

It's basically a story of a boy who Picked interest on football when he was six years old

Emmanuel_okoye · Sports
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3 Chs



Nuel mother calling from the house

But Nuel did as if he did not hear the callings

Because he was looking at an aged team playing football ,so his mom quickly came out and pulled him back to the house because she hates soccer

Nuel cried so much as she drags him home

Then Nuel was 6 year old ,early in the morning after the incident he meet his mother in her room to greet her ,she looked at his face and smiled and said "here comes my little prince" he knelt down and greeted his mom and she said "GOD bless you soon " have you greeted your father he said no ,so she told him to go and greet his dad

He stood up from his mom's lap and head out to see his father

When he saw his daddy he greeted him and hugged him so tight and the daddy said what's wrong Nuel and Nuel answered ,daddy I want foothball, I want to play and be like MESSI

his father is a big fan of Barcelona were Messi once played ,and the father smiled and said son

You will play more than him