
Chapter 16

"Then let's go to Isaac. His mate is a rare wolf, and Bentley's a white wolf. He may know how to keep us special ones safe." Holden says. I look up meeting his eyes.

"Then can I have my week?" I ask. Holden chuckles nodding his head.


I wait anxiously to go in Isaac's office. Right now he is talking with Katie, and I'm here freaking out standing between Chase and Holden. Holden told me Mervin isn't here so I shouldn't worry. That calmed me down a little.

The doors opens and Katie comes out followed by my twin brothers. They look at me confused as they step out. Katie looks up at me with tears in her eyes. She seems frightened. "Katie?" I question. She steps forwards before running to my side hugging me.

"Sabrina. I'm so happy you're okay." She cries. I hug her back.