
Chapter 17

We stop by a small stream and sit on the ground. We didn't shift because I didn't want to. I take a deep breath and let out it out with some more frustration. My inner dog, so to speak, has been more alert through out the run. I think it's being in wolf territory, but it just started.

"She's more tense, isn't she?" Holden asks looking at me. I look up at him nodding.

"How can you tell?" I ask looking at him confused. He chuckles lightly taking in my confusion.

"I'm a white wolf, and he can sense these things." He says looking out to the little stream.

"Do you know why?" I ask him hoping he could help with the confusion.

"No. Not yet. I mean he has a feeling, but it's not certain." He explains picking up a rock and throwing it into the water.

"Oh. What's the feeling?" I ask. He looks at me smiling.

"Aren't you just full of questions." He chuckles. I look away rolling my eyes playfully. "Can't say, but I know he will know soon."