
Chapter 7

Chase's point of view:

I shift back throwing on shorts, and head straight to my room. I hear the guys behind me, but I ignore them not wanting to rip their heads off. I take a deep breath after punching the wall.

I growl pacing my room, and I can see the guys watching me. "Chase I'm sorry." Lance says for the hundredth time, I growl snapping my head in their direction.

"What's the big problem though?" Nathan asks cautiously. I growl feeling my wolf wanting to come out. They followed me there, and attacked her!

"Why were you following me." I ask through gritted teeth.

"Mervin asked us to keep an eye on you." Trevor explains. I growl running pass them and out the door. I see Mervin talking to our mom, but I don't care. I tackle him to the ground growling loudly.

"What the hell, bro?" He says shocked. I hear mom gasp.

"You sent them to watch me!" He pushes me off him with his legs. Then straddles me holding my arms down.