
Destiny intertwined

In an ancient city, the fates of people of various backgrounds and destinies are intertwined. A baby is left in front of the church, destined to face the difficulties of the world. A dying girl, her last desire for life flashed in her eyes. As for a non-commissioned officer, the fortress he was guarding was burned down by fire, and he had almost nothing in his heart. Under the sunset, these souls with intertwined fates met on the streets of the city, creating a singular point in Ina's life journey. Their meeting was not accidental, but an arrangement of fate. They were destined to change each other and face the challenges and tests in life together. However, fifteen years later, the city once again fell into flames and was engulfed in flames. Under the burning flames, a half-elf sergeant stared silently, his heart filled with complex emotions and struggles. "If you had expected this day... Lake, would you still lend a helping hand on that day like you did in the past?" Ina confided in loneliness, in the wilderness, where no one responded. This is a story full of twists of fate and inner struggles. It is a profound exploration of encounters and separations, choices and consequences in life. In the raging flames of the fire, they will face their inner truths, as well as their thoughts about the past and the future.

DaoistL6lG2g · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 24 Solo Hunting

The outer edge of the Warcraft Forest

Along with the faint blue light, an invisible barrier was formed around her, and Ina had cast a second-level shield spell on herself.

After some reflection beforehand, she no longer used the magic eye indiscriminately, but chose to cast a semi-automatic shield technique.

The white-haired girl held the bow in her left hand, pinched two arrows lightly, and pinched the string in her right hand. She shuttled through the endless green shade at a considerable speed.

In compliance with the agreement with Lake, Ina did not intend to go to the boundary of the restricted area. She was deeply worried about this, but the outermost edge of the forest was also not her target.

After about an hour, the chirping of birds in the forest became much less frequent. Even in the warm spring, silence and depth gradually replaced the original vitality of the forest.

This unique silence makes this place special and means being close to the "border".

Ina slowed down her pace and took a few breaths. Even an extraordinary person would inevitably feel some physical discomfort after climbing over mountains and ridges for more than an hour.

This was a last resort. There was only one bounty commission, and if someone got it first, she would have no choice but to sell her prey at the market price.

Then, where to start... Ina took out the wrinkled map from her satchel.

On it are drawn the World of Warcraft Forest, the simple mountains within the Earl of Destroy Ridge, and two shadows of different shades, which are the restricted area and the boundary.

Because the borders and restricted areas are divided according to the density of Warcraft, they are like the tide, advancing and retreating from time to time. The Adventurer's Guild will update the corresponding range every month.

Ina looked at the map while recalling the chosen commission.

1. An 80% complete blood wolf skin, five kingdom gold coins, and a range of ten kilometers outside and inside the restricted area on the west side.

2. Fifteen pieces of one-horned elk skins that are 80% complete, and one Kingdom gold coin each, in the haunted area, in the forest outside the restricted area on the west side.

Normally, deer skin is more valuable than wolf skin, but the blood wolf is a second-level monster, which is much harder to hunt than the one-horned elk, a first-level monster.

And as a magic material, its value is also higher, so the price will naturally rise.

Ina also specially prepared a few bottles to contain the blood of the monsters, hoping to sell them for more money.

"But the outer edge of the west side is ten kilometers? This is really general." Ina couldn't help complaining about the information on the commission notice.

Ten kilometers may not seem like much, but the mountains in the World of Warcraft Forest stretch for hundreds of miles, and when calculated, it covers an area of 100,000 hectares, which is quite vast.

As we approach the border, the probability of encountering magical beasts increases. Hunters who make a living by hunting ordinary wild beasts and small animals no longer go deep into the forest. Only a few adventurers set foot in the forest, which seems extremely natural.

There are no trails opened up for hunting. When spring comes, the bushes growing everywhere greatly slow down Ina's progress. The nearly 40-degree mountain slope, superimposed with the silt and green moss after the spring snow melts, makes the white-haired girl I almost slipped a few times and had to put away my bow and arrows.

