
Chapter 5

"What do you want?" Evelyn rudely asks. I snap out of my daze and narrow my eyes at him. He growls at her, but she stands her ground frightened slightly.

"Where are you coming from?"

"Why do you need to know?" He growls at my answer. "We were exploring what else could we do." He seems a bit taken back from my answer.

"Can you tell me your name yet?" He asks with a hint of humor in his voice. Clearly knowing he won't get an actual answer.

"Not yet, you still need to earn it." I say and walk past him pulling Bentley along with me.

"See you around then, and you too Bentley." She giggles at the mention of her name and he chuckles from her response.

We get back to the mansion and it's dinner time. I take Bentley to change in something more presentable and clean up first before we head to the dinning hall. We walk in and everyone is siting eating and chatting away. All Alphas are sitting with their Betas and family along with some of their allies . I see my family and see that there isn't room for Bentley, Evelyn and I, so I take us to an empty table.

I get Bentley to the empty table and put her between Evelyn and I. "Mommy what's for dinner?"

"Tonight we are having pasta." Isaac says beating me to it taking a seat next to me. I stare at him tensing up and look at Evelyn and Bentley worriedly. I take a deep breath looking at him as his brother sits down next to him.

"Um... there are other seats open." Evelyn says, which earns a growl by Isaac.

"Sorry about that, what she means is why are you siting here?" I ask him, and he looks at me confused.

"Why can't I?"

"Our packs are rivals." I state the obvious.

"Yes, but for these few days we aren't, so get used to it Cupcake." He says, and I laugh. "What?"

"We aren't friends you don't have my trust, why would I want you near me and my daughter." He puts a hand over his heart dramatically.

"That hurt."

"How come you don't sit with some other pack, or your parents?" Evelyn asks rudely.

"She means why aren't you sitting with your parents?" I ask trying to be nice. I see Evelyn roll her eyes at me as I speak.

"Well you see Cupcake," He starts looking to me. "We want to spend time with our closest rivals." Isaac smiles. I raise an eyebrow at him and feel a little hand tug on my sleeve. I look down to Bentley looking up at me.

"Can I get some pasta? I'm hungry." She asks quietly. I smile at her nodding my head.

"I'll get you some." Isaac offers starting to stand. I glare at him and he freezes.

"No, I got it. Evelyn watch Bentley." I say getting up. Isaac sits back down watching me as I walk away. I get to the table with all the food on it and grab a plate.

I sense someone behind me so I look over my shoulder. There stands a 14 year old boy, who closely resembles Bentley. "You're Karla, Alpha Michael's daughter right?" He asks coming next to me.

"Yeah, why?" I ask turning to look at him.

"So, you're the one raising my sister?" He asks smiling. I look at him confused before my eyes go wide with realization.

"She has a brother?" I ask surprised. He chuckles at me nodding his head.

"The one and only." He gestures to himself. I laugh at him as he does that. "If you don't mind me asking why were you two running from Isaac?" He asks. I freeze looking at him tensing up.

"Um..." I trail off.

"He said his mate ran from him." The boy says looking at me intently raising an eyebrow at me.

"Wait... I'm his..." He rolls his eyes laughing a little. "How come my wolf doesn't know?"

"You're not 18 you idiot, but he's 20 so his wolf knows."

"But he is from our rival pack."

"But do you know why?" I shake my head. "Ask because when he finds out it's you he won't leave you alone."

"Great." I say dreading it.

"Do you know why he can't tell it's you when you aren't in wolf form and with Bentley?" He asks.

"What do you mean?"

"Causally look at him now." He says. I look over and see him sniffing the air and looking around. "Bentley hides your scent because her wolf knows it scares you, but since she isn't here he can smell it." He explains. I gulp looking down to place pasta on two plates. Knowing I will want food now too.

"You better get back Bentley looks hungry." He says and walks away. I nod my head looking down to the plates.

"Wait!" I call looking up to his retreating figure. He stops and looks at me. "What's your name?" I ask, and he smirks.

"Holden." He says before leaving the dining room.

I head back with the two plates to the table. I get stopped my brother standing in my way. "We need to talk later. When Bentley is asleep, we will go on a little walk." He says.

"Fine." I sigh knowing there is no other choice. He nods his head before giving me a smile and walking to the food.

I start my way once again to the table and reach it. I place the plates down and Bentley starts to gobble hers up. Isaac seems to stop his frantic sniffing.

"My wolf is just itching to come out." Liam groans. Isaac chuckles looking at him.

"Your wolf is like a little pup." He chuckles. Liam growls at him causing Isaac to laugh more. "Oh come on yours is like 5'7'' mine it easily six feet." Isaac says cockily.

"Oh just shut up. No one cares." Evelyn growls out annoyed. "Plus I think there are wolves bigger than you."

"Well I beg to differ. I am the biggest wolf in history." Isaac says completely full of himself. "I'm even bigger than my father."

"Well have you even visited packs all around the world?" Evelyn growls. He narrows his eyes at her growling lowly.

"I highly doubt you have." She growls back.

"Can both of you please stop fighting." Bentley says tiredly. She turns and looks up at me. "Can I go to bed now?" I nod my head looking to Evelyn. She gets up and Bentley kisses my cheek.

"Goodnight baby." I say kissing her cheek. She hops down and takes Evelyn's hand before they walk out. "Thank you Evie." I say as they walk out.

I start to eat but stop feeling eyes on me. I look up to see Isaac and Liam both staring at me.

Isaac's eyes darken slightly and he growls loudly. It echoes throughout the whole room and everyone looks at our table. "MINE." He growls louder I feel myself shrink. I hear some more growls from my father and brother. Isaac's eyes are locked on me and I just sit there frozen. Me being my stupid self, though, looks at him confused.

"What? Who?" I ask in a small voice. He smirks at me leaning closer to me.

"You Cupcake." He says in a husky voice. I feel my heart nearly stop and my cheeks heat up. I do the one thing I can do, run. I sprint out of there knowing he is right behind me. I run out the front door and shift right into my wolf.

How can this be happening? It shouldn't be happening... At least not until I'm 18.