. Furious, he was even faster than before, crushing left and right, leaping and landing at high speeds.

"Magic construct - shield."

A short six-section mantra.

A piece of light blue shield-shaped magic block without any stripes, transparent, but as if it were solid, suddenly stood between the two.

Third-level magic power construction, the magician uses his own magic power to construct a spell with physical properties similar to real objects in a short time. It is a universal arcane extended magic such as arcane missile and magic hand.

In fact, with only the negligible magical power of a formal magician, even if a shield like Ina is constructed, it can only last for tens of seconds, and its hardness is not as good as the second-level shield technique.

For low-level human magicians, they can only construct simple shields or midair pedals for stepping on, which is undoubtedly useless.

But it's definitely different now.

The light blue magic shield lifted the giant wolf and pressed it firmly against the birch tree. Its hairless abdomen was half-expanded in front of Ina's eyes.

Even if it is a ferocious beast that can easily tear rocks apart, it will not be able to break free for a while.

"How could it be possible that I'm the only one getting beaten every time!"

INAMI's sword thrust forward, and the brass dagger easily penetrated the magic shield.

"Bah, bah, bah!"

Ina was like a white kitten with explosive hair, and the dagger was its claws. Several bloody holes were opened in the belly of the giant wolf in an instant.


The ferocious beast in pain became more and more crazy. His magic power seemed to be responding to the owner of this body. The magic power that should have been far inferior to the girl suddenly surged from the broken body!