
Chapter 7

I wake up with Adam's arm wrapped around my waist, and Bentley between us. I push him away and he turns over staying asleep. I hear a cry of pain and I shoot straight up.

Before I can even think of what it was I hear it again. I push the covers off and swing my feet around. I get out of bed, but freeze feeling a little hand grab my arm. "Mommy what was that?"

I turn to look at a wide eye Bentley, who clearly heard it too. "I don't know baby, but I'm going to go check it out." I say stepping away from her and putting on a sweatshirt and sweatpants being cold.

"Wait, you should take Adam with you." She says worried. I shake my head at her.

"He is sleeping, I should be fine." I say heading to the door. I hear a groan and someone jump up.

"What's wrong?" Adam asks concerned. I groan turning around to look at Bentley.

"Now he isn't." She grins. I roll my eyes and look to my brother. He looks at me confused.

"What's wrong?"