
Destiny intertwined

In an ancient city, the fates of people of various backgrounds and destinies are intertwined. A baby is left in front of the church, destined to face the difficulties of the world. A dying girl, her last desire for life flashed in her eyes. As for a non-commissioned officer, the fortress he was guarding was burned down by fire, and he had almost nothing in his heart. Under the sunset, these souls with intertwined fates met on the streets of the city, creating a singular point in Ina's life journey. Their meeting was not accidental, but an arrangement of fate. They were destined to change each other and face the challenges and tests in life together. However, fifteen years later, the city once again fell into flames and was engulfed in flames. Under the burning flames, a half-elf sergeant stared silently, his heart filled with complex emotions and struggles. "If you had expected this day... Lake, would you still lend a helping hand on that day like you did in the past?" Ina confided in loneliness, in the wilderness, where no one responded. This is a story full of twists of fate and inner struggles. It is a profound exploration of encounters and separations, choices and consequences in life. In the raging flames of the fire, they will face their inner truths, as well as their thoughts about the past and the future.

DaoistL6lG2g · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 26 A narrow victory

The magic shield was scratched, and Ina, knowing that it would be difficult to expand the victory, slid back.

The restraints disappeared, and the giant wolf's front paws fell to the ground. A thin line of blood flowed from its wound to the ground continuously, and even fragments of internal organs shattered by the sharp sword could be seen in it.

But the struggle that the white-haired girl imagined, like a drowning person, did not appear. The giant wolf just stood there calmly.

"A difficult guy." Ina thought to herself.

Generally speaking, when a predator is injured, they usually adopt two strategies:

1. Take advantage of the predator's position to abandon the prey and leave.

2. Fight with life and kill the prey quickly.

But the behavior of wolves is clearly different from the two.

He was conserving his strength, and Ina's eyes gradually became sharper.

The situation was undoubtedly favorable to her. In a simple confrontation, the giant wolf that had been pierced by ten or eight swords could never remain in this state and not slip into a worse situation.

This is not an injury that only bronze-level or third-level or fourth-level monsters can recover from naturally.

The premise is that this is just a confrontation.

Ina didn't dare to take a deep breath. She had a strong premonition that had been warning her from the beginning. Any extra noise at this moment would probably cause her to lose her head.

The wolf obviously wasn't going to waste any time. He kept his body very low and reached forward with his forelimbs, cautiously approaching Ina's direction.

Ina was shocked at first and secretly thought it was not good.

Even if her vision was taken away, her sense of smell was damaged by the flames, and she was covered by the smell of blood, she still had no chance of winning against the giant wolf in close combat.

Soon, she gritted her teeth.

The hand that is not holding the sword must concentrate magic power, and it is necessary to use magic.

Third-level arcane magic and magic arrows are the only third-level magic that Ina currently does not require chanting.

The power is enough to penetrate any third-level defense, but the magic power takes longer to condense than any spell, and the range of effect is only one finger wide.

"Success or failure lies in one move."

Ina shouted again, and her petite and slender figure compared to the monster had already taken two steps forward.

Instead of waiting for the giant wolf to take over, it would be better to strike first yourself!

The man and wolf were less than five steps apart!

"Ouch!" Sensing the aura of ferocious prey, the wolf roared angrily. The four-meter-long wolf's body was like a charged spring, leaping up and down, turning into a gray-black beast shadow mixed with strong wind, and its giant claws went straight for the girl's head!

Ina was also furious, her heart pounding.

With her magic power running to the extreme, she rushed straight into the gray wolf's arms. The dagger in her left hand pierced the claw that was supposed to hit her head, and her right hand gently pressed the wolf's neck and jaw.

A silent black line penetrated the top of the wolf's head!

The bright red blood is mixed with the white pulp, blooming here like a blooming rose.

"Cough" Ina's mouth was fishy and sweet, and blood oozed from the corners of her mouth.

Half a ton of wolf corpses pounced on her with unabated force, knocking her down to the ground.

The girl felt as if her internal organs had been punched hard.

Being crushed under a wolf corpse is a novel experience.

But it was by no means a good experience. With two tons of weight on her body, she could feel the wolf's blood soaking her trousers.

Under the heavy pressure, she had to take deep breaths to get enough oxygen.

"But I don't know why... I'm so embarrassed now, but now I'm so excited..."

Ina felt the increasingly anxious heartbeat in her chest. Her heart was beating fast and powerfully, as if to emphasize to herself the fact that she was still alive.

There was no one around, except for the chirping of birds and the sound of her heartbeat in the distant shade of tall trees.

No one answered her, but the source of this excitement was extremely clear.

She won.

And she survived.


It was half past morning, and the bright sunshine that only existed at this time shone through the branches of the ancient trees and the dense green leaves, shining on the wolf corpse and Ina's slightly dirty face.

It made her feel a little dazzled.

The white-haired girl tried to lift the body with both hands. It was very heavy. At least she couldn't turn it over with her own strength, but it was not difficult to leave.

After half an hour of rest, most of the vague pain in the internal organs had disappeared, and Ina did not intend to stay any longer.

After a long while, she drove her magic power and strengthened her body's strength to the extreme before lifting half of the wolf corpse.

Drag and stretch.

Her figure of just over 1.5 meters moved more than half a meter.

After several similar adjustments and exertions, Ina finally broke free from the wolf corpse pressing on her.

The girl who came out couldn't help but take a greedy breath of air.

Although she was forced to stretch and pull in order to escape, the bruises on her body started to hurt again.

A large amount of fresh air was poured into her lungs, and Ina's brain became clearer. Now she had to deal with the injury.

Normally, without medicine, clean cloth, and water, even the best hunter would not be able to properly treat the wound, even if it is just a sprain.

But Ina, as a magician, is a different matter.

"There's still a lot of magic left..." She muttered something, as if she had already thought of a way to deal with it.

He looked around carefully to make sure there were no wild beasts ambushing him.

Ina took off her coat, which was covered in dry mud, and unbuttoned her tight-fitting shirt.

A large area of skin that is as white as ice and snow is exposed to the air, and a group of slightly mature jade white is covered under the shirt.

If the white-haired girl hadn't been covered in mud and red, it would have been a gorgeous sight.

Not caring about so much, Ina concentrated on whispering an unfamiliar and long spell. The magic power gathered in her hands, and then the light blue turned to green.

"Primary Therapy"

The soft green magic power and magic circle penetrated into the chest, like a cold spring flowing through it, permeating into the organs and spreading to the limbs and bones along with the refreshing feeling.

The dull pain like acupuncture dissipated, and the sudden coolness and comfort made Ina shiver.

The white-haired girl used healing spells several times in succession, supported by a huge amount of magic power equivalent to that of a high-ranking high magician.

For a formal magician, the third-level magic that should be somewhat difficult to cast does not require any long-term planning in her hands.

After sorting out her clothes, Ina took a few breaths and crossed the rock wall platform, running straight to the place where she was originally attacked.

The giant wolf taught her a lesson. Even if it was only marginal, it did not mean that she would not encounter powerful monsters.

Lake might have been a coincidence that time, but not this time. She didn't know when the next encounter would be, and she didn't want to bet on her physical strength.

The fallen giant tree was very conspicuous in the jungle, and it didn't take much effort for the girl to find it.

The icicles turned into magic and dispersed. The upper body of the poor skeleton was smashed to pieces, and the rotten bones and blackened flesh were scattered wantonly.

Under the light, Ina could even see white maggots squirming in the minced meat.

There was an apology on his face, but no hesitation.

Picking up the long sword on the ground not far away, Ina rushed down without looking back.