
Chapter 18

"Because Sabrina I like you. I didn't want to at first, but I can't get you out of my head." He says. He moves forward and catches me off guard smashing his lips on mine. I kiss back though knowing I do have feelings for him, which this mate pull makes it stronger.

He pulls me against his chest and my arms wrap around his neck. Our lips move in sync. I feel my heart flutter and start racing like crazy. My stomach flips and I held him close not wanting him to leave. We pull apart needing to breath. He rests his forehead on mine smiling, and I can't help but smile back.

"You make it hard to hate you." I whisper. He chuckles lightly and pecks my lips again.

"Can I give you something?" He asks. I look at him confused, but no my head anyway. He takes out a necklace, it's sliver color and it has a wolf foot print. I look at him smiling as he is slightly blushing. "I wanted to give it to you before but I chickened out."