
Chapter 6

It's been a week of pain, but the heat is gone. I feel good, so I'm heading back to Katie. I get up stretching, and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

I get up throwing on a tee shirt and shorts. I head downstairs and to the front door. "Where do you think you are going?" Toby asks leaning against the doorframe, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Back home." I say crossing my arms.

"Be careful. Don't forget tomorrow we have the cookout." He says. I nod my head closing the door. I jump off the front porch and land on my four paws. I shake my cream colored fur. Everyone else has the grey color coat, while mine is special with the cream color.

I run to the house with the sun rising. I get to the house as soon as Katie would be getting up. I get home, but freeze smelling the scent of a werewolf. I check the perimeter when I see Chase, but I know it wasn't him who was in my yard.