This was no easier than meditating while Uncle SHU Xi was smoking next to him... Ina shook the wet mud stuck to her dear shoes vigorously.

She was not an experienced Later. She only had one hunting experience, so she only had a partial understanding of all the scenes here.

Lake may be able to skillfully find a more suitable path to move in this forest, a better observation point, and a position to engage the enemy, but the girl cannot.

Nearly two hours have passed since we entered the forest alone.

Suddenly, a sudden metallic reflection attracted the girl's attention. Ina moved closer and soon discovered that the reflection point was a copper dagger that fell next to the human corpse.

The strong rancid odor made Ina couldn't help but frown.

This smell is really no joke... Winter has been less than a month, and the temperature and snow have melted in even less time... He should have died in the first half of the hunting season... Ina is quite calm about this. She has seen corpses, And there's more than one.

It was a corpse sitting against a tree. It could only be regarded as rotten flesh attached to the skull and two eyeballs that were as shriveled as dried salted fish and collapsed into their sockets.

You know the poor guy, even at normal room temperature, has been here for at least a week or two.

One hand was missing, and his belly was eaten by "people".

Except for some rotten lung lobes and a few liver fragments hanging high in the upper chest, the rest had been eaten away. Naturally, only the white bones were left of the thigh meat, which was so admirable to predators. It looked particularly disgusting under the surrounding rotten and blackened leftover meat. And penetrate people.

"It seems that you are as unlucky as me, senior."

Ina pulled out the copper dagger stuck upside down in the soil, cut off the storage bag on the waist of the corpse with her one-handed sword, and picked it up.

"I'll just accept these, and you can use them as burial expenses." She carried the half-full storage bag and shook it towards the body.

In order to reduce some troublesome disputes, the guild generally does not require hunters to hand over the relics obtained during hunting unless someone actively entrusts it.

It has become an unwritten rule in this industry for people to take possession of the relics of dead hunters and adventurers without criticizing them.

There weren't many things in the bag, a medal, a piece of rough paper stained with blood and blackened, a few pieces of... um... rotten meat, a sheepskin scroll, seven or eight silver coins, and a dozen groats. .

Ina randomly picked out the coins, medals and sheepskin scrolls, and threw the others aside on the muddy ground. The rest should be the entrusted and delivery of this poor hunter.

In all likelihood, when he was returning, he was unfortunately attacked by a monster that was far stronger than him, and died here.

Putting Gino and Hero in her bag, the girl began to look at the remaining items.

The front of the medal is engraved with a half-sheathed long sword with a scabbard, which is obviously a normal adventurer medal.

Levels will not be recorded on low-level adventurer medals.

After all, he is only a Bronze-level person at most, even if he is a veteran who has been in this industry for ten years, even if he enters and exits on a path he has walked hundreds of thousands of times.

In this World of Warcraft forest, close to the boundary of the restricted area, as long as there is a moment of relaxation and a little misfortune before walking out, his death is not a surprise.

The magic scroll was the most unexpected gain for Ina. In order not to trigger the scroll for inspection, she pinched the unfolded edge of the parchment scroll with her index finger and middle finger, and pressed her thumb on an unnamed pattern that slowly unfolded on the parchment scroll. Slowly unfold the parchment roll on the other side.

It was a picture scroll drawn with light blue magic ink, composed of adverbial inscriptions, runes and magic circles.

Unfortunately, judging from the magic circle drawn, it is a second-level small fireball technique.

However, even if it is embarrassing for itself, it can still be sold for a few silver coins due to its relatively good integrity.

"May the goddess's dawn shine on your next life."

On her chest, she drew a white cross and a blazing sun, representing the goddess of dawn, and said a brief prayer. Ina whispered the magic of the earth element and prepared to dig a pit.

This is not a necessary behavior, but Ina still hopes to do the right thing.

At this moment, Ina heard the sudden sound of wind behind her, like the crackling sound of a powerful crossbow arrow.