
Chapter 19

I haven't left the room. Mervin has me in his arms. I feel safe, but haven't spoken. Not even to Mervin. He's getting worried because I haven't eaten either. Holden is beyond worried, and started getting mad that I am not eating. There is a knock on the door and Holden walks in. He looks at me with sad eyes, then looks to Mervin.

"Your parents want to see you... Both of you." Holden says. I nod my head getting up. I walk to the bathroom first to take a shower. I take a fast one quickly washing my body. I get out and throw on a pair of Mervin's black sweatpants and a dark blue tee shirt.

I put my hair in a messy bun looking at my reflection. I haven't cried anymore, and try to move on. I walk out seeing them waiting for me. I walk up to Mervin and hug him needing the safety an warmth he provides. His arms wrap around me immediately holding me close to him. I breath in his scent and sigh content feeling the safety wash over me.