
Chapter 15

"Why, we don't want to bring him into this. He was grateful enough to let us stay here." I say.

"But, you are Mervin's mate. They will want to protect you." He says standing up.

"Mervin doesn't care about me. He left at night with out a trace. Leaving me there alone after..." I say quietly looking to the ground. "He doesn't want me to be his mate. I just know it, and he just slept with me to get it out of his system." I say.

"You should talk-"

"Don't." I cut him off glaring at him. "I will not talk to him. It's not like anything will happen." I say.

"We have to talk to someone Symph." He says running a hand through his hair.

"Toby, the best thing is for me to leave." I say. "You and the others stay here with Katie, and I will just disappear." Toby looks at me like I lost it. He narrows his eyes at me crossing his arms over his chest.

"You try and I tell Mervin." He threatens.

"You wouldn't."