
Chapter 6

I run as fast as I can hearing the door slam open. I sprint forward ignoring his growling. I hear clothes rip and paws thudding on the ground after me. Somehow he circles around me stopping right in front of me, just like two years ago. He growls at me warning me not to move. I growl back annoyed at his behavior. I can tell he wants to get in my head, but he can't. The mate link won't work yet because I'm not eighteen and he hasn't marked me.

He steps forward and so do I bearing my teeth at him. He just cocks his head at me. I take that time and run from him. I run again until he tackles me to the ground growling loudly. My wolf gives up submitting, which I'm not happy about. I don't look him in the eyes the whole time not wanting my wolf to go weak, but his power his sadly enough. His growl is scary and I don't want to make him angrier. He stands over me before lowering his head and breathing in my scent from the crook of my neck. He moves off and picks me up by the scruff of my neck like I'm just a pup. I growl and move around trying to get him to let me go.

He stops as I keep squirming to get out of his grip. He is still trying to get in my head so I finally let him, just so I can yell at him. 'Put me down NOW!' I growl loudly. He drops me gently and I turn to glare at him.

'Don't you dare run.' He threatens. I growl at him.

'What the hell! I'm not yours!'

'Yes you are.' He growls stepping towards me.

'Well I wouldn't know you dumbass. I'm only turning 18 tomorrow. So, don't go claiming me as yours when my wolf doesn't even know.' I growl lowly stepping forward finally looking, glaring, into his eyes. He takes a step back shocked.

'I have waited two fucking years for you! There was no scent for me to follow, and I finally found you. I'm not letting you go. Why did you hide for me?' He asks hurt evident in his voice.

'Like I said I'M NOT 18 YET! Do you really think this whole chasing me turns me on, well it fucking doesn't! Don't think you can just boss me around or take me with you! You need to earn it, like my name!' He takes another step back as I step towards him bearing my teeth at him.

'Don't talk like that.' He growls. I growl back not caring. He really is getting in my nerves. Who does he think he is?

'Will you give me a chance at least, to prove to you?' His wolf whines. I look at him right into his blue eyes, but I wish I didn't. I feel myself melt my wolf calming down.

'We will see.' I sigh before running off to the mansion. I find clothes folded for me and I grab them with my mouth going to a tree. I shift back and throw the clothes on not wanting to bump into my so called mate. I run up to my room and open the door and see Bentley sleeping and Evelyn on the other bed. She sees me and immediately sits up alert.

"What happened?" She asks taking in my out of breath and flustered self.

"Isaac happened." I growl.

"What did he do?" She asks as I slam the door shut. I walk to her bed and sit next to her.

"In front of everyone down there he has to growl out mine. I looked at him like he was crazy and questioned him. He said it is me, so I ran. I ran to the woods shifting, and he had to follow me!" I growl getting mad again. I can feel my wolf annoyed by this and she is confused.

"I won't let him near you. He will have to get through me to get to you." She growls. I laugh at her rolling me eyes. Her acting like this with alphas could get her killed one day. The door opens to Adam, who looks like he is trying not to lose it.

"Karla, can I talk to you?" He asks. I nod my head and walk out of the room knowing he is following me. He walks in front of me and leads the way outside and into the woods. "What the hell was that back there!" He asks once he stopped walking. He turns around to look at me and I look up at him scared.

"N-nothing." I stutter. He shakes his head at me growling.

"Is it true? He told Lacey and I his mate ran from him." He says trying not to explode.

"I don't know." I say tiredly. "Tomorrow I turn 18. Does dad know?"

"No, he thinks you just stole his food." Adam chuckles. I sigh in relief knowing my father won't kill anyone.

'Karla! Come here I want to talk to you.' My father says through mind link. I groan looking at Adam.


"Dad wants to talk to me." I sigh. Adam puts a hand on my shoulder. I look up at him with pleading eyes.

"Good luck." He chuckles before letting go and jogging towards the mansion. I groan and jog towards it too and then to my parents room. I walk in to my father pacing the room, and my mother trying to comfort him. They see me and rush to my side hugging me tight.

"Oh my baby, are you okay?" My mother asks.

"Did he hurt you Angle?" My father asks pulling back and looking me over for injuries. I laugh shaking my head.

"I'm fine. He knew not to mess with me." I say smiling at them.

"Are you sure?" My mother asks.

"He is soon to be Alpha of our rival pack." My father says. I roll my eyes at him.

"Dad he wouldn't want to start anything here. Not to mention it would start a war." I say. I yawn getting tired and my parents seem to notice.

"Maybe you should go to bed Angle." My father says. I nod my head yawning again. They kiss my cheek before letting me go. I walk to my room and gently open the door.

I see everyone is asleep. Bentley is snuggling into Adam's side as he is on his stomach his leg and arm hanging off the bed. I laugh as I quickly change and climb in bed too.

"Give him a chance mommy." I hear a small sleepy voice say. I turn over and see Bentley looking at me barely awake. "I like him mommy, and you could too." I kiss her head and look at her.

"I will, but only for you." I whisper and she smiles nuzzling into my chest and falling a sleep.