
Chapter 20

"I'm a hybrid." I say.

"Really?" She asks excitedly. I nod smiling at her. The door opens and his sweet scent fills the room.

"Hey sis, why are you so happy?" He questions putting the tray of food on the side table near where we are standing. My stomach growls and I devour the food. I look up to everyone one watching me. I smile shyly, being embarrassed, at them.

"So, when were you going to tell me your mate is a hybrid?" Bentley asks Mervin.

"I thought you would have already known." He says shrugging his shoulders. He turns to his parents. "So why did you want to see us?" He asks.

"The rogues aren't going to leave anytime soon. They want Sabrina, and that's all we know." Isaac says. Mervin tenses up as he looks at his father.

"She should leave to be protected." Karla says.

"Then where will we go?" He asks crossing his arms over his chest. Isaac shakes his head smiling